Implement these 9+ Proverbs about Accident to Bounce Back

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Proverbs about Accident

Proverbs about Accident: “It doesn’t matter if you fall down, it’s whether you get back up” has been said by none other than Michael Jordan who is an American businessman and former basketball player. It emphasises on emphasises resilience and perseverance. So are the proverbs about accidents, which we are going to talk about today. If you aren’t aware, proverbs are short sayings which have been passed down from generation to advice and spread wisdom to people. Continue reading this blog to find out all the proverbs and how they can be useful in your English vocabulary.

5+ Simple Proverbs about Accident That You Must Know

Every human is prone to some sort of tragedy or accident, it is part of living life. Check out some of these proverbs about accident which will teach you how one should not halt their life due to a mishap and learn to get up.

Proverbs About AccidentMeaning
Accidents will happenThis proverb means that no matter how careful or vigilant one is, unforeseen and unplanned events are inevitable.
The unexpected always happensIt implies that life is inherently unpredictable, and events often occur in ways that we do not foresee.
Where there is smoke, there is fireIt means that if there are signs or indications of a problem, there is likely a real issue behind them. 
Forewarned is forearmedThis proverb says that being aware of potential problems or dangers in advance allows one to prepare for them effectively.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureIt says that taking small, proactive measures to prevent a problem is far more effective and less costly than trying to fix it after it has occurred. 
Better safe than sorryIt speaks that it is wiser to take precautions and avoid risks rather than face potential regret or harm later on.
Misfortunes never come singlyThis saying says that bad events or problems often occur in groups rather than in isolation. 

Also Read: 11+ Proverbs on Laughter with Meaning for Happy Life

5 Unique Proverbs about Accident that Will Motivate You

Accidents can take place in anyone’s life at any point of time in one’s life. What matters is how one gets up and moves on with their life. To help you with this, we have compiled some more proverbs about accidents which will change your perspective about the same. 

Falling Down is Not a Failure. Failure Comes When You Stay Where You Have Fallen

This is a very interesting proverb as it states that making mistakes, encountering setbacks, or experiencing failures is not what defines true failure. Instead, true failure is defined as not trying to recover, learn, or move forward after encountering a problem. 

Proverbs about Accident

The Only Sure Thing About Luck is that it will Change

It states that luck is inherently unpredictable and unstable. Furthermore, it states that both good luck and bad luck are temporary and they can shift at any time. Therefore, one should not rely too much on their luck as it is bound to fluctuate. 

Proverbs about Accident

There’s No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

This proverb reflects that it’s pointless to be upset or regretful about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. It uses imagery of milk that has spilt, which cannot be reversed and is an irreversible mishap. 

There's No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

This proverb says that a particularly bad or unusual event is unlikely to happen in the same way or place again. It is used to reassure someone that the chance of experiencing the same misfortune twice is very low. 

Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

It is Not the Fall that Kills You, It’s the Sudden Stop at the End

It emphasises that the impact of an event is often more damaging than the event itself. The phrase is often used metaphorically to illustrate that the process of a decline or failure isn’t necessarily what causes harm; rather, it is the abrupt and harsh conclusion or result of that process that can be most destructive. 

Also Read: 11 Famous English Proverbs about Knowledge with Meaning

5 Famous Quotes About Accident to Inspire You

Now that you have read all the proverbs about accidents. Check out the list of some of the famous quotes about the same which will help you get up and move ahead in life. 

“Accidents happen. That’s what everyone says. But in a quantum universe there are no such things as accidents, only possibilities and probabilities folded into existence by perception.”J. Michael Straczynski
(American Filmmaker)
“Accidents happen. Our bones shatter, our skin splits, our hearts break. We burn, we drown, we stay alive.”Moira Fowley-Doyle
“Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong time.”Dejan Stojanović
(Serbian Poet and Writer)
“We are accidental people occupying an accidental planet in an accidental universe.”Rick Yancey
(American Author)
“God overrules all accidents, brings them under His laws of fate, and makes them all serviceable to His service.”Marcus Aurelius
(Former Roman Emperor)
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This was all about proverbs about accident. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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