13+ Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance and Famous Sayings

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Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance

Provers on pride and arrogance: Have you ever met someone who seems to hold their head a little too high? Throughout history, the dangers of pride and arrogance have been a constant theme. But perhaps no source offers such a rich tapestry of wisdom on this topic as the book of Proverbs. We will explore what proverbs teach us about pride and arrogance, and even see what famous people have to say about it all.

Also read: Proverbs

5 Best Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance with Meaning

In this section, we will embark on a quest to unlock the wisdom of proverbs on pride. We’ll delve into their meanings for better understanding:

Proverbs 29:23: A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honour

Meaning: The first part “A man’s pride will bring him low” suggests that excessive pride, arrogance, or overconfidence can lead to one’s downfall. When a person is too proud, they might overestimate their abilities, make reckless decisions, or alienate others, ultimately leading to negative consequences and a fall from grace or position. The second part, “but the humble in spirit will retain honour,” implies that those who are humble and modest are more likely to maintain their dignity and respect. Humility involves recognising one’s limitations, valuing others, and being open to learning and growth.

Proverbs 18:12: Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor

Meaning: This proverb is a piece of wisdom that highlights the consequences of pride and the value of humility. Overall, the proverb teaches that pride can lead to one’s downfall, while humility paves the way to honour and success. It encourages self-awareness, modesty, and the recognition of one’s limitations as virtues that lead to a more respected and honourable life.

Proverbs 30:32: If you have been foolish, exalting yourself (full of pride), or if you have been devising evil, put your hand on your mouth

Meaning: This proverb if you have been devising evil, put your hand on your mouth,” offers a piece of wisdom about self-control and humility. This advises that when you recognize you are acting out of pride, foolishness, or malicious intent, you should immediately stop yourself from saying or doing anything more. It’s a call to exercise restraint, humility, and self-awareness.

Proverbs 20:6: Many proclaim themselves loyal, but who can find one worthy of trust?

Meaning: The proverb “Many proclaim themselves loyal, but who can find one worthy of trust?” speaks to the difference between professed loyalty and actual trustworthiness. It suggests that while many people might declare their loyalty or claim to be faithful and dependable, finding someone who truly embodies these qualities through their actions is rare and difficult.

Proverbs 25:14: Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of a gift never given

Meaning: This proverb conveys a message about unfulfilled promises and the emptiness of empty boasts. In essence, the proverb criticizes people who make empty promises or brag about their generosity or intentions without ever acting on them. It emphasizes the value of follow-through and the negative impact of unfulfilled promises.

Also Read: 15+ Best English Proverbs for Health and Wellness (with Meaning)

In this section, we will take you into the world of proverbs on arrogance. Here you will crack open the meaning behind these powerful phrases and see how they can help us stay grounded and avoid the pitfalls of a puffed-up chest. Here are some of the proverbs:

“If arrogance were transformed into rope, Natassa could have strangled him with it a thousand times”― Israh Azizi

Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance
Meaning: This proverb uses vivid imagery to illustrate the extent of someone’s arrogance. By suggesting that arrogance could be transformed into rope, it conveys that the person’s arrogance is so immense and pervasive that it could be materialized into something tangible and long enough to perform a dramatic action repeatedly strangling someone a thousand times.

“Only an arrogant man can sense arrogance in others” ― Abhaidev

Quotes on Arrogance
Meaning: The proverb suggests that recognising a particular flaw or trait in others often requires having that same flaw or trait oneself. In this case, it implies that a person who is sensitive to arrogance in others may be arrogant themselves. The proverb highlights the idea that personal flaws or characteristics can influence how we perceive and judge others.

“A humble man rises to great heights and an arrogant man falls deep into the pit he tries to dig for others” ― Amit Abraham

Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance
Meaning: The proverb conveys a powerful message about the consequences of humility versus arrogance. Overall, the proverb emphasizes the virtues of humility and warns against the dangers of arrogance and malicious intent. It suggests that good character and ethical behaviour lead to success, while negative traits and actions lead to failure and downfall.

“Pride destroys a man quicker than ignorance” ― Matshona Dhliwayo

Proverbs on Pride and Arrogance
Meaning: The proverb means that excessive pride, or arrogance, can lead to a person’s downfall more rapidly and severely than a lack of knowledge. Here’s a deeper interpretation. This also means to warn that pride is particularly dangerous because it not only blinds individuals to their shortcomings but also prevents them from seeking or accepting help, thereby accelerating their downfall more quickly than simple ignorance would.

“Anyone who knows me well will tell you that arrogance is one of my flaws” Randy Pausch

Meaning: This proverb “Anyone who knows me well will tell you that arrogance is one of my flaws” is a statement indicating self-awareness and acknowledgement of a personal flaw. 
Source: @EdRudiger

Famous Sayings on Pride and Arrogance

Now that we have learnt some common proverbs on pride and arrogance, it’s time to explore some famous sayings on pride and arrogance.

“Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness.” Wole SoyinkaThe quote means that colonialism, despite its arrogance, might lead to a simple form of cultural exchange. But it criticizes the colonizers for taking pride in something that was born out of necessity, not true respect.
“The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.” – Samuel ButlerThe quote implies that these traits are a sign of ignorance because they prevent a person from acknowledging what they don’t know and from being open to learning.
“Science moves with the spirit of an adventure characterized both by youthful arrogance and by the belief that the truth, once found, would be simple as well as pretty.” James D. WatsonThe quote highlights the balance between optimism and realism in scientific exploration. Scientists are driven by a sense of adventure and the belief in a beautiful truth, but they must also be prepared for the complexities that lie beneath the surface.
“Arrogance – I have very little tolerance for that.” – Rita MorenoThis quote expresses a strong dislike for arrogance. It refers to an attitude of superiority and self-importance. Arrogant people believe they are better than others and often look down on them.
“Anyone who knows me well will tell you that arrogance is one of my flaws.” – Randy PauschThe speaker acknowledges a flaw in their personality, namely arrogance. This shows a degree of self-awareness and possibly a willingness to work on the issue. The overall meaning depends on the context and tone of voice. If spoken sincerely, it shows self-awareness. If delivered flippantly, it might be downplaying the issue.
“If you cannot bow to Buddha, you cannot be a Buddha. It is arrogance.” Shunryu SuzukiThis quote by Shunryu Suzuki, a Zen Buddhist teacher, refers to the concept of humility and openness on the path to enlightenment.
“I’m good at what I do. I’m really, really good at what I do, and I’m not saying this with any level of arrogance.” – Punit RenjenThis quote expresses confidence in one’s abilities while trying to avoid sounding arrogant. However, it’s important to consider the context. The delivery and tone of voice can influence how this is perceived. If it’s delivered defensively or boastfully, it might still sound arrogant despite the added disclaimer.
Source: Majestic Bible
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This was all about the proverbs on pride and arrogance. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar.

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