11+ Popular Arab Proverbs and Quotes with Meaning

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Popular Arab proverbs: Arabian culture is rich with expressions that offer profound insights into relationships, life, and human nature. They also reflect the beliefs, values, and understandings of Arab societies usually encapsulating complex ideas in simple or memorable phrases. Let us say “Beware the levelheaded when he is angry” as a motivational proverb means that even calm and rational people can become unpredictable or dangerous when they are upset or provoked. In this blog, we explore more such Arabic proverbs and quotes, unravelling their meanings in straightforward language to learn their importance in everyday life.

All about Proverbs

Arab proverbs are cherished for their timeless learning and continue to be relevant in directing people’s thoughts and actions. Blow table depicts some of the timeless proverbs with their meaning:

Good brevity makes sense.“Good brevity makes sense” indicates that being straightforward and to the point is effective and clear. In other words, it highlights that saying less often communicates more effectively than using too many words.
Money begets money.“Money begets money” points out that having money makes it easier to earn more money. Moreover, if you have money you can invest it or use it in ways that will bring you even more money.
Out of sight, out of mind.“Out of sight, out of mind” suggests that people manage to forget about things or people that are not visible or present. Similarly, if something or someone is not in front of us, we usually stop thinking about them.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.“A friend in need is a friend indeed” signifies that a true friend is someone who offers their friendship when you need their help or support. It highlights the importance of friends who are there for you in difficult times, not just in good times.
Charity begins at home.“Charity begins at home” indicates that one should take care of their own family and close ones first before helping others. It highlights the importance of looking after those closest to you and providing their well-being before extending help to others outside the immediate circle.

Old habits die hard

Proverbs play an important role in everyday conversations. Let’s look at some popular Arabian proverbs that teach us valuable lessons and help us grow wiser.

Meaning: “Old habits die hard” suggests that it is difficult to change or get rid of habits that one has had for a long time. It means that habits, particularly longstanding ones, are deeply ingrained and challenging to break or change, even if one wants to.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Meaning:A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” signifies that it is better to hold onto something you already have even if it is small or less than what you desire than to risk losing it by trying to get something bigger or better that you may never actually obtain. It highlights the value of what is certain and immediate over the uncertainty of something potentially greater but more elusive.

Don’t push your luck

Meaning: “Don’t push your luck” means not to take unnecessary risks or try to get more than what is reasonable or safe specifically when you have already been fortunate or successful in some way. It is about being careful and not testing your good fortune too far.

“Two heads are better than one”

Meaning:Two heads are better than one” signifies that it is frequently more effective or productive to have two people working together or thinking about something, rather than just one person working alone. It underscores the value of teamwork, shared ideas, and collaboration in gaining better results.

A lie has no legs In

Meaning: “A lie has no legs” indicates that lies cannot stand on their own and will eventually be revealed or disproven. Furthermore, lies do not have the support or stability to last long because the truth will eventually come out.

Read more: 11+ Best Proverbs for Helping Your Neighbour with Meaning

5 Meaningful Arab Quotes for this Generation

The meaningfulness of Arab quotes is for self-reflection on the importance of life, growth, and whatnot. Below mention are a few of such quotes with their meaning that you can ponder over for motivation as a current generation’s youth. 

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

Meaning: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop” indicates that progress no matter how small, is still progress. As long as you keep moving forward and don’t give up you will eventually reach your goal.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going

Meaning: The phrase “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going” signifies that achieving something valuable or important takes time, effort, and hard work. You can not rush or skip steps if you want to achieve a significant goal.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Meaning: “Be the change you want to see in the world” indicates that if you like the world to enhance or change in some way, you should start by making those changes yourself. Rather than waiting for others to take action, show by example and take the first step in creating the positive changes you wish to see.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other

Meaning: This quote tells that your decision and responsibility to succeed are more meaningful than anything else. Your inner drive and resolve matter more than external factors or challenges.

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

Meaning: The phrase “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” suggests that if you never try, you will never succeed. Moreover, you can not achieve anything if you don’t make an effort.

Related Reads on Proverbs:

13+ Proverbs on Animals11+ Famous Proverbs on Peace From Bible
17+ Proverbs on Anger: Bible Proverbs and Verses100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples
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