7 Idioms for Everyday You can Master Today

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Idioms are an essential part of everyday language. They are a group of words that have a figurative meaning that is different from their literal meaning. But more importantly, idioms help you to express a wide range of emotions, ideas, and concepts with minimal usage of words. So, in this blog, we will explore seven useful idioms for everyday conversations that you would love to master right away. 

Also Read: Understanding Idioms: Examples and Meanings

Piece of Cake

A piece of cake means something that is easy or effortless. In other words, this idiom is best to describe something that is easy to do. While the origin of this idiom is not clear, some people believe that it originated in the United States. During the 19th century in the US, cakes were given out as prizes at county fairs.

Example: “Did you finish your homework?” “Yeah, it was a piece of cake.”

Break a Leg

The idiom is suitable to wish someone good luck before they perform in front of an audience. To break a leg means to perform exceptionally well. Some people believe that it originated in the theatre where actors would bow by bending their legs. In ancient Greece, people used to believe that audiences would stomp their feet to show appreciation for a performance.

Example: Don’t be nervous, you’ll do great! Break a leg!

Bite the Bullet

When you say bite the bullet it means to endure pain or hardship without complaining. This idiom is used to encourage someone to face a difficult or unpleasant situation. It holds its origin during the American Civil War when soldiers would bite on a bullet during surgery to help them endure the pain.

Example: “I have to tell my boss that I made a mistake on the project.” “Just bite the bullet and tell him. It’s better than hiding it.”

Also Read: 10 Best Idioms for Love to Express Your Heart

Hit the Nail on the Head

The idiom hit the nail on the head means to be exactly right about something. So, it is suitable to describe someone who has accurately identified a problem or situation.

Example: “I think the reason why our sales are down is because our prices are too high.” “You hit the nail on the head. We need to lower our prices.”

Spill the Beans

The meaning of the idiom ‘Spill the beans’ is to reveal information that was supposed to be kept secret. Some people believe that it originated in ancient Greece, where a voting system was used where black and white beans were used to represent yes and no.

Example: “I heard that you got a promotion. Is it true?” “Who spilled the beans? I wanted to surprise everyone.”

Kill Two Birds with One Stone

This idiom is used to describe someone who has accomplished two things with one action. To kill two birds with one stone means to achieve two objectives with a single action.

Example: “I need to go to the grocery store and the bank today.” “Why don’t you go to the bank near the grocery store? That way you can kill two birds with one stone.”

The Ball is in Your Court

The ball is in your court means that it is someone’s turn to take action. This idiom is appropriate to describe a situation where someone needs to take action.

Example: “I’m waiting for a response from the client.” “The ball is in their court now. We’ll have to wait and see what they say.”

Also Read: Idioms for IELTS

Idioms are an essential part of everyday language. They add colour and depth to our conversations. By using these seven idioms for everyday life, you can make your conversations more interesting and engaging. To read more about idioms you can check our page at Leverage Edu.

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