Go Back to Drawing Board Meaning, Usage With Examples, Quiz

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Go Back to Drawing Board

The English idiom ‘Go Back to Drawing Board’ meaning is to start something from the beginning or go back to the beginning stage of a particular task or activity because of reasons such as failure, not satisfactory, etc. This denotes the meaning that all the efforts done previously were flawed or unsuccessful and now you need to reassess the entire activity again and start with a new strategy and solution.

According to the literature, this phrase originated in designing and creating technical drawings or blueprints for different types of inventions and constructions. If the designer failed his or her initial design, or their action was not satisfactory, they would have to return to the drawing board to create a completely new design with a new intent.

Also read – Hit the Sack Meaning, Examples, Synonyms, Quiz

Usage With Examples

The phrase ‘Going Back to Drawing Borad’ is used metaphorically in different conditions apart from creating technical designs. Consider this example, ‘the student went back to the drawing board to write creative essays’.

Here are some more examples of the idiom ‘go back to the drawing board’ which will give you an idea about how to use it in a sentence.

  • ‘The Boss wants us to go back to the drawing board to have better results.’
  • ‘Going back to the drawing board will cost us a lot of money and time.’
  • ‘Sometimes it’s wiser to go back to the drawing board for better results.’
  • ‘The marketing team was ordered to go back to the drawing board as their recent project didn’t meet the expectations.’

Also read – Break a Leg Meaning, Synonyms, Usage with Examples

Synonyms and Similar Words to Go Back to Drawing Board

The idiom ‘Go Back to Drawing Board’ has many similar words and synonyms that are used in different contexts. Here’s a list of some of the most common similar words to the phrase go back to drawing board.

  • Make a new beginning
  • Start from Scratch
  • Make a fresh start
  • Wipe the slate clean

Also read – Cry Wolf Meaning, Usage with Examples, Synonyms

Go Back to Drawing Board Meaning Quiz

The latest  business strategy brought our organisation back to the drawing board because:

  1. Half of the employees were on leave
  2. The plan was not implemented properly
  3. It was launched in September

Ans. The plan was not implemented properly

This was all about the idiom hit the sack meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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