Fish Out of Water Meaning with Examples, Synonyms

2 minute read
Fish out of water

The fish out of water is an idiomatic expression that refers to a person who feels uncomfortable, out of place, or unfamiliar with a particular situation or environment. Moreover, someone who doesn’t fit into a particular group or environment.

Particularly, the idiom fish out of water meaning states someone who doesn’t fit or belong in a specific situation or role.

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Usage with Examples

Fish out of water can be referred to as a person who feels awkward or unhappy because of the current scenario or situation.

If anyone feels like a fish out of water, one does not feel comfortable or relaxed because they are in unfamiliar situation than usual.

Mentioned below are some examples where you can use the idiom fish out of water:

  • A person who has never played a sport before joining a competitive team might feel like a fish out of water among experienced athletes.
  • He would feel like a fish out of water in the fast-paced urban environment.
  • Attending a large, lively party might feel like a fish out of water for a shy person.

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Synonyms and Similar Words to Fish Out of Water

However, mentioned below are a few synonyms and related words to fish out of water:

  • Outsider
  • Alien
  • square peg in round hole
  • state of confusion
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Fish Out of Water Meaning Quiz

A person who has never played a sport before joining a competitive team might feel like

  • newcomer in the team
  • fish out of water in the team
  • friendly person in team

Answer: fish out of water in the team

Also Read: Useful Idioms

This was all about the idiom fish out of water meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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