9+ Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises (with Answers) for Practice

6 minute read

Direct and indirect speech exercises: Effective communication involves accurate reporting of the words of others. Direct and indirect speech are the tools that help us achieve this. They help in communicating information with accuracy and clarity. In this blog post, you will learn about reported speech and practice exercises to master the concept of direct and indirect speech.

Must Read: Reported Speech

What are Direct Speech And Indirect Speech?

Direct Speech

Direct Speech is the actual words spoken by the person. It is often enclosed within inverted commas, providing readers with deep insight into the speaker’s words.  

For example: Rohit said, “ I will attend the office tomorrow.”

In the above example, the words enclosed in the commas depict the speaker’s actual words in the sentence.

Indirect Speech

On the other hand, indirect speech includes the reporting of the words of the speaker without quoting their exact words. While changing a sentence from direct speech to indirect speech there are a few changes that need to be kept in mind while changing. These changes include changes in the pronouns, verb tense, and the removal of quotation marks.

For example: 

Direct Speech  Rohit said, “ I will attend the office tomorrow.”

Indirect Speech Rohit said that he would attend the office the next day.

In Indirect Speech, there is a change in pronoun, verb tense, and the removal of quotation marks.

Also Read: Tenses Rules: Charts, Examples, Types [PDF Available]

4 Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

We have compiled several exercises for you which will allow you to check your knowledge.

Exercise 1

Instruction: Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech.

  1. She said, “ I live in Noida”.
  2. He said,” I am going out”.
  3. Sita said,” I have done my homework.”
  4. Rohan said, “ I have finished”.
  5. They said,” We are going to the market”.
  6. She said, “ The concert starts at 7 pm”.
  7. She said,” I ate an apple.”
  8. They said,” We were there in the party.”
  9. Soham said,” Two and two makes four.”
  10.  Rohan said, “ I love ice cream.”


Match the following answers with the solved exercise:

  • Sita said that she had done her homework.
  • Rohan said that he had finished.
  • They said that they were going to the market.
  • She said that the concert started at 7 pm.
  • She said that she had eaten an apple.
  • They said that they had been there at the party.
  • Soham said that two and two made four.
  • Rohan said that he loved ice cream.
  • She said that she lived in Noida.
  • He said that he was going out.

Must Read: Subject-Verb Agreement: Definition, 12 Rules & Examples

Exercise 2

Instruction: Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech.

  1. Rohan asked me when I was leaving.
  2. The stranger asked Rohan where he lived.
  3. The teacher asked Soham why he was talking.
  4. The hunter ordered the group to shoot the tiger.
  5. The judge ordered to call the first convict.
  6. The women urged them to call an ambulance.
  7. Brut said to me he would do the work.
  8. My brother told me that I was wrong.
  9. Mr Richav requested me to wait there till he returned.
  10. The captain applauded Rohit, saying that he had played well.


Match the following answers with the solved exercise:

  1. Rohan asked, “When are you leaving?”
  2. The stranger asked Rohan, “Where do you live?”
  3. The teacher asked Soham, “Why are you talking?”
  4. The hunter commanded the group, “Shoot the tiger.”
  5. The judge said, “Call the first convict.”
  6. The woman said, “Call an ambulance.”
  7. Brut said, “I will do the work.”
  8. My brother said, “You are wrong.”
  9. Mr. Richav said, “Please wait here till I return.”
  10. The captain said to Rohit, “You played well.”

Exercise 3

Instruction: Convert the following sentences into indirect speech.

  • He said, ‘The rabbits have been fed.’
  • ‘It is too late to go out,’ Mary said.
  • He said, ‘I am writing letters.’
  • He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’


  • He said that the rabbits had been fed.
  • Mary said that it was too late to go out.
  • He said that he was writing letters.
  • He told me that he didn’t believe me.

Must Read: Figures of Speech: Types, Usage & Examples [Download PDF]

Exercise 4

Instruction: Fill in the following blanks with the appropriate words:

  1. He asked me ________________.
  2. She said that she ________________.
  3. They wondered ________________.
  4. He commanded that ________________.


  1. He asked me where I was going.
  2. She said that she was going to the store.
  3. They wondered where he had gone.
  4. He commanded that everyone must stay quiet.

5+ Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

Exercise 1

Instruction: Fill in the blanks.

  1. She informed me that _ (she had already eaten).
  2. They wondered _ (when the train was arriving).
  3. He ordered _ (every one to remain seated).
  4. He asked me _ (why I was late).

Exercise 2

Instruction: Rewrite the following dialogue using indirect speech:

Peter: “Have you seen my phone?”

Mary: “No, I haven’t. Did you check your backpack?”

Peter: “Yes, I did. I can’t seem to find it anywhere.”

Mary: “Don’t worry, I’m sure it will turn up. Maybe you left it in your car?”

Peter: “That’s possible. I’ll go and check my car.”

Exercise 3

Instruction: Identify the following sentences whether they are Direct Speech or Indirect Speech. Write (DS) for Direct Speech and (IS) for Indirect Speech.

  • “I can’t believe I won the lottery!” she exclaimed.
  • He told me he was going camping next weekend.
  • “Please be careful crossing the street,” the teacher warned.
  • Did anyone ask why she was late?
  • “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive,” he promised.

Exercise 4

Instruction: Rewrite the following sentences in indirect speech.

  • “Don’t you think it’s about time you apologized?” she said, her voice laced with disappointment.
  • “The movie was fantastic,” she said.
  • “I will be back soon,” he promised.
  • “Have you seen my keys?” she asked.

Exercise 5

Instruction: Change the following sentences into direct speech.

  • She informed me that she had already finished the task.
  • He inquired if I would be interested in joining them for dinner.
  • They mentioned that they might be visiting their grandparents soon.

Exercises 6

Instruction: Match the sentences.

  • Indirect: She informed me that she wouldn’t be able to make it to the event.
  • Direct: (Choose the matching direct sentence)
    • a) I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to the event tonight.
    • b) She mentioned she was feeling a bit under the weather.
    • c) She couldn’t wait to celebrate with everyone.
  • Indirect: He inquired if I had any plans for Monday.
  • Direct: (Choose the matching direct sentence)
    • a) Tell me, what are you up to this Monday?
    • b) Just curious, do you have anything exciting planned?
    • c) I hope you’re free for some fun!


What is direct narration?

When the actual words spoken by the person are written without making any changes, they are written in quotation marks to mark them as real words spoken by the speaker.
For example: Rita said,” I love to play Table-tennis”.

What is indirect speech?

When the actual words are not written in the quoted form but are expressed in the form of narrative without changing the meaning of the words spoken by the speaker. It is called indirect narration.
For example: Rita said that she loved to play Table-tennis.

What Reporting Verbs are Commonly Used in Indirect Speech?

 The most common reporting verbs  used in indirect speech are “said,” “told,” “asked,” “explained,” “mentioned,” and “suggested.” The choice of reporting verb influences the tone and meaning of the reported speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech Guide with ExercisesHow to Change Sentences into Indirect Speech
Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech ExercisesExamples of Direct and Indirect Speech Interrogative Sentences
Direct and Indirect Speech Rules & ExamplesTypes of Reported Speech
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Direct And Indirect Speech QuestionsDirect and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers for Class 12

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