Cry Over Spilled Milk Meaning with Examples, Synonyms

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Cry Over Spilled Milk Meaning

The meaning of idiom cry over spilled milk is an idiom that means to be upset or remorseful about something that has already happened and cannot be changed or undone.

It implies that the person is wasting time and energy by being upset about a past event that is beyond their control.

Additionally, it is used to encourage individuals to accept what has already happened, let go of regret, and focus on the present or future rather than dwelling on past mistakes or misfortunes.

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Usage with Examples

Moreover, it is now used as a metaphorical expression for the futility of dwelling on past events that cannot be undone. It’s a reminder not to waste time or energy on things that cannot be changed.

Here are a few examples of cry over spilled milk, for your easy reference.

  • There’s no point in crying over spilt milk, John. It’s time to move on and focus on the next match.
  • Don’t cry over spilled milk, Sarah. Instead, learn from this experience and make sure you don’t miss any future opportunities.
  • Rather than dwelling on the missed chance, they remind themselves not to cry over spilled milk and instead focus on seizing future opportunities.

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Synonyms and Similar Words to Crying Over Spilled Milk

However, mentioned below are a few synonyms and related words to crying over spilled milk:

  • Moan over
  • Beat one’s breast
  • Fall to pieces
  • Sing the blues
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Cry Over Spilled Milk Meaning Quiz

Don’t cry over spilled milk, Sarah. Instead:

  • learn from this experience and don’t miss any future opportunities
  • avoid the mistake
  • do something different

Answer: learn from this experience and don’t miss any future opportunities

Also Read: Useful Idioms

This was all about the idiom cry over spilled milk meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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