Cry in the Wilderness Idiom: Check Meaning, Synonyms & Quiz

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Cry in the wilderness idiom

Ever been in a situation where you want to express something and you are the only person who is doing so? Well, the best term to define this situation in the book of English grammar would be ‘cry in the wilderness’ which refers to a person who expresses an unpopular opinion or a viewpoint that is not generally accepted, often when it goes unheard or ignored. To read more about the ‘cry in the wilderness’ idiom, make sure you continue reading as we have also compiled a quiz to test yourself in the end. 

Quick Read: Most Commonly Used Idioms in English

Cry in the Wilderness Idiom: Meaning, Origin & Examples

The literal meaning of the idiom ‘cry in the wilderness’ refers to a person who is pointing out the dangers in a situation or the truth about it, but nobody is paying any attention. It’s essentially someone who is ignored or dismissed despite their valid concerns or warnings.

Here are a few examples of the ‘cry in the wilderness’ idiom for your better understanding:

  • He warned about the economic downturn months ago but was seen as a cry in the wilderness.
  • His warnings about the impending economic crisis were a cry in the wilderness.

As for the origin of this phrase, it comes from the Bible, specifically the Book of Isaiah, where it refers to John the Baptist, who was seen as a lone voice calling for repentance in the desert.

Cry in the Wilderness Idiom Example Sentences

Check out a couple of example sentences on ‘cry in the wilderness’ idiom which will help you understand the meaning of the same in a better way. 

  • The environmental activist’s pleas for sustainability felt like a cry in the wilderness.
  • Her concerns about the company’s ethics were met with indifference, a classic cry in the wilderness.
  • The lone protester’s chants against injustice were a cry in the wilderness amidst the crowd.
  • The doctor’s advice to prevent the spread of misinformation was a cry in the wilderness in the age of social media.
  • His predictions about the political landscape were dismissed as a cry in the wilderness.

Also Read: Grass is Greener on the Other Side Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

Synonyms of Cry in the Wilderness Idiom

If you are a writer and want to work with the ‘cry in the wilderness’ idiom, then you might as well know some of the similar words or phrases that can be used in place of it. With the help of these, you will be able to enhance your writing and take it to another level.

Lone VoiceUnheeded warning
Ignored pleaDespised advice

If you are looking for more synonyms for this idiom, then you can look at the picture below which will be of help to you. You can always save and download this picture for future reference. 

Also Read: Benefit of Doubt Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

Cry in the Wilderness Quiz

Now that you are fully aware of the idiom and how it can be incorporated into sentences, we have put together this quiz which will help you test yourself. You may check your answers mentioned at the end.

  1. What does the idiom “cry in the wilderness” mean?

A. To shout loudly in a remote area

B. To express an unpopular opinion that is ignored

C. To weep bitterly in solitude

D. To be lost and confused

  1. Which of the following best describes someone who is a “cry in the wilderness”?

A. A popular and influential leader

B. A person whose warnings are ignored

C. A successful and celebrated individual

D. A happy and carefree person

  1. In which situation would the idiom “cry in the wilderness” be most appropriate?

A. Winning a lottery

B. Giving popular advice

C. Warning about an impending disaster that is dismissed

D. Attending a crowded party

  1. The opposite of “cry in the wilderness” is:

A. Popular opinion

B. Ignored advice

C. Unheeded warning

D. Lone voice

  1. Which of these is an example of someone being a “cry in the wilderness”?

A. A scientist discovering a new planet

B. A politician winning an election

C. An environmental activist ignored by the government

D. A popular singer releasing a hit song

  1. The idiom “cry in the wilderness” is often used to describe someone who is:

A. Very powerful

A lone voice

C. Very wealthy

D. Very happy

  1. If someone feels like a “cry in the wilderness,” they probably feel:

A. Optimistic

B. Ignored

C. Celebrated

D. Powerful

  1. Which of these situations is most likely to result in someone feeling like a “cry in the wilderness”?

A. Winning an award

B. Giving a popular speech

C. Proposing a radical idea

D. Being promoted at work

  1. The idiom “cry in the wilderness” comes from the Bible. True or False?

A. True

B. False

  1. Which word best captures the essence of being a “cry in the wilderness”?

A. Popular

B. Ignored

C. Successful

D. Celebrated

Check Your Answers

  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B

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What does a voice crying out in the wilderness mean?

The idiom ‘cry in the wilderness’ refers to someone who expresses an idea or opinion who is not popular or is the sole person expressing that thing amongst a group of people. 

What is the idiomatic expression for crying?

The idiomatic expression for ‘crying’ is ‘reduced to tears’ which can be used to describe a person who is not happy and is depressed about something. 

What is the meaning of cry over split milk?

This idiom is used to express regret about something or an event that has already taken place and cannot be changed. 

What do you call fake crying?

Another phrase for ‘fake crying’ is ‘crocodile tears’ which refers to superficial sympathy, someone who is a hypocrite and is fake crying in front of someone to show grief.

This was all about the cry in the wilderness idiom. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to English grammar and the English language.

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