How to Answer, ‘Tell Me About a Time You Failed?’ 

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How to Answer, ‘Tell Me About a Time You Failed?’

In job interviews, you’re likely to be asked difficult questions intended to assess your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and ability to learn from mistakes. One question that often takes candidates off guard is, “Tell me about a time you failed.” While this question may appear intimidating, it offers an opportunity to demonstrate your adaptability and growth mindset.

We will be focusing on a series of blogs from Leverage Edu about interview preparation tips. In this blog, we will go through the question “Tell me about a time when you failed” when asked in an interview.

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How to Deal With the Question, “Tell Me About a Time When you Failed” (As An Experienced Candidate)

Here are some tips for responding to this commonly asked interview question as an experienced candidate: 

Describe the Situation 

Before getting into the details of your failure, Briefly describe the project or situation in which you were involved when the failure occurred. Include relevant details such as the project’s timeline, team members, and significance.

Explain What Went Wrong

In this part, focus on the specific failure that you experienced. Be open and honest about the mistake you made and accept responsibility for your behaviour. Use quantitative data to show the extent of the failure and highlight the lessons learnt from the incident.

Detail Your Approach to Address the Failure 

Employers want to see how you deal with failures and your ability to take corrective action. In this section, discuss the steps you took to resolve the failure. Specify the communication strategies, methodologies, or frameworks that you implemented to resolve the situation.

Highlight positive outcomes of your approach such as improved processes, better team dynamics, or successful project completion.

Highlight the Lessons Learned

Conclude your statement by focusing on the growth that you gained from the failure. Discuss the lessons and skills you acquired, both personally and professionally, and how they shaped your approach to work.

Employers appreciate candidates who have a growth mindset and are capable of turning failures into good learning opportunities.

How to Deal With the Question, “Tell Me About a Time When you Failed” (As A Fresher)

Here are some tips for responding to this question as a fresher: 

Reflect on your College Experience

A fresher with no prior experience can include any lessons learnt from failure in their personal life or college project. They might briefly address their mistakes and the lessons learned for the future.

Choose Relevant Example

Only choose those examples which are relevant to your current job requirements. Anything other than that can make it difficult for the employer to judge you based on your learnings.

Be Honest

Avoid exaggerating the situation to make it more professionally good. Instead, be honest and focus on what your learning was from that experience.

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What Words to Use While Dealing with the Question, “Tell Me About a Time When you Failed”

The candidate can refer to the following words while answering the questions, “Tell me about a time when you failed”.

When addressing the process of learning, use words such as:

  • Acquired
  • Extracted
  • Attained Knowledge
  • Perceived
  • Comprehended

When addressing the act of overcoming a difficult situation, use words such as:

  • Surmounted
  • Enhanced
  • Uplifted
  • Rectified

When discussing the act of reconsidering a challenge, use words like:

  • Reconfigured
  • Modified

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“Tell Me About a Time When You Failed”-Sample Answers

Employers have certain criteria they seek in every response to this inquiry, thus, let’s commence with those with some samples. 

Sample 1

“In my previous position as a project manager, I was entrusted with leading a critical project with a tight deadline. Unfortunately, due to miscommunication within the team and insufficient planning, we encountered a major setback. The project fell behind schedule, and we failed to deliver the expected results on time. 

However, I took immediate responsibility for the failure and initiated a proactive approach to address the issue. I organized a team meeting to analyze the root causes of the failure, fostering an open and honest discussion. By doing so, we were able to identify the key areas that needed improvement and develop an action plan to rectify the situation. I reached out to team members and stakeholders to express my apologies for the delay and to ensure their concerns were addressed. 

Through this experience, I learned the importance of effective communication, thorough planning, and proactive problem-solving. 

Since then, I have implemented stricter project management processes and enhanced team collaboration. This experience taught me the value of embracing failure as an opportunity for growth and continuous improvement.”

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Sample 2

“Certainly. One instance that comes to mind is when I was working on a marketing campaign for a product launch. We had put a lot of effort and resources into the campaign, but unfortunately, it didn’t yield the expected results. The campaign didn’t generate the desired level of customer engagement and didn’t meet the sales targets we had set. 

However, instead of dwelling on the failure, I immediately took action to analyze the situation and learn from it. I conducted a thorough post-mortem analysis to identify the factors that contributed to the campaign’s failure. 

Taking this failure as a lesson, I implemented several key changes in our approach. Additionally, I introduced A/B testing for different marketing channels and messages to ensure we were delivering the most effective campaigns. Through these improvements, we were able to see a significant increase in customer engagement and sales in subsequent campaigns. 

Since then, I have adopted a more proactive approach to identify potential challenges early on and implement necessary adjustments to ensure success. I firmly believe that failures provide valuable lessons and opportunities for personal and professional growth, and I am grateful for the experience and the positive impact it has had on my approach to problem-solving.”

Responding to the question, “Tell me about a time you failed,” requires a thoughtful approach that showcases your resilience, self-awareness, and ability to learn from mistakes. 

By following the proper headings outlined in this blog post, you can structure your answer effectively and provide a compelling narrative that demonstrates your growth and development. 


Q.1. How can a candidate approach answering the question “Tell me about your failure” in a job interview?

Ans: When answering this question, it’s important to be honest, and reflective. Start by selecting a failure that is relevant to the job or skillset you’re discussing. Clearly describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. Focus on what you learned from the failure, how you took responsibility, and the steps you took to overcome or improve from it.

Q.2. Should I choose a significant failure or a minor one when answering this question?

Ans: It’s advisable to choose a failure that had some significance and allowed you to learn valuable lessons. Avoid sharing trivial mistakes that may not provide meaningful insights into your abilities. Select a failure that demonstrates your problem-solving skills, resilience, and willingness to take responsibility.

Q.3. How can I frame my failure response to showcase my positive attributes?

Ans: Use the failure response as an opportunity to highlight your positive attributes and growth mindset. Discuss how you took ownership of the failure and actively sought solutions. Emphasize the steps you took to rectify the situation, such as seeking feedback, implementing changes, or acquiring new skills. Highlight the resilience, adaptability, and determination you displayed throughout the process. 

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