
How to Answer, ‘How Did You Hear About This Position?’

6 minute read
Interview preparation tips

Hiring managers frequently ask during job interviews, “How did you hear about this position?” You might be surprised to learn how important this question is despite its seeming simplicity. Your response offers the interviewer information about your job search tactics in addition to helping them gauge your degree of interest in the organization. We will be focusing on various areas of the interview process in the series of blogs from Leverage Edu on interview preparation tips. This blog post will go through how to answer, ‘How did you hear about this position?’, in a way that will impress the interviewer.

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Why do Recruiters Ask, “How Did You Hear About this Position?”

Employers inquire about the source of your knowledge regarding the position to determine if you have any internal affiliations within the company. This query enables them to gauge your reasons for expressing interest in their organization and gain insights into how candidates discover job opportunities.

If your awareness of this job opening stems from an employee within the company, it can provide you with a distinct advantage. The employer is likely to seek input from their employee regarding their character, attributes, and professional background. Having such a reference can enhance your visibility and set you apart from other contenders.

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How Can You Answer, “How Did You Hear About This Position?”

It is crucial to keep in mind that each response represents more than just a test, but rather a chance for you to demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the role. This principle applies even to broad questions like the one at hand. 

To provide an effective answer, follow these guidelines:

Demonstrate your Enthusiasm

Hiring managers seek candidates who display genuine excitement for the organization. When responding, express what sparked your interest in the company. This could involve discussing their potential for employee development and their favorable work environment. By mentioning their specific initiatives, it indicates that you conducted prior research in preparation for the interview.

Utilize Personal Connections

If you heard about the position through a personal connection, such as a colleague or friend, emphasize the value of networking. Briefly mention the individual who referred you and highlights their positive experiences working with the company. 

This approach demonstrates your ability to build professional relationships and leverage your network. For example, you could say, “A former colleague who currently works at your company recommended me to apply. They spoke highly of the company culture and the exciting projects they are involved in.”

Show Interest in the Company

Apart from mentioning how you found the position, take this opportunity to express your enthusiasm for the company itself. Share a specific aspect of the organization that caught your attention and made you eager to apply. 

This demonstrates that you have done your research and are genuinely interested in working for the company. You could say, “I have been following your company’s success in the field of technology and innovation, and when I saw this position, it seemed like a perfect fit for my skills and aspirations.”

Discuss Company Reputation

If the company has an excellent reputation or is well-known in the industry, it’s worth mentioning. Expressing your admiration for the company’s achievements and its position in the market demonstrates your desire to be associated with success. However, ensure your response is genuine and not just an attempt to flatter the interviewer. 

For example, you could say, “Your company has been consistently recognized as a leader in sustainability initiatives, and as someone passionate about environmental conservation, I was thrilled to see this position available.”

Mention Industry Events or Conferences

If you learned about the position through industry-specific events or conferences, it showcases your commitment to professional development and staying updated with the latest trends. Highlight the event or conference you attended and explain how it introduced you to the company and sparked your interest. 

For instance, you might say, “I attended the XYZ Tech Conference, where I had the opportunity to hear one of your senior executives speak. Their insights on the industry’s future direction left a lasting impression on me, and when I saw this position, I knew I had to apply.”

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Samples for How Can You Answer, “How Did You Hear About this Position?”

When answering the question, “How did you hear about this position?” in an interview, it’s important to provide an honest and relevant response. Here’s a sample answer:

“I came across this position through a combination of proactive research and networking. As someone passionate about [industry/field], I regularly stay updated on industry trends and opportunities. During my search, I actively explored various job boards, professional networking platforms, and company websites. It was during this process that I discovered your organization and the open position.

Furthermore, I had the opportunity to connect with a former colleague who currently works at your company. We discussed my career aspirations, and they mentioned this exciting opportunity that aligned perfectly with my skills and interests. They spoke highly of your company’s culture, values, and innovative projects, which further piqued my interest in applying for this position.

Upon learning more about the role and researching your company extensively, I became increasingly enthusiastic about the chance to contribute my skills and experience to your team. The positive reputation of your organization and the alignment of the position with my career goals made me eager to pursue this opportunity. Therefore, I decided to submit my application and take part in this interview process.”

When asked, “How did you hear about this position?” in a job interview, it’s crucial to provide a thoughtful and genuine response. By being honest, and specific, and highlighting your interest in the company, you can demonstrate your enthusiasm, networking skills, and knowledge of the industry. Remember to tailor your answer to the specific circumstances surrounding your application, and don’t be afraid to show your excitement about the opportunity.

Source: Ben Talks Talent


Q.1. Why do recruiters ask, “How Did You Hear About this Position?”

Ans: Employers inquire about the source of your knowledge regarding the position to determine if you have any internal affiliations within the company. This query enables them to gauge your reasons for expressing interest in their organization and gain insights into how candidates discover job opportunities.

Q.2. What points can the candidate include while answering, “How Did You Hear About This Position?’

Ans: While answering this question, the candidate can mention the position listed on popular online job boards such as Indeed, LinkedIn, etc. The candidate can also mention any referrals they have. Express gratitude for the referral and explain how the person informed you about the vacancy. Highlight that you value and actively cultivate professional relationships.

Q.3. What points should a candidate not tell while answering, “How Did You Hear About this Position?”

Ans: While answering the question “How did you hear about this position?” during a job interview, the candidate should not mention personal connections or acquaintances that are not relevant to the position or the company. Focus on professional networks and referrals that are pertinent to the job search. They should also avoid mentioning sources that may be considered unreliable, unprofessional, or unrelated to the job search. This includes hearsay or rumors about the position or the company.

This was all about how to answer, ‘How did you hear about this position?’ Follow Leverage Edu for more interesting content and some of the best tips on how to prepare for your interview.

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