World First Aid Day

4 minute read
world first aid day 2023

World First Aid Day is celebrated every year on the second Saturday of September. This year it will be celebrated on September 9. This is an annual event that aims to raise awareness about how important first aid is in saving the lives of people. World First Aid Day is celebrated as a global event. On this day, all those people who are interested will introduce campaigns to talk about the importance and conduct tutorials based on it. 

With this year’s theme being digital, it will be seen as a good opportunity for people to understand how this can help save one’s life in a digital manner. In this blog, we will talk about the significance and history behind World First Aid Day. Read on to know more about this event and how you can contribute towards it. 

Significance of World First Aid Day

Every year, World First Day is celebrated to spread awareness as well as emphasise the value of first aid. This is an act of humanitarian empowerment and a fundamental part of a broader resilience approach. Other than this, the day is also an opportunity to work on people’s perception of first aid as well as make first-aid to be made available to each and every citizen. 

This year, World First Aid Day will be celebrated and will be coordinated by the Global First Aid Reference Centre. This will provide necessary resources to the National Societies.

History of World First Aid Day

The history behind World First Aid Day dates back to the battle of Solferino in 1859. During this, a young businessman named Henry Dunant from Genevia was astonished after looking at the mass massacre of people. He even tried helping several people. 

In the end, this incident inspired him so much that he went on to write a book called ‘ A Memory of Solferino.’ In the book, he talked about his experiences. He later, went on to form the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a co-founder. 

The ICRC was responsible for providing immediate care so as to prevent the loss of lives due to a lack of first-aid education. Finally, in the year 2000, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies (IFRC) officially declared the second Saturday of September as World First Aid Day.  

What to Do on World First Aid Day?

There are many ways to celebrate World First Aid Day. Here are some of the ways that people can celebrate this day. 

  • Arrange a First Aid Training session: One can host a first aid training session in their community or at the workplace. By doing so, one will get to learn all the necessary methods and how they can act in times of an emergency. 
  • Create awareness: To talk more about this, one can create a campaign and talk more about it with the surrounding people or on social media. By doing so, the people will be educated and will get to understand the importance of first aid and how it will help in saving the lives of the people. 
  • Make donations to first aid organisations: To spread awareness about World First Aid Day, you can make necessary donations to first aid organisations. This will show support, provide training by visiting these centres etc 
  • Arrange for a first aid kit distribution drive: People interested in spreading awareness about this can distribute first aid kits in public, schools or even community centres.   

World First Aid Day Theme

So what exactly is the theme for World First Aid Day for 2023? This year, the theme for World First Aid Day is set to “ First Aid in the Digital World”. The main aim behind this theme is to talk about how in the world of technology people can use it to their advantage and save other lives in emergency times. 

The theme encourages how it can let one explore digital tools and resources and provide first aid assistance using smartphones, apps online videos and other digital mediums. 

Quick Facts You Should Know About World First Aid Day

There are many facts that one should know about the World First Aid Day. If you have the basic knowledge then you will not have any problem helping another person at the time of an emergency.

  • Some of the most common injuries which require first aid include burns, cuts and fractures. 
  • Everyone should have basic knowledge about first aid irrespective of what is their age. 
  • Reports suggest if a person is given proper first-aid training then up to 80 per cent of the deaths from the injury can be prevented. 

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Q1. Who started the World First Aid Day?

A. World First Aid Day was first started by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies (IFRC) in the year 2000.

Q2. How can one celebrate World First Aid Day digitally?

A. One can celebrate this occasion digitally by setting up several campaigns that will allow people to learn more about this occasion. One can understand the importance of this occasion by looking at several videos, tutorials and lectures. 

Q3. When is the World First Aid Day celebrated?

A. The World First Aid is celebrated every year on the second Saturday of September. 

We hope this blog provided you with all the information related to World First Aid Day. It provided you with information related to how this event came up the history behind it being celebrated and much more. To discover more articles like this one consult the study abroad experts at Leverage Edu.

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