A student´s daily routine is important for success in academics and extracurricular activities. An ideal schedule allows students to balance academics, sports, hobbies, and as well as social time. The day of a student generally starts with getting ready for school, attending classes, taking notes, conversing with teachers, giggling with friends at lunch, and taking some to relax. Doing assignments, and homework, preparing for tests, reading books, and taking time for extracurricular activities help students organize their daily routines and perform productively. Having a disciplined routine helps students to enjoy the other aspects of student life.
To share your daily routine with your friends, learn how to write a letter to your friend telling him about your daily life.
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Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him About Your Daily Life: Sample 1
Shalimar Tower, Aminabad, Jopling Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 15 April 2024 Dear Shreya, Hope you are doing well. It´s been a long time since we last caught up. Life here in Noida has been busy as usual. My typical day starts early say around 6 AM when my alarm goes off. As you know I am not much of a morning person, so it takes me a good 30 minutes to wake up completely and get going to start my routine work. After freshening up, I help Mother make breakfast. For our morning breakfast, we usually cook something simple like poha or upma. We all sit down to eat around 7:30 AM before Dad joins us and heads out for the day. Later, Dad drops me off at school on his way to work. My regular classes start at 9 AM sharp. I like my new school and enjoy most of my classes so far. Out of all the subjects, Computer Science is what fascinated me the most. The teaching skills of teachers are very interesting and possess good knowledge. At 1 PM we have our recess break. The canteen food is not bad but I prefer home cook food. In the afternoon, I usually have a Chemistry practical class, which tends to be more interactive. By 4 PM, our classes get wrapped up and I take the metro back home. This is my favorite time of the day when I can relax enjoy snacks and catch up with my friends. In the evening time, I sit back for my revision of subjects whatever studied in class. I am aiming to stay on top of my courses instead of falling behind with the hassle of the last time for examinations. I take my dinner around 9:30 PM. After that, I spent some time on social media and watched some favorite TV shows on television, and by around 11 PM head to bed. And that sums up my typical routine nowadays, Shreya. Let me know how you are spending your days. Your Friend, Rahul |
Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him About Your Daily Life: Sample 2
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Write A Letter To Your Friend Telling Him About Your Daily Life: Sample 3
8G-New Hostel Government School, Ludhiana – 10098 3 February 2024 Dear Ravi, How it is going? I realized I am long overdue for one of my letters about life as a school student here in Mumbai. As you know, I have decided to pursue my higher senior secondary studies at the best school at the national level. My regular classes started last month. I am still adjusting to this new phase and routine of my life, early mornings, living away from home, and so on. My mornings are now early around 6:00 AM. Last night I barely slept as I was completing my pending assignment. I drag myself in the morning out of bed anyway to get ready for school and have breakfast at the hostel mess. My school follows an assessment system with multiple class tests each day. The homework and assignments were in good numbers which left the students to make most of their time in the library, and study groups with classmates. Group study clarifies the doubts and helps in clearing the concepts. Meanwhile, recess gives me a break and lets us enjoy and make new friends. I am trying to focus more on time management. Between classes, assignments, laboratories, and tests there is so much to get done in so little time. I have started planning my day carefully and accordingly. In the evening, after winding up classwork, I get engaged with my hobby classes in learning Guitar. Benign a hostelite, I also enjoy hanging out with random roommates and spending some good time learning about the new city. Altogether, I like the energetic and busy life here. Let me know how you are doing in Chennai. We need to meet up for a catch-up session soon. Your Friend, Rahul |
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Ans: Write a letter to your friend telling him or her how you spent your vacation, and mention the highlights such as where you went, what you did, what you saw, and how you felt. Don’t forget to share stories and moments too.
Ans: Talk about your classes, teachers, friends, and activities that you do in school. Also, share your daily activities and favorite parts of school while telling about your school friends.
Ans: For writing a good letter be clear, concise, and engaging. Try to organize your thoughts logically and use proper grammar and formatting.
Ans: A short letter is called a note.
Ans: The 6 important steps of writing a letter to a friend are:
-Describe your purpose for writing a letter.
-Organize your key points.
-Use proper format.
-Write a draft. Revise your draft.
-Finalize your letter.
-Send your letter.
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