Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party: Check Samples & Formats

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Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party

Letter writing is a form of communication that conveys emotions and sentiments between two or more people. It is a safe and private space where people exchange their thoughts, ideas, fears, and innovative ideas with each other. One of the best forms of private and creative writing is a letter to a friend about a birthday party. The motive of this informal letter is to build connections as well as develop the creativity of writing down the event in words. School students often get assignments to write letters to enhance their writing skills as well as share their feelings with their close friends or known ones.

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Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party: Sample 1

7A, Ahmed Mansion,
Lamington Road,

18 March 2024

Dear Madhvi, 

How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good health. You could not make it to my birthday this year because of your half-yearly examinations and that is why I thought I should write to you about how I celebrated my birthday this year. 

This year I was waiting for my birthday month and this special day. I could not believe that I was finally turning 16. To make the day memorable, everything was pre-decided by my mother. I must tell you she is great in her choices and selections. 

The party was arranged on Saturday afternoon at my house. Mom helped me in decorating the living room with balloons and streamers. We moved the furniture from the room so that people could dance. Meanwhile, I made a playlist of my favourite songs to play at the party. 

People started arriving around noon. My desk partner was the first one to arrive and she helped in setting up the snack table. We put out chips, cookies, candies and a big yummy birthday cake with my name on it. 

Within some time the room was filled with all of my friends. I was so happy to see everyone. We played different games like Pass the parcel, toss game and likewise. Our mother was making the video and was capturing the moment on her phone so that we could remember the memorable day in the coming year. After the cutting ceremony, my present showered amazing gifts.

One of my friends gifted me a photo album filled with our pictures. Another friend gifted me a bracelet with our initials on it. Moreover, my parents surprised me with tickets to the concert to see my favourite band.

With this unexpected gift, I felt so special as well as excited. We spend the rest of the party dancing and singing together. I stood on the couch and performed my favourite song using a wooden spoon as a microphone. 

Overall it was one of the best days ever. I am so glad that I celebrated my birthday with my closest friends. My friends made my 16th birthday party so memorable and I will cherish this milestone forever.

Please do visit home when your examinations are over. My photo album is incomplete without our picture together. Write me back and do let me know when you are coming.

Your Friend, 

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend About Your Exam Preparation

Source: Learn Essay Speech

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Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party: Sample 2

C Military Lane,
44 Marol Complex,
J.B Nagar,

14 March 2024

Dear Riya,

I hope you are having a great week. I am excited to tell you about my 14th birthday party that happened over the weekend. The theme of the party, which was a pool party, was at my house, and I guess it couldn´t have been better than this.

The set-up was made in the backyard. My parents arranged beautiful tables and chairs, along with balloons and streamers. We also inflated a giant unicorn pool float that looks so awesome. 
People started arriving around the afternoon with colourfully wrapped gifts. I was excited to see my school friends. It was the first time they came to my home.

Shrishti, Dev, Shraddha, and Bhavya were the first to arrive, so they helped me with the rest of the decorations. The fun was added to the party with pool noodles and beach balls. All this stuff created a colourful and exciting place to play.

The yummy pizza that was ordered by Mother for lunch was gobbled up within a few minutes. Afterwards, we enjoyed a cannonball contest, and here Bhavya won, which was impressive. 
After drying up, it was time to cut the cake.

My mom baked a three-layer cake with my name on it. I made a wish and blew out the candles. Then I opened the gifts from my friends. Some have been gifted pool toys and bicycles. I felt so grateful for my thoughtful friends. 

The memorable day ended with a dance party. We enjoyed the music with signature moves. When parents started to arrive for pick-up, no one wanted the fun to end. It was the most unforgettable birthday ever.

Please write soon when you are coming home for a meetup. I really can´t wait to show all my gits to you.

Yours Truly,

Also Read: Write a Letter to Your Friend Thanking Him for the Birthday Gift: Samples

Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party: Sample 3 

Write a letter to your friend about your birthday party

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Write A Letter To Your Friend About Your Birthday Party: Format Structure

Here’s a breakdown of what to include and how to structure your letter:

1. Salutation: Start with a friendly greeting. Use “Dear [Friend’s Name],” or something similar.

2. Introduction: Briefly mention how you’re doing and express your excitement about your upcoming birthday.
You can say something like, “I’m writing to you because I’m so excited! My birthday is coming up on [Date].”

3. Party Details (Optional): If you’re inviting your friend to a party, include the details. Mention the date, time, location, and any theme (if there is one). For example: “I’m having a party to celebrate and it would be amazing if you could come! It’s on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. We’re thinking of doing a [Theme] theme, but it’s not set in stone yet.”

4. Closing: Express your desire to see your friend. You can say something like, “I really hope you can make it! It wouldn’t be the same without you.”End with a friendly closing, like “See you soon,” or “Best,” Sign off with your name.

Here are some additional tips:
– Keep the tone friendly and informal, just like you are talking to your friend.
– You can mention what you’re looking forward to most about your birthday.
– If you’d like help planning the party, you can ask for your friend’s suggestions.
– Proofread your letter before sending it. 

Also Read: How to Write a Letter: Letter Writing Types and Examples


Q.1. How do you write a birthday party paragraph?

Ans: This year, I celebrated my 13th birthday. We invited my cousins and all my relatives on this day. My mother prepared a beautiful cake for my birthday. Everyone brought new clothes and gifts, which were very useful for me. After cutting the cake, we enjoyed our delicious dinner.

Q.2. What is the meaning of happy birthday?

Ans: Happy Birthday is a wish that means a good wish that is conveyed by your loved ones on the special day of your life.

Q.3. How can I write about my birthday?

Ans: Birthdays are special occasions to celebrate another year in the life of a person. People have different ways to celebrate their birthdays. Some enjoy having a party with their closest friends while others love to celebrate it with families. Children look forward every year to their birthdays.

Q.4. How do I write a letter to my friend on his birthday? 

Ans: To write a birthday letter to your friend, you can quote some good lines. Keep the words that fill his or her heart with happiness. In the meantime, do not forget to add a hand-drawn picture at the end of the letter. 

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We hope the above-listed sample letters will improve your letter-writing skills. For more such interesting topics, visit our Letter Writing page and follow Leverage Edu

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