Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.
1. Sulking
Meaning | Feeling upset or moody, often by being silent or refusing to talk. |
Part of Speech | Verb |
Synonyms | Pouting, brooding, moping |
Antonyms | Smiling, cheering, laughing |
Examples | 1. Instead of sulking, it’s better to share your feelings. 2. Sulking doesn’t solve problems; talking does. |
Fact | People have been using “sulking” to describe moodiness since the 1500s! |
Books That Start with Sulking | 1. Sulking in the Rain by Amanda Freeman 2. Sulking Adventures by Sarah Robbins |
2. Attrition
Meaning | A slow decrease in numbers or strength over time. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Reduction, erosion, weakening |
Antonyms | Growth, increase, strengthening |
Examples | 1. The school emphasized teamwork to prevent attrition among students. 2. Attrition is a challenge in building long-lasting initiatives. |
Fact | The word “attrition” originally comes from the Latin word “atterere,” meaning “to rub away.” |
Books That Start with Attrition | 1. Attrition Games by Mark Spurlock 2. Attrition Chronicles by Julia Wilson |
3. Socialist
Meaning | Someone who believes resources and wealth should be shared equally among all people. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Egalitarian, reformist, collectivist |
Antonyms | Capitalist, individualist, conservative |
Examples | 1. A socialist values equality and fairness for everyone. 2. Discussions about being a socialist often highlight helping the less privileged. |
Fact | The idea of socialism has been debated and shaped by thinkers for over 200 years. |
Books That Start with Socialist | 1. Socialist Ideas in Action by Tim Andrews 2. Socialist Revolution by Emma Carter |
4. Heretic
Meaning | Someone who challenges commonly accepted beliefs or rules. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Rebel, nonconformist, dissenter |
Antonyms | Believer, follower, conformist |
Examples | 1. Being a heretic means questioning things, but with respect. 2. Famous scientists were often called heretics for their new ideas. |
Fact | Galileo was once called a heretic for supporting the idea that the Earth orbits the Sun! |
Books That Start with Heretic | 1. Heretic’s Dream by Peter Williamson 2. Heretic’s Path by Susan Roberts |
5. Exigency
Meaning | A situation that needs immediate attention or action. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Emergency, urgency, crisis |
Antonyms | Calm, stability, ease |
Examples | 1. The school responded to the exigency by organizing a safety drill. 2. Exigency teaches us to stay prepared and alert. |
Fact | “Exigency” comes from the Latin word “exigere,” meaning “to demand.” |
Books That Start with Exigency | 1. Exigency Files by Lara Jenkins 2. Exigency Handbook by Ron Marshall |
6. Stereotype
Meaning | A fixed and often unfair idea about a group of people or things. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Assumption, generalization, prejudice |
Antonyms | Individuality, originality, exception |
Examples | 1. It’s important to avoid judging others based on a stereotype. 2. Stereotypes often prevent us from seeing people for who they really are. |
Fact | The word “stereotype” originally referred to a printing process where the same image was repeated! |
Books That Start with Stereotype | 1. Stereotype Trap by Helen Cross 2. Stereotype Wars by James Harper |
7. Nemesis
Meaning | A rival or someone who is always a challenge to you. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Rival, adversary, foe |
Antonyms | Ally, friend, supporter |
Examples | 1. A strong nemesis can inspire you to work harder. 2. The school’s debate team faced their nemesis in the finals. |
Fact | The term “nemesis” comes from Greek mythology, where Nemesis was the goddess of justice and revenge! |
Books That Start with Nemesis | 1. Nemesis Rising by David Harris 2. Nemesis Game by Rebecca Carter |
8. Prudent
Meaning | Acting wisely or showing good judgment. |
Part of Speech | Adjective |
Synonyms | Wise, cautious, careful |
Antonyms | Reckless, careless, foolish |
Examples | 1. Being prudent with your time helps you achieve more. 2. It’s prudent to plan ahead for school events. |
Fact | “Prudent” shares its roots with “provide,” as both come from the Latin word “providere,” meaning “to foresee.” |
Books That Start with Prudent | 1. Prudent Choices by Anna Wilson 2. Prudent Paths by Clara Morris |
9. Chaos
Meaning | Complete confusion and disorder. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Disorder, confusion, turmoil |
Antonyms | Order, harmony, calm |
Examples | 1. The team worked together to restore order after the chaos of the event. 2. Chaos reminds us of the value of planning and discipline. |
Fact | In Greek mythology, Chaos was the name of the void that existed before the universe was created! |
Books That Start with Chaos | 1. Chaos Reigns by Emma Taylor 2. Chaos in the Classroom by James Roberts |
10. Harmony
Meaning | A state of peace, agreement, or balance where everything works well together. |
Part of Speech | Noun |
Synonyms | Peace, unity, balance |
Antonyms | Chaos, conflict, discord |
Examples | 1. Harmony among students creates a joyful school environment. 2. The choir sang in perfect harmony, inspiring everyone. |
Fact | The word “harmony” is often used in music to describe how different notes sound beautiful together! |
Books That Start with Harmony | 1. Harmony’s Song by Mia Clark 2. Harmony Tales by Lily Adams |
Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning
This quote means that there is no such thing as a secure path. Therefore, the best course of action is to be brave enough to do what you want to do. Avoiding a task just because it is challenging is not safer in the long run. View life as an ‘daring adventure’, and take up things you want to do.
These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 31th December 2024. Want to find out new words for each day? Check out our word of the day page.
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