10 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly:  31 December, 2024

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word of the day for school assembly

Learning a new word every day comes with its benefits. It not only improves your knowledge but improves your communication skills as well. Thus, you can interact with your classmates confidently. Moreover, a strong vocabulary can help you to think critically. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the 5 best words of the day for school assembly. You can get to know its meaning, synonyms, and antonyms, and learn to use them in a sentence.

1. Sulking

MeaningFeeling upset or moody, often by being silent or refusing to talk.
Part of SpeechVerb
SynonymsPouting, brooding, moping
AntonymsSmiling, cheering, laughing
Examples1. Instead of sulking, it’s better to share your feelings.
2. Sulking doesn’t solve problems; talking does.
FactPeople have been using “sulking” to describe moodiness since the 1500s!
Books That Start with Sulking1. Sulking in the Rain by Amanda Freeman 2. Sulking Adventures by Sarah Robbins

2. Attrition

MeaningA slow decrease in numbers or strength over time.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsReduction, erosion, weakening
AntonymsGrowth, increase, strengthening
Examples1. The school emphasized teamwork to prevent attrition among students.
2. Attrition is a challenge in building long-lasting initiatives.
FactThe word “attrition” originally comes from the Latin word “atterere,” meaning “to rub away.”
Books That Start with Attrition1. Attrition Games by Mark Spurlock
2. Attrition Chronicles by Julia Wilson

3. Socialist

MeaningSomeone who believes resources and wealth should be shared equally among all people.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsEgalitarian, reformist, collectivist
AntonymsCapitalist, individualist, conservative
Examples1. A socialist values equality and fairness for everyone.
2. Discussions about being a socialist often highlight helping the less privileged.
FactThe idea of socialism has been debated and shaped by thinkers for over 200 years.
Books That Start with Socialist1. Socialist Ideas in Action by Tim Andrews
2. Socialist Revolution by Emma Carter

4. Heretic

MeaningSomeone who challenges commonly accepted beliefs or rules.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsRebel, nonconformist, dissenter
AntonymsBeliever, follower, conformist
Examples1. Being a heretic means questioning things, but with respect.
2. Famous scientists were often called heretics for their new ideas.
FactGalileo was once called a heretic for supporting the idea that the Earth orbits the Sun!
Books That Start with Heretic1. Heretic’s Dream by Peter Williamson
2. Heretic’s Path by Susan Roberts

5. Exigency

MeaningA situation that needs immediate attention or action.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsEmergency, urgency, crisis
AntonymsCalm, stability, ease
Examples1. The school responded to the exigency by organizing a safety drill.
2. Exigency teaches us to stay prepared and alert.
Fact“Exigency” comes from the Latin word “exigere,” meaning “to demand.”
Books That Start with Exigency1. Exigency Files by Lara Jenkins
2. Exigency Handbook by Ron Marshall

6. Stereotype

MeaningA fixed and often unfair idea about a group of people or things.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsAssumption, generalization, prejudice
AntonymsIndividuality, originality, exception
Examples1. It’s important to avoid judging others based on a stereotype.
2. Stereotypes often prevent us from seeing people for who they really are.
FactThe word “stereotype” originally referred to a printing process where the same image was repeated!
Books That Start with Stereotype1. Stereotype Trap by Helen Cross
2. Stereotype Wars by James Harper

7. Nemesis

MeaningA rival or someone who is always a challenge to you.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsRival, adversary, foe
AntonymsAlly, friend, supporter
Examples1. A strong nemesis can inspire you to work harder.
2. The school’s debate team faced their nemesis in the finals.
FactThe term “nemesis” comes from Greek mythology, where Nemesis was the goddess of justice and revenge!
Books That Start with Nemesis1. Nemesis Rising by David Harris
2. Nemesis Game by Rebecca Carter

8. Prudent

MeaningActing wisely or showing good judgment.
Part of SpeechAdjective
SynonymsWise, cautious, careful
AntonymsReckless, careless, foolish
Examples1. Being prudent with your time helps you achieve more.
2. It’s prudent to plan ahead for school events.
Fact“Prudent” shares its roots with “provide,” as both come from the Latin word “providere,” meaning “to foresee.”
Books That Start with Prudent1. Prudent Choices by Anna Wilson
2. Prudent Paths by Clara Morris

9. Chaos

MeaningComplete confusion and disorder.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsDisorder, confusion, turmoil
AntonymsOrder, harmony, calm
Examples1. The team worked together to restore order after the chaos of the event.
2. Chaos reminds us of the value of planning and discipline.
FactIn Greek mythology, Chaos was the name of the void that existed before the universe was created!
Books That Start with Chaos1. Chaos Reigns by Emma Taylor
2. Chaos in the Classroom by James Roberts

10. Harmony

MeaningA state of peace, agreement, or balance where everything works well together.
Part of SpeechNoun
SynonymsPeace, unity, balance
AntonymsChaos, conflict, discord
Examples1. Harmony among students creates a joyful school environment.
2. The choir sang in perfect harmony, inspiring everyone.
FactThe word “harmony” is often used in music to describe how different notes sound beautiful together!
Books That Start with Harmony1. Harmony’s Song by Mia Clark
2. Harmony Tales by Lily Adams

Quote of the Day for School Assembly with Meaning

This quote means that there is no such thing as a secure path.  Therefore, the best course of action is to be brave enough to do what you want to do. Avoiding a task just because it is challenging is not safer in the long run. View life as an ‘daring adventure’, and take up things you want to do.

These are the 5 Best Words of the Day for School Assembly: 31th December 2024. Want to find out new words for each day?  Check out our word of the day page. 

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