Vote of Thanks Speech for Students in English

6 minute read
Vote of thanks speech in english

A vote of thanks is a formal speech that expresses gratitude to a special guest or person for honourable contributions. A vote of thanks speech is concluded by expressing your gratitude, summarising the main points of the event and sending an uplifting message. In this article, we will look at some samples of speech on the vote of thanks. Keep reading to learn more.

Importance of Vote of Thanks

A vote of thanks is a formal speech that concludes your speech by thanking a guest or special person for their contribution.  A vote of thanks is a vital part of an event because it shows that you value each member and their contribution. It has importance in several aspects:

  1. Expression of Gratitude: It allows us to express our gratitude to those who have supported and made the event possible. It helps us to build positive relationships.
  1. Closure: A vote of thanks helps provide closure to the event. It is something that summarizes the whole event, key highlights and achievements.
  1. Sense of encouragement: Acknowledging and appreciating the efforts of other people in the vote of thanks encourages them to better future performance. It inspires people to remain motivated and engaged towards the organization’s goal.
  1. Acknowledgement of contributions: A vote of thanks is a formal way of acknowledging other’s efforts that made the event possible.
  1. Purpose of courtesy: Appreciating individuals for their support or contribution reflects professional etiquette by highlighting the value of respect in networking.
  1. Social Networking: Respecting the contributions of others shows that you value them. This can help you improve your professional relationships while also helping to build new ones.

Also Read: Essay on Voting for School Students

Speech on Vote of Thanks for School Event

Good morning, everyone! It’s been an honour to be a part of this event and as this event is coming to an end, I want to give a vote of thanks on behalf of the student union. As part of this wonderful event, I want to thank everyone who participated, contributed, and made it a success. Firstly, I want to thank our principal, ma’am, Mrs Seema Banerjee, for organising such a great event. She is our guardian angel, always serving us the best. A special thanks to all of the teachers whose hard work and dedication have made today possible. It was an honour to work under their guidance and supervision. Their efforts, dedication and commitment played a major part in the organisation of this event.
I would like to offer my heartfelt appreciation to all of the students who participated in the event with great enthusiasm and made it a success. The parents of these students also deserve appreciation for offering their support. Their involvement in school events is highly valued.
Last but not least, all the school staff members and back-hand teams deserve equal acknowledgement for their contribution that made the event run smoothly.
Once again, Thanks to everyone for your unwavering support in making this event a success.
Have a wonderful evening.

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Speech on Vote of Thanks for Chief Guest

Good morning, everyone. It has been an honour to be a part of this amazing event. Today, on behalf of our school, I would like to thank our Chief Guest, Mr Suresh Naraina, for giving us their valuable time. Your presence and motivational words have greatly inspired the students and teachers. Your words not only provided us with knowledgeable perspectives but also taught the students how to think like scientists.
I’d like to thank our principal, without whom this event would not be possible. You acted as a guiding light throughout the event. I’d also like to thank all of the teachers for their contributions to organising this event. Their efforts and dedication made this event possible. Working under their supervision and guidance allowed us to learn a lot of new things.

Thank you to all of those students who participated in this event and filled it with enthusiasm and creativity.
A special thanks to all of the parents for your unwavering support and participation. Your engagement in school events is much appreciated. I’d also like to thank the attendees for taking their valuable time to attend the event.

Last but not least, I want to thank all of the school staff and backup teams that made the event run smoothly.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make the event a success. Without you, this event would not be possible. We look forward to your continuous support of our future endeavours.

Thank you and have a great evening!

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Speech on Vote of Thanks for Guest Lecture

Good morning, everyone. As we come towards the end of this enlightened lecture, I would like to extend my heartfelt vote of thanks.

First, I’d like to thank our esteemed guest, Mr. Naveen Sharma, for taking the time to offer his valuable insights. As a major leader in science and research, your lecture on ‘Modern Technology in the Contemporary Era’ has provided us with valuable knowledge and motivated us to think in new ways. Your speech highly motivated the students and had a significant impact on their learning.

I’d also like to thank our principal, Mr. Suresh Jain, as well as our faculty and staff, for making the lecture possible. This event would not have been possible without your tireless efforts, dedication, and commitment. Working under your guidance and supervision provided us with valuable learning opportunities.

A big thank you to all of the students for their enthusiastic participation and engaging questions. Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who worked on the backhand and coordinated to make this event run smoothly.

Thank you again, Mr. Naveen Sharma, for being with us today. We anticipate future opportunities to learn more from you.

Thank you all and have a great day!

Also Read: Welcome Speech in English for Learning and Growth of School Students: Long and Short 


Q.1. What do you mean by ‘Vote of Thanks’?

Ans: A vote of thanks is a formal speech that expresses gratitude to a guest or special person for their contributions. There are ways to conclude the speech by delivering a ‘Vote of Thanks’, as per the event. 

Q.2. Why is delivering a ‘Vote of Thanks’ important?

Ans: A vote of thanks is a vital part of an event because it shows that you value each member and their contribution. It is important as it is a way to express your gratitude towards the other team members. It provides closure to your speech by summarising all of the key highlights of the events and the achievements. It promotes a sense of encouragement and acknowledgement to the tea members, which acts as a professional courtesy.

Q.3. How do you start a vote of thanks speech?

Ans: Make sure to start your speech with a warm greeting. It should be short and simple. You can start your speech by extending your gratitude towards a special guest on behalf of the party that is hosting the event.

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