Easy Speech on Role of Media for Students in English

4 minute read
Speech on Role of Media

The role of media is to inform, educate, and entertain its audience. Although this is the basic duty every media platform must fulfill, these roles can take different forms and have sub-sections. Consider a statement given by a political leader. It can be presented in a positive or negative statement by the media. In 2023, the Supreme Court of India gave strict orders to news media operating there. It referred to media trials as ‘biased reporting’ and manipulating people. This is not how media is supposed to operate. Today, the media plays tons of positive and negative roles. On one side, media keeps us updated, provides us with information on national and international developments, and connects us with people and distinct cultures. But, on the other hand, it has a manipulative nature, presenting information in negative ways. Today, we will provide you with a speech on the role of media. Stay tuned!

Also Read: Essay on Media: Short and Long Sample Essays

10 Lines on Role of Media

Here are 10 lines on the role of media. Feel free to add them to your speech or school writing topics.

  1. Media is a powerful source of information.
  2. Media provides us with details about national and international developments.
  3. Media comprises mass media, communication media, news media, and social networking sites.
  4. Information, education, and entertainment are the three primary roles of media.
  5. Media is a medium of communication, where we can connect with people from different countries and cities.
  6. Digital media and social media are the most prevalent media platforms.
  7. The global use of media is one of the important features of it.
  8. Media plays an important role in establishing business relationships.
  9. Overuse of media affects our emotional well-being.
  10. Through media platforms, fake news and false information spread like wildfire.

Also Read: Social Media Bane or Boon? Short and Long Speech for Students

Source: BBC Reel (YouTube)

Speech on Role of Media

‘A very warm good morning to everyone present here. Today, I stand before you to present my speech on Role of Media. If we search on the internet about what roles media plays, it will highlight three primary roles; inform, educate, and entertain. However, the role of media is not limited to these three roles. Media significantly influences our thoughts and beliefs about a particular topic. 

Media has social and cultural impacts on individuals and society as a whole. If we read newspapers or watch news media, we get exposure to different geopolitical situations, international events and developments, etc. But how the media portrays these details plays an important role in how we pursue them. 

As students, we all use media for information and educational content. There are newspapers, magazines, online websites, etc. which provide us with important details about cultural and public events, global and political affairs, expert opinions, geopolitical developments, scientific discoveries, sporting events, etc. 

A lot of us consider media as a great source of entertainment, where we get access to details about movies, TV shows, and entertainment channels, offering content across various genres to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. 

How news is presented to us by media greatly affects our opinion and looking at a person or thing. Media platforms contribute to the formation of societal views and attitudes through news coverage, editorials and commentary. 

Media can promote advertising business and global partnerships, expose us to hidden meanings on a topic, provide us with alternative sources of information, etc. 

However, there are some negative aspects also. As students, we are all like a blank canvas, easily dyed into any color. Fake news and false information given by the media can significantly affect our intelligence and ways of thinking. 

Media platforms often exhibit biased reporting, favoring specific political, social, or economic perspectives. Deliberately spreading false information can harm public disclosure and erode trust. 

Among digital and online media, a lot of organizations prioritize clickbait and sensational headlines to capture the attention of the audience. 

Before we consider any media source for information, education, and entertainment, we must consider the source of the information. As an audience, we must develop media literacy and critical thinking skills to mitigate the negative effects of media. At the same time, a responsible and diverse media platform can help build a well-informed and engaged society.

Thank you.’

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Q.1. What is the role of media in everyday life?

Ans: There are three primary roles of media: educate, inform, and entertain. Apart from them, media also has social and cultural roles, as it provides us with exposure to different cultural and traditional activities.

Q.2. What is a short speech on role of media?

Ans: The role of media is to inform, educate, and entertain its audience. Although this is the basic duty every media platform must serve, these roles can take different forms and have sub-sections. Media significantly influences our thoughts and beliefs about a particular topic. A lot of us consider media as a great source of entertainment, where we get access to details about movies, TV shows, and entertainment channels, offering content across various genres to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. 

Q.3. What are some popular media sources for education?

Ans: Here are some popular media sources for education: The Learning Network, Insider Higher Ed, KQED Education, EdSurge, Science4Us, and LinkedIn.

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