Lesson Plan: Key Elements and Samples

5 minute read

One of the most challenging careers in the world is teaching. It not only shapes learners but also gets them ready for the real world. In the age of technology, the educational landscape has undergone significant transformation, particularly in terms of classroom instruction. Making a lesson plan that works and helps students learn the topic is a key component of good classroom teaching. Wondering how a lesson plan might improve your classroom instruction? 

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Lesson Plan and its Benefits

Making creative lesson plans is a crucial aspect of being an educator. Lesson plans not only outline what you would teach in the classroom, but they will also enable you to meaningfully track students’ academic progress. 

A lesson plan is a chapter’s schedule, and it acts as a teacher’s daily guide for what material pupils should learn, how it will be delivered, and how learning will be assessed. Effective classroom environments for both students and teachers are built on solid lesson plans. There are various parts to a lesson plan, and it’s crucial to comprehend each one. When creating a lesson plan, one should have in mind the following three things: What am I going to teach? How am I going to teach? How will I keep track of or evaluate the student’s learning?

Since lesson plans are crucial to the student’s learning experiences, it’s critical to approach them with a defined strategy in mind. A lesson plan summarises the content you will teach, and a well-crafted lesson plan aids students in comprehending the objectives of a certain lesson. Teachers can use this tool to transform the curriculum into engaging activities for their students. Additionally, it lists the materials required and any unique factors that should be taken into account, such as the students’ different learning needs. 

Lesson plans are helpful for keeping things organized, evaluating student performance, assisting substitute teachers when the class or subject teacher is absent, and—most importantly—enabling teachers to easily incorporate more innovative approaches, concepts, and technology into their classrooms. 

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Source: Teacher Training – World Learning

Key Elements of a Lesson Plan

There are main 6 key elements of a Lesson Plan: 

  1. Objective

There must be a goal, purpose, or objective for every lesson. To ensure a satisfactory learning outcome for any duration of time, the educator must be clear about the purpose. The lesson’s objectives specify what the students will learn and how their learning will be evaluated. 

For example: If a teacher is preparing a lesson plan for any History chapter then the objective can be written in the following manner- “At the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand the historical events and landmark judgments associated with World War II.”

  1. Instructional Materials Required

You might have more time to concentrate on teaching if you prepare the materials before the class. Creating bullet points for any material you and the students could need during the session is one way to format the content section of a lesson plan. Materials like; Textbooks, pens or pencils, printed worksheets, craft supplies, markers, and smart board to name a few. 

  1. Background Knowledge

The majority of classes can be introduced more effectively by drawing on students’ prior understanding of the subject. In order to aid students in making new connections with a topic throughout the class, background knowledge concentrates on their earlier experiences or knowledge on the subject. Pretests or classroom discussions on the lesson are occasionally carried out by teachers to assess students’ prior knowledge of the topic and to deepen their understanding before the session.

  1. Instructional Direction

The part of the session where you teach the students the skills they will learn is known as direct instruction or instructional direction. Because it includes all the steps you intend to take during the session, this component usually requires the most time to complete. While some instructors break the content up into timed segments, others utilize broader terminology. Before going on to guided practice, this can be done by outlining the task, utilizing students’ prior knowledge, having them take notes on the new information, reading from the textbook, or simply demonstrating how to perform the assignment.

  1. Guided Teaching Practice

To help students learn more easily, teachers could use guided teaching practices, which break down the learning process into smaller chunks of knowledge. With this approach, students can observe how to complete the skill, practice it in groups, and then finish the skill by themselves. Following direct instruction, the teacher demonstrates how to carry out the abilities students gain throughout the class. In addition to asking questions, students can observe and take notes on what the teacher is instructing them. 

Additionally, teachers have the option of allowing students to work in pairs or table groups to complete the learning process. To gauge their comprehension of the material covered during the class, the teacher can allow students to do some of the work independently after practicing with peers.

  1. Assessment

After all the instructional teaching, post-lesson assessments are used by the teacher to gauge the lesson’s effectiveness. This assessment can contain data on student engagement, grades, and whether or not students accomplished the lesson’s objectives. 

A lesson plan is essentially a teacher’s manual for facilitating a lesson. It often comprises the objective (what students should learn), the instructional strategy, and a means of gauging the effectiveness of the lesson (typically through homework assignments or examinations). Lesson plans are the first steps in developing a complete curriculum for a class, which educators must keep in mind. They delve into the intricacies to make sure you’re imparting the proper knowledge to your students at the appropriate time and in the proper manner. 

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Sample of a Lesson Plan (Free Download)

Download a FREE Sample of the Lesson Plan for Class 9 Biology Chapter Cell Structure and Function

Hope that this article will make creating a lesson plan simple for you and turn your teaching career into a rewarding learning experience.


What is a lesson plan?

The lesson plan outlines what the teacher expects students to learn and how they will learn it.

What is the purpose of the lesson plan?

In addition to assisting teachers in organizing the curriculum, resources, time, instructional tactics, and aid in the classroom, lesson planning also informs students about what they will learn and how their goals will be tested.

What does a good lesson plan include?

The lesson plan should be specific, Attainable, realistic, and time-bound for better results.

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