Holiday homework is a thing where learning and fun can go hand-in-hand. In this blog, we are providing you with holiday homework for class 3 science. Here, you will find many creative ideas that are fun to do during vacation time. These ideas will not only allow students to learn but will also make sure that they have fun and enjoy themselves as they spend their time doing these projects. So, let us explore this blog now!
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Class 3 Science Holiday Homework: Activities
Below is a list of activities that can be assigned to students as holiday homework.
1. Growing a Plant
Choose a seed of your choice, lentil, bean seed, pulses, etc.—and plant the same in a pot. Observe it as it grows and develops leaves. Make a chart explaining your observations every 3 days. Make little drawings of the same.
2. Weather Chart
Observe the weather daily and prepare a chart of the same using different little emoticons. You can make clouds for cloudy, smiling sun for sunny days, etc., and put them on the chart.
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3. Swin or Sink
Collect different objects from around the house like sponges, marbles, etc. Now, using a small tub, fill it with water. One by one, put the objects in the water and make a chart of whether they swim in the water or sink in it.
4. Mini Museum
For this activity, go for a walk in nature. You can go to a park or even go trekking. From there, collect different objects like colourful rocks, leaves, feathers, etc. Paste them on a chart and label them. On the top of the chart, write “Mini Museum” in a creative manner.
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Class 3 Science Holiday Homework: Projects
Below are some of the projects that students can do during their vacation.
- Animal Adaptation Poster: Do thorough research on animals and their different adaptations. According to your will, choose an animal that you find the most interesting. Create a poster of that animal in a creative way, displaying its adaptations using watercolors. On the back of the poster, write about the adaptations of that animal in 10 points.
- My Five Senses: Draw a face and label the five sense organs that humans have. Then, draw straight lines from each organ and draw or paste pictures of things that you experience from that sense organ.
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Class 3 Science Holiday Homework: Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts is another great way to enhance students’ creative sides. Below are some ideas for the same.
- Make a Wall Hanging: Using cardboard, make a wall hanging using the shapes of nature. Paint and decorate it with different materials.
- Best out of Waste: Using the waste materials in your house like newspapers, old CDs, bottles, etc, make something decorative or useful.
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- Paint a Scenery: Using poster colors, paint a scene of a place that you visited during your vacation. In that scene, label the different plants and elements that you observed.
Ans: Holiday homework aims to simply allow the kids to remain in touch with their studies during the course of vacation.
Ans: Holiday homework does have a role to play. It makes sure that kids don’t lose touch with their studies. Hence, yes, it is somewhat necessary.
Ans: The full form of “student” is “Smart Thoughtful Understanding Disciplined Energetic Notable Talented Person.”.
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