Let’s explore the number 121 in a fun and simple way! When we spell out the number 121 in words, it’s written as “one hundred twenty-one.” Knowing how to spell numbers can be really helpful for reading and writing. Now, let’s look at some cool math facts about 121. First, 121 is a composite number, which means it can be broken down into smaller numbers. In fact, 121 is special because it is 11 times 11 (11 × 11 = 121), so we call it a perfect square! Also, 121 is an odd number, which means it can’t be divided evenly by 2. The numbers that can divide 121 without leaving a remainder are 1, 11, and 121. By learning the spelling and math facts about 121, you’re getting smarter every day!
Table of Contents
What is 121?
There are various properties associated the number 121. Like, it is a cardinal number. Also, a natural number that comes before 122 and after 120. You can learn about more properties of the number 121 from the given table along with its explanation.
121 in words | One hundred twenty-one | Explanation |
Is 121 an even number? | No | Because 121 is not divisible by 2, it is not an even number |
Is 121 an odd number? | Yes | It is an odd number as it is not divisible by 2. |
Is 121 a prime number? | No | Since, 121 is divisible by 11, it is not a prime number |
Is 121 a composite number? | Yes | Because it has more than two factors, 1, 11, and 121 |
Is 121 a perfect square number? | Yes | Yes, as 11 x 11 = 121 |
What is the square root of 121? | 11 | 11 x 11 = 121 |
Is121 a perfect cube number? | No | Since the prime factor 11 doesn’t have the power of 3, it is not a perfect cube |
How to Write 121 in Words?
To write the numbers in words, we generally use the English alphabet. Hence, 121 in words can be written as one hundred and twenty-one. The table below makes it clear how to write 121 in words:
121 in Words | One Hundred and Twenty-One |
One Hundred and Twenty-One in Numbers | 121 |
How to Convert 121 in Words?
To convert 121 into words, we will need the place value chart. Since 121 has 3 digits, we will create a place value chart for up to 3 digits. Have a look at the visual representation to get a better understanding of the process.
Hundreds | Tens | Ones |
1 | 2 | 1 |
So, as we can see:
Ones = 1, Tens = 2, Hundreds = 1
The above values can be expanded as:
1 × Hundred + 2 × Ten + 1 × One
= 100 + 20 + 1
= 100 + 21
= One hundred + Twenty-one
= One hundred and twenty-one
And so, 121 in words = One hundred twenty-one
Facts About 121
Now, we know that 121 is an odd number, a composite number and a perfect square number. But, Did you know that the number 121 has some more amazing facts? Below are some amazing facts related to the number 121.
- The square of 11 is 121.
- 121 is the total of the following three prime numbers (37, 41, and 43).
- It’s a product of two prime numbers (11 x 11), which makes it a composite but an odd number.
- 121 can be expressed in binary as 1111001.
Solved Examples of 121
Still having difficulty understanding? No worries, solved examples will make it easy for you to understand 121 in words. That is why we have some easy-solved examples to make it clear for to you.
- Write some of the multiples of 121.
Multiples of 121 are:
121 x 1 = 121
121 x 2= 242
121 x 3 = 363
121 x 4 = 484
121 x 5 = 605
121 x 6 = 726
And so on…..
- What is 100 + 21? Write in words.
100 = Hundred
21 = Twenty-One
100 + 21 = 121
121= One Hundred and Twenty-one.
- If there are 121 pens to be distributed among 11 students in a class, then how many pens will each student get?
Number of pens = 121
Number of students in class = 11
Each student will get = 121/11 = 11 pens
80 to 130 in Words
You can check the writing in words of other numbers as well. Below is the tabular form representing 80 to 130 in words for your better understanding:
Numbers | In Words | Numbers | In Words |
80 | Eighty | 106 | One Hundred and Six |
81 | Eighty-One | 107 | One Hundred and Seven |
82 | Eighty-Two | 108 | One Hundred and Eight |
83 | Eighty-Three | 109 | One Hundred and Nine |
84 | Eighty-Four | 110 | One Hundred and Ten |
85 | Eighty-Five | 111 | One Hundred and Eleven |
86 | Eighty-Six | 112 | One Hundred and Fifteen |
87 | Eighty-Seven | 113 | One Hundred and thirteen |
88 | Eighty-Eight | 114 | One Hundred and fourteen |
89 | Eighty-Nine | 115 | One Hundred and fifteen |
90 | Ninety | 116 | One Hundred and sixteen |
91 | Ninety-One | 117 | One Hundred and seventeen |
92 | Ninety-Two | 118 | One Hundred and eighteen |
93 | Ninety-Thre | 119 | One Hundred and nineteen |
94 | Ninety-Four | 120 | One Hundred and twenty |
95 | Ninety-Five | 121 | One Hundred and twenty-one |
96 | Ninety-Six | 122 | One Hundred and twenty-two |
97 | Ninety-Seven | 123 | One Hundred and twenty-three |
98 | Ninety-Eight | 124 | One Hundred and twenty-four |
99 | Ninety-Nine | 125 | One Hundred and twenty-five |
100 | Hundred | 126 | One Hundred and twenty-six |
101 | One Hundred and One | 127 | One Hundred and twenty-seven |
102 | One Hundred and Two | 128 | One Hundred and twenty-eight |
103 | One Hundred and Three | 129 | One Hundred and twenty-nine |
104 | One Hundred and Four | 130 | One Hundred and thirty |
105 | One Hundred and Five |
Related Posts
121 in words can be written as One hundred and twenty-one.
When solving 82 + 39, we get 121 as the answer.
Yes, 121 is an odd number since it is not divisible by 2.
This was all about the “121 in words”. For more such informative blogs, check out our Maths Section, or you can learn more about us by visiting our Study Material Section page.