25+ Interesting Facts about Spiders You Probably Didn’t Know

4 minute read

Facts about spiders: Spiders are often misunderstood and feared but in actuality, they play an important role in our ecosystem. These eight-legged creatures come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours, each with unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in different habitats. In a world full of surprises, spiders have captured the human imagination for centuries, from tiny jumping spiders to massive tarantulas. In this article, we will learn some amazing facts about this creature you have yet to learn about. 

Interesting Facts about Spider

Spiders are one of the most interesting creatures they have intricate webs and unique hunting strategies. They have evolved into a diverse and successful group of arthropods. Here are some more facts about them – 

  1. Black Widows are known for cannibalising their mates but this doesn’t happen all the time.
  2. Certain species of jumping spiders can see into the spectrum which we humans cannot.
  3. To deter potential predators tarantulas are capable of flinging off tiny irritating hairs.
  4. Research suggests that you are never more than 10 feet away from a spider.
  5. There are approximately over 30,000 different species of spiders which are currently known.
facts about spider
  1. There are a few spiders that cause some nasty bites, which due to their venom can cause some risky complications to one health.
  2. Spider silk is strong it may seem weak and brittle but actually it is not.
  3. Spiders have the blood of blue colour this is because in spiders oxygen bound to contain copper which gives their blood the blue colour.
  4. Spider silk is actually a liquid but we consider it as solid because we see its silk in the form of a web, but the reality is that when the silk comes in contact with the air it becomes hard.
  5. Spiders have strange muscles due to which they can only pull their legs inward but can’t extend them out.
facts about spider
  1. It takes about an hour for a spider to build a web.
  2. Spiders don’t always use their web to grab or catch food. Wolf spider makes a hole in the ground and waits there for the predator to come.
  3. The largest spiders are tarantulas and the largest tarantula is the Goliath tarantula.
  4. The smallest spider is the Patu marplesi which was found in Samoa.
  5. Spiders can’t see very well even though spiders have eight eyes. They use their sensations to get to know whether they have got the prey in their web or not.
  6. Some spiders are hairy.
  7. The fear of spiders is known as arachnophobia which is a Greek word.
  8. Bagheera Kiplingi Jumping Spider is a vegetarian spider which eats on the leaf tips and nectar of the Acacia tree.
  9. A single spider is capable of producing various types of silk.
  10. At once female spiders can lay thousands of Eggs.

Kow Here Interesting Facts About Insects

Fun Facts about Spiders for Kids

Spiders might seem scary but are pretty cool. They have amazing abilities and play a very crucial role in our world. Let’s explore some interesting facts about them-

fun facts about spider for kids
  1. Jumping spiders can jump up to 50 times their own length.
  2. The average house has  30 spiders.
  3. Grass spiders build webs on the top of the grass. Their webs form a funnel shape, which is not sticky.
  4. Spiders have short hairs on their feet that help them to walk upside down on the ceiling and over the glass.
  5. The average life of a spider is one to two years. Although the female tarantula may live up to 20 years.
  6. Some spiders, such as tarantula are considered a low-maintenance pet.
  7. The wolf spider carries her babies on her back with her.

Quick Read – Interesting Facts About Insects

Surprising Facts about Spider Web

There are many super interesting facts about spider webs. To learn about spider’s web read the facts mentioned below-

  • When scaled to the size of a human hair, a spider web’s silk is stronger than steel
  •  Spider silk web can stretch up to 40% of its length without breaking, making it highly elastic.
  • The dragline silk web is the strongest type of silk and is used for creating the main structural lines of the web.
  • Spiders use their web to catch prey.
  • Spider webs are made up of proteins and these proteins are called fibroin and sericin.


What are 5 interesting facts about spiders?

 5 interesting facts about spiders are-
1. The wolf spider carries her babies on her back with her,
2. At once female spiders can lay thousands of Eggs,
3. Spiders have strange muscles due to which they can only pull their legs inward but can’t extend them out,
4. Black Widows are known for cannibalising their mates but this doesn’t happen all the time, 5. Some spiders, such as tarantula are considered a low-maintenance pet.

How many eyes do spiders have?

Most of the spiders have eight eyes. However, there are few exceptions some have fewer or even no eyes at all.

facts about spider webs?

Facts about spider webs are The sticky substance on spider webs is called “glue droplets” and is made of proteins, Spiders use their webs for various purposes, including catching prey, creating shelters, and mating.

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Hope you had fun reading these interesting facts about spiders. If you like reading about facts, you can visit our interesting facts page to read more such blogs.

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