Facts About Rivers: Long, Short, and Everything in Between

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Interesting Facts About Rivers

Our planet’s arteries are rivers. They support a large portion of her life, even though they only make up 0.003 percent of Earth’s water. However, rivers are also in danger. Read this blog to learn some more interesting facts about rivers.

Interesting Facts About Rivers

  • Rivers are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet
  •  Despite having 600 times less water than the sea, rivers, and lakes are home to a greater variety of fish species.
  • The longest river on Earth is the Nile River.
  • The shortest river in the world is the Dee River, which is only 118 feet (36 meters) long.
  • The deepest river on Earth is the Congo River, located in Central Africa.
  • Rivers come in various colors, not just the typical blue, clear, or muddy brown. The water in “blackwater rivers” resembles black tea.
  • Rivers don’t just flow overland but also beneath the surface, like the ‘subterranean rivers’.
  • Amazon river dolphins, electric eels, freshwater stingrays, and freshwater turtles are some of the most amazing river creatures.
  • The gap between Paris and London is nearly equal to the width of the Amazon River’s mouth.
  • The river Thames caused ‘The Great Sink’ in 1858 because it is said that the river was very smelly and full of rubbish.
  • Presently, the Citarum River in Indonesia is arguably the most polluted globally. Lead levels in the river are 1000 times higher than those that are considered safe.


Why are rivers important ecosystems?

Rivers support diverse life forms and ecosystems, despite making up only a small fraction of Earth’s water, contributing significantly to biodiversity and human livelihoods.

What is the longest river on Earth?

The Nile River, stretching over 6,650 kilometers (4,130 miles), holds the title of the longest river globally.

Which river is known for being the most polluted?

The Citarum River in Indonesia is widely regarded as the most polluted river currently, with extremely high levels of lead and other contaminants.

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