What is the Full Form of GVA?

4 minute read

The full form of GVA is Gross Value Added, and it is considered as the measure of the total value of goods and services in an economy, which can comprise of an area, a region or a country. One factor that is taken into consideration is the amount of value that is added to a product.

To put it simply, gross value added (GVA) is the difference between gross output and net output, also known as the difference between the output of the country and the intermediate consumption. GDP is a key indicator of the state of a nation’s overall economy, and the Gross Value Added (GVA) is an important metric because it is used in the calculation of GDP. 

How does one determine the Gross Value Added?

Now that you know the full form of GVA Apart from GVA GVA is a term that can be used to describe the output that is produced after the difference between the intermediate value of consumption and the total value of consumption has been subtracted. Additionally, this can be referred to as:

GVA = Gross Domestic Product + Subsidies on Products – Taxes on Products.

In the past, India would measure gross value added (GVA) based on the “factor cost.” However, with the introduction of a new methodology, global value added (GVA) at basic prices became the primary measure of economic output.

  • There will be no production subsidies included in the GVA at basic prices; however, production taxes will be included.
  • At the factor cost, the GVA did not include any taxes and did not include any subsidies.

As well as providing sectoral classification data on the basis of eight broader categories, the National Statistics Office has provided quarterly and annual estimates of the output of GVA. These estimates include both goods purchased and services provided in the economy. The NSO has also provided sectoral classification data.

The eight sectoral categories in which NSO has divided quarterly and annual estimates are as follows:

  • Mining and Quarrying.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing.
  • Electricity, Gas, Water Supply and other Utility Services.
  • Financial, Real Estate and Professional Services.
  • Public Administration, Defence and other Services.
  • Construction.
  • Trade, Hotels, Transport, Communication and Services related to Broadcasting.

What are the differences between GDP and GVA?

The difference between gross value added (GVA) and gross domestic product (GDP) is that GVA includes the value that is added to the product in order to improve its various aspects, whereas GDP refers to the total amount of products that are produced in the country.

On one hand, GDP is comprised of a number of components, including private consumption, gross investment in the economy, government investment, government spending, and net foreign trade, which is defined as the difference between exports and imports.

The value that is added to these products in order to improve the various aspects of them is referred to as the gross value added (GVA), on the other hand. GVA takes the GDP and adds to the value of subsidies paid on those predicts and then subtracts out taxes paid on them.

Importance of the Gross Value Added

  • Because it is used to adjust GDP, which is a key indicator of the state of a nation’s total economy, GVA is an important metric on account of its significance.
  • A further application of this metric is to determine the amount of money that a particular product or service has contributed to the fulfilment of a company’s fixed costs.
  • Policymakers are able to determine which industries require incentives or stimulus with the assistance of the sector breakdown provided by the GVA measure. As a result, they are able to develop policies that are specific to those industries.
  • In order to satisfy the requirements of global best practices in national income accounting, any nation that is interested in attracting capital and investment from other countries is required to comply with these standards.


Q. How do policymakers use GVA data?

 In order to develop sector-specific policies and incentives, policymakers make use of data on gross value added (GVA), which helps to promote growth in areas that require assistance.

Q. Why is GVA an important metric?

 The Gross Value Added (GVA) is an important indicator of a nation’s economic health because it helps adjust the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The provision of a comprehensive breakdown of sector contributions is another way in which it assists policymakers in determining which industries require incentives or stimulus.

Q. How is GVA calculated?

GVA is calculated using the formula:
GVA=Gross Domestic Product (GDP) + Subsidies on Products -Taxes on Products

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