The full form of CMOS is Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor. An integrated circuit known as CMOS is constructed on a printed circuit board. It is a memory chip that runs on batteries and can easily hold the initialization information. This information is used by the BIOS to start the device, i.e., during bootup.
The complimentary word, which can be either PMOS (positive MOS) or NMOS (negative MOS), refers to the user charge. A single charge is used by CMOS. Since charges can stay in one phase for an extended amount of time and only use energy when necessary, CMOS uses less power. Transistors focusing on CMOS produce a high speed while not overheating.
How Does CMOS Work?
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor is the full meaning of the term CMOS. This particular technique is utilized to plan the Integrated Circuit board and reserve the startup data. Complementary refers to the fact that CMOS supports both PMOS and NMOS. During booting, complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor gives the BIOS the initial data.
Applications of CMOS
Below mentioned are some of the applications of CMOS:
- Microprocessor
- Image sensor
- Microcontrollers
- Digital logic circuits
- Static RAM
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