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Lulea University of Technology

Lulea, Sweden


Situated in Sweden,Luleå University of Technology is a public university which was founded in 1971 as Högskoleenheten i Luleå.It was later elevated to the status of a university in 1997.,Luleå University of Technology is one of the leading research universities of Sweden which has created a learning and reposeful environment due to its location at a quiet residential area.The university focuses on high quality education which can be accessible to all. The key feature of Luleå University of Technology is it offers immense research opportunities to its students in alliance with other national and international universities and companies.It propounds degrees in the subject areas of Accounting and Finance, Humanities, Social Sciences, History, Mathematics, Psychology, Law, Sport and Health, Drama, English and Creative Writing and many others. The courses are developed in such a manner that instills transferable skills which are useful for study or employment in the future. The university proves to be different by believing that higher education should allow individuals to develop new ways of making a positive impact in the world. Luleå University of Technology stretches across four different cities in Sweden. It has campuses located in Luleå(main campus) Kiruna (space science), Skelleftea (wood technology, 3D graphics and computer games engineering) and Pitea (Department of music and media).The vivacious campuses are stacked with all the basic amenities,teaching spaces,libraries,cafes and laboratories.It is focusing on building a sustainable campus by adopting the latest technological trends to control energy consumption and reduce carbon.
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