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Athens University of Economics and Business

Athens, Greece

Public -1920

Established in 1920, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) is an ancient academic organization situated in Athens, Greece. It offers 8 bachelor’s and 32 master’s programs in the fields of economics and business administration. Thousands of its graduates are members of international organizations, top-class managerial and financial executives in both public and private sectors of the economy and also faculty members in Greek and international universities. Athens University of Economics and Business is ranked among the leading institutions of Greece and also indexed among the top international universities in the scientific field. Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) offers programs in the areas of Management, Economics, Technology, Business Administration, Marketing, Accounting and Finance, Decision Science, European and International Economics, Informatics, Statistics, .etc. Athens University of Economics and Business is an outstanding non-profit learning organization recognized for the superiority of its academic programmes, faculty, and students The motto of Athens University of Economics and Business is to provide its students with practical academic principles and recent analytical methods, as well as to develop in them distinct qualities of personal initiative and critical thinking essential to making an impact in today's rapidly transforming world. Athens University of Economics and Business maintains a computer centre, an adequately balanced curriculum in the numerous scientific fields and an educational faculty of supreme quality.
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