
Tips to Deal With Peer Pressure While Studying Abroad

5 minute read

Moving to a new country may be quite stressful, and it’s common for international students to get stuck trying to figure out how to juggle all of the new responsibilities at once. It is a big deal in itself to start over and live alone in a whole new country. So, what is “peer pressure”? It is a belief that one must act in accordance with norms accepted by people of similar age and social standing in order to be accepted and admired. In this blog, you will learn tips to deal with peer pressure while studying abroad.

What Could be the Possible Cause and Consequences of Peer Pressure While Studying Abroad?

Moving to a new country for education is an overwhelming experience for many. You are away from home in a strange place with strange people who have new responsibilities and dreams. And in such a situation, you expect people around you to be nice and helpful. Life would get easier if they were nice, but sometimes you are not as lucky as others, and you may end up in an environment where you feel like giving up. 

Given below are the possible causes and consequences of peer pressure while studying abroad. Give it a read to get a better understanding of the situation.

Culture ShockFor any student who has come to a foreign country, generally, the culture there could be a shocker. And adjusting to the new environment will be difficult. 

Living standard or status 

International students might see a difference in their living standards and the people they meet at the university, and it might give rise to a feeling of insecurity, shame, or inferiority.

Academics and Work responsibilities

While studying abroad, students may find it difficult to adapt to the new university, curriculum, and study methods. Part-time employment commitments to help cover living expenses might add to the pressures already felt by students.

The pressure of newfound independence

Living on your own comes with many responsibilities, and it becomes really hard to bear those responsibilities when you live away from home in a foreign country. It becomes extremely challenging to manage between house chores, jobs, and academics.
Low Self-esteemIn a strange country, you will meet new people, and it could be hard to interact with them, make friends, or try something new.

Also Read: Take Care of Your Mental Health Before Moving Abroad!

Best Tips to Deal With Peer Pressure While Studying Abroad

With every hardship comes a remedy. Do not feel hopeless. If you are stuck in a situation where “peer pressure” is taking a toll on your life, here are some of the best tips to deal with peer pressure while studying abroad. It will definitely give you a fresh perspective on your problem and a way out.

You Will Often Feel Left Out, Take it Easy

When you are going to live abroad, the first thing that you will face is feeling left out. You might feel that people have a better life, or maybe their social circle is better, or they might be better than you, and because of this, you might get an inferiority complex and corner yourself, or maybe you feel like others are cornering you. It is okay if you feel this way. It is pretty normal. The best thing to do in such a situation is to let go of such thoughts and think about it from a different perspective. It is happening to you because you are new and everyone is a stranger, and you can make friends if you socialize and approach them. So, take it easy.

Learn to Say No

Oftentimes, you will find yourself in a precarious position where you feel compelled to agree to something that, under any other circumstance, you would find inappropriate. To counter such a situation, learn to say no by stating your point politely. Others could be offended, but it is not your responsibility to disrupt your own peace in order to please everyone.

Listen to Your Heart, But Use Your Brain Too.

You are having fun at a party, and there you have made some new friends instantly, and now you are convinced to go with them to an after-party in a spooky setting. It is advisable not to trust someone this early. They might be your friends, but you do not know them well. Take care of your safety and do not make reckless decisions just because you are having fun or trying to make friends. In any situation, a little alertness and reason can save you from mishaps in a strange country.

Build Confidence

The power of confidence cannot be underestimated, especially when you are not in your element. If you do not feel confident, it’s ok, pretend. To put it another way, it will save you from your not “so-good peers”. And if you are around like-minded people, confidence will help you make connections. And you will have a good time. Always remember, you cannot live in isolation. To survive in a foreign country, you need people.

Take Competition Positively

Peer pressure is not always negative. You can learn a lot by using it as motivation. But always keep in mind that you are doing what you are doing for yourself and not to impress or supersede others. It’s a good thing if peer pressure helps you reach your goal without negatively affecting your mental health.

Do Not Hesitate; Seek Help

Whenever you feel like you have too much on your mind, seek help, either from your friends, teachers, or professionals. It is advisable to reach out to people in times of material or emotional distress. Fighting on your own could be harmful sometimes, and the consequences could be unpleasant.

You cannot always change the people around you, but you can surely change the way you feel as a result of their actions. With the help of these tips, you cannot get rid of the people, but life will get easier and your experience of studying in a foreign country will be less bitter and more fun and pleasant. 

Also Read: Study Abroad Challenges for International Students

Hope you get to know about the tips to deal with peer pressure while studying abroad. Keep an eye on the Leverage Edu study abroad page, and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

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