
Study in USA: CMU’s Rowe Hall Comes Alive with Culture: Students and Community Members Host a Colorful Culture Walk

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Study in USA: CMU's Rowe Hall Comes Alive with Culture: Students and Community Members Host a Colorful Culture Walk
International students hosted the event to share the culture and traditions of their country.

On April 7th, 2023 Central Michigan University students and community members hosted a culture walk. It was held in the lobby of Rowe Hall for a duration of two hours. The aim of the event was to help students learn about different countries and traditions around the world.


International students from Spain, India, Ghana, Ukraine, and Mongolia shared their individual cultures with an endless line of attendees. They used poster boards with pictures and various information to share their experiences. Moreover, several students participated in hands-on activities and crafts.

The Culture Walk at the Rowe Hall

Study in USA: CMU's Rowe Hall Comes Alive with Culture: Students and Community Members Host a Colorful Culture Walk

The culture walk started with 30- 45 students filling the lobby of Rowe Hall. At every station lines formed, and students started sharing their experiences with attentive ears.

The event included sharing of history lessons, fun facts, and arts and crafts. For example, Spain station was the involved activity of making passports, and the Ukrainian station was involved in making Montanky dolls and Pysanky eggs. 

Reason for International Students Hosting the Event

According to Rebecca Patrone, CMU Museum of Cultural and Natural History educator, the number of International students on campus has increased. Hence, the Museum wanted to have the students host the event instead of the faculty. As it will result in a more genuine experience for the learners.

Benefits to the International Students

As per Carolina Hernandez Ruiz, an International student at CMU, having such events help to inspire people to be more interested in other cultures and generate awareness. Sarah Akiti, an International student from Ghana, has the same opinion. According to her, knowing different cultures helps you to better understand people for who they are.


The culture walk hosted by International students gave them the opportunity to practice their public speaking skills and learn about cultures around the world. Moreover, it allowed the students to express themselves and represent their respective countries. To discover more news updates like this one, visit Leverage Edu.

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