
Study Abroad in US: Overseas Students Exchange Looking Forward to Host Families in the Manistee Area

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Study Abroad in Canada: Georgian College Will Provide More Resources to Help International Students 
Overseas Students Exchange to Host Families
Approximately 1,00,000 overseas students come to the US every year. For Overseas Students Exchange, host family members can be grandparents, single people, or single parents. Host families are encouraged to include their exchange students in family activities, events, and outings.

Hundreds of overseas students exchange are hoping that the pandemic won’t cancel their school year in the US. But surprisingly, the pandemic has made things has made things extremely difficult and complicated. Every year, many overseas students move to Northern Michigan. Additionally, local school coordinators are recruiting neighbours to be host families to take them in.

As per the trend in the year 2019-2020; approximately 31,408 overseas students studied in the state of Michigan. Additionally, out of these students, 2,395 students have attended secondary or high schools in Michigan and most of them lived with host families. 

Overseas Students Exchange to Host Families

While attending a local high school, overseas students exchange to host families in the Manistee area are encouraged. This is an exciting and thrilling opportunity for anyone who is interested in unique experiences. This will be helpful to create better connections and relationships that span the globe. Furthermore, it will create a positive impact globally and locally.

Overseas Exchange Students Arriving in Michigan

Overseas Exchange Students are around 15-18-year-old high-school students from 40 countries around the world. Host families will go through a vetting process by ISE. ISE hosts families from all walks of life and represents the diversity of America. Overseas students are accepted into the program on the basis of their demeanor, eagerness to learn about new cultures, and ability to speak English while sharing their own experiences. 

As international travel returns to normal high school students from around the world, they eagerly wait for the opportunity to participate in an exchange program in the US. International Student Exchange is a non-profit organization that facilitates exchange programs for students in abroad and US. 

Moreover, Michigan’s host family homes are welcome to be part of the exciting world of student exchange. In the month of August, overseas exchange students will be arriving in the countries such as Columbia, Brazil, France, Italy, Thailand, Kyrgyzstan, Belgium, Slovakia, Mexico and many more. 

For more exciting news updates, make sure you contact Leverage Edu

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