
Study in UK: UCL Lanches the Single Biggest Campus Expansion in 200 Years

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Study in UK: UCL Lanches the Single Biggest Campus Expansion in 200 Years

The University College London (UCL) has launched the most enormous campus expansion in its 200-year-old history. The new campus is called the UCL East and is located at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. 


The campus is ready to provide a completely new set of degrees and address the most pressing issue of current times. The campus will work on environmental conservation and climate crisis with its dedicated research spaces. 

The building of the UCL East campus started in 2019 and now it has two buildings; One Pool Street which opened last autumn and Marshgate which is to open in September itself. The Marshgate campus is located near London Stadium and Sir Anish Kapoor’s ArcelorMittal Orbit. 

Facilities Offered

The most astonishing and revolutionary features of the new UCL campus are cross-disciplinary research and open innovation. Which implies that it will break down the boundaries between academic disciplines. 

This is made possible with new first-of-their-kind courses being offered at the facility. These courses are now available for enrolment. There are 50 new postgraduate and undergraduate courses offered by UCL East. Furthermore, students and professors have designed its innovative aspects.

The campus itself will have 8 floors of research laboratories with high-tech facilities for cross-disciplinary research. It also offers a library, a refectory and many more. UCL East also offers architectural facilities for easy movement across campus.

Study in UK: UCL Lanches the Single Biggest Campus Expansion in 200 Years

Life At UCL East

UCL East offers a life of innovation and revolutionary thinking. The institute has introduced a multidisciplinary research club called the Institute of Making and a School for Creative and Cultural Industries with media labs, conservation facilities and an object based learning lab.

Students can find an amazing landscape of biodiversity outside the campus. Moreover, within a few minutes walk are sports, leisure and shopping facilities available for the students. The campus also offers student accommodation facilities for the students and those willing to apply can do so through the regular procedure for campus accommodations. 

Study in UK: UCL Lanches the Single Biggest Campus Expansion in 200 Years
Source: UCL

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