
From A to Z: Dominate the SAT with This Complete 100 Words and Meanings Vocabulary Sheet

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Vocabulary Sheet for the SAT exam: Mastering vocabulary is crucial for scoring high in the SAT exam. A strong foundation in English vocabulary allows you to go beyond understanding the surface meaning of passages. You’ll delve deeper, grasping the subtle arguments and perspectives within the text. 

This vocabulary advantage empowers you to craft clear, persuasive responses to SAT prompts, tackling them with confidence and finesse. That said, read the complete blog to learn more about the vocabulary sheet for the SAT exam. 

100 Vocabulary Words to Ace Your SAT Exam

SAT vocabulary: The SAT reading/writing section requires students to provide well-structured, clear, and understandable replies to assigned themes or questions on the spot. This is why test-takers must have a solid grasp of a diverse set of vocabulary words. That being stated, here are 50+ vocabulary words for the SAT that will help you get higher results. 

1UbiquitousPresent, appearing, or found everywhere
2EphemeralLasting for a very short time
3PragmaticDealing with things sensibly and realistically
4EloquentFluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
5AmbiguousOpen to more than one interpretation
6BenevolentKind, generous, and caring about others
7ConundrumA confusing and difficult problem or question
8DiligentHaving or showing care and conscientiousness
9EmpathyThe ability to understand and share the feelings of another
10FastidiousVery attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail
11GregariousFond of company; sociable
12HypotheticalBased on or serving as a hypothesis
13ImperativeOf vital importance; crucial
14JuxtaposePlace or deal with close together for contrasting effect
15KineticRelating to or resulting from motion
16LucidExpressed clearly; easy to understand
17MagnanimousGenerous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person
18NostalgiaA sentimental longing for the past
19OmniscientKnowing everything
20ParadoxA statement that contradicts itself but might be true
21QuixoticExceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
22ResilientAble to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
23SurreptitiousKept secret, especially because it would not be approved of
24TaciturnReserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
25UbiquitousPresent, appearing, or found everywhere
26VoraciousHaving a very eager approach to an activity
27WistfulCharacterized by melancholy; longing
28XenophobiaDislike of or prejudice against people from other countries
29YieldingGiving way to arguments, demands, or pressure
30ZealousHaving or showing zeal; enthusiastic and diligent
31AnalogousComparable in certain respects
32BrevityConcise and exact use of words in writing or speech
33CognizantHaving knowledge or awareness
34DichotomyA division or contrast between two things
35EnigmaticDifficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
36FrugalEconomical in use or expenditure; thrifty
37GratuitousDone without good reason; uncalled for
38HedonistA person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life
39IdiosyncrasyA distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of an individual
40JeopardizePut (someone or something) into a situation with a risk of loss, harm, or failure. 
41KaleidoscopeA constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements. 
42LethargicSluggish and apathetic
43MisanthropeA person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society. 
44NefariousWicked or criminal
45OstentatiousCharacterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress. 
46PerfidiousDeceitful and untrustworthy
47QuintessentialRepresenting the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
48ReticentNot revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily
49SycophantA person who acts obsequiously toward someone important to gain advantage. 
50TrepidationA feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen. 
51UnequivocalLeaving no doubt; unambiguous
52VerboseUsing or expressing in more words than are needed
53WhimsicalPlayfully quaint or fanciful, especially appealingly and amusingly.
54XennialA person born on the cusp between Generation X and Millennial.
55YearnHave an intense feeling of longing for something. 
56ZealGreat energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. 
57AltruisticShowing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. 
58BeguileCharm or enchant, often in a deceptive way. 
59CacophonyA harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. 
60DearthA scarcity or lack of something
61MaximUniversal truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct, or proverb
62SanctityThe quality of being holy or sacred
63WarrantTo give proof of the authenticity or truth of something
64VeracityBeing true
65SolicitTo approach with a request or plea, to make a petition to, especially a judicial body
66MultifariousSomething or an event that has multiple variety
67VestigeA trace or mark left by something
68SurreptitiousDone, made, or acquired by stealth and secrecy
69SerendipityThe gift of finding valuable things not looked for
70UndermineTo weaken or ruin secretly or gradually
71TiradeA long violent angry speech
72RequisitionTo require or demand something, especially by an authority
73QuaintSomething marked by beauty, skilful design or being strikingly old-fashioned
74PenchantHaving persistent knack or interest in something
75LitigateTo decide and settle in a court of law
76InsurgentSomeone who revolts against civil authority or an established government; a rebel
77CacheA secure place that is used to store objects secretly
78BerateTo scold someone strongly
79CapitalizeTo profit from a resource or an opportunity
81UtilitarianSomeone who believes that the value of something lies in its usefulness
82TorpidSomeone lacking in energy or enthusiasm
83QuixoticImpractical especially in the foolish pursuit of ideals
84ProsecuteTo carry on a legal action against an accused person to prove his or her guilt; to follow up to the end
85BereftLacking something needed, wanted, or expected; a person grieving the death of a loved one
86ImputeTo blame someone unjustly
87ComplacentAccepting something after being self-satisfied
88UbiquitousExisting or being everywhere at the same time
89VilifyTo utter slanderous and abusive statements against
90TorrentA violent or forceful flow of wind or water
91RelegateTo banish or send into exile; to carry out a decision
92NadirThe lowest point of something
93DidacticSomething that is intended to be taught
94PejorativeA word or phrase that has negative connotations
95LicentiousSomeone who disregards moral, ethical or legal restraints
96InciteTo move to action; to make something happen
97NoxiousSomething harmful or destructive
98PrerogativeAn exclusive or special right, power, or privilege
99RefuteTo deny or disregard
100TravestyAn inferior imitation of something

How to Improve Your Vocabulary for the SAT Exam in 2024? 

SAT Preparation: A comprehensive vocabulary is an essential element for achieving a high score in the SAT exam. Here are several effective strategies to refine your vocabulary and elevate your speaking proficiency:

  • Engage in Extensive Reading: Immerse yourself in diverse reading materials, encompassing news articles, literary works, and periodicals. Actively identify unfamiliar words and strive to comprehend their meaning within the context.
  • Active Listening Practice: Incorporate English podcasts, audiobooks, and movies into your routine. Utilize the “shadowing” technique: repeat what you hear shortly after, mimicking pronunciation and intonation.
  • Interactive Learning: Partaking in English-speaking groups or online forums. This provides a platform to practice utilizing and acquiring new vocabulary in real-time conversations.
  • Flashcards for Retention: Craft flashcards that include new words, their definitions, and illustrative sentences. Regularly reviewing these flashcards strengthens your understanding and recall.
  • In-Depth Word Exploration: Record new words you encounter alongside their definitions, synonyms, and antonyms. This fosters connections and expands your vocabulary network.
  • Collocation Mastery: Focus on commonly used word pairs, such as “tremendous effort” or “significant increase.” This enhances your fluency and natural-sounding speech.
  • Creative Expression: Compose short stories, poems, or journal entries. Make a conscious effort to incorporate the new vocabulary you have acquired.
  • Conceptual Association: Throughout the day, attempt to translate your thoughts into English. This strengthens the association between concepts and their English counterparts.
  • Simulated Practice: Regularly practice SAT reading/writing questions. Participate in practice tests and answer questions utilizing your expanded vocabulary. This allows you to apply your new knowledge in an environment that replicates the actual test.

Top 5 Books to Help You Improve Your SAT Vocabulary

Here are the best vocabulary books for the SAT that you can purchase to bolster your chances of success in the exam. Have a look. 

Name of the BookName of the Author/PublisherPricePurchase Link
Cambridge Idioms DictionaryCambridge University PressINR 346Click Here
Oxford Idioms and Phrasal VerbsBen Francis and Dilys ParkinsonINR 450Click Here
Pinnacle SSC 60 Days English Vocabulary bookPinnacle PublicationsINR 1,288Click Here
Blackbook of English VocabularyNikhil K.R. GuptaINR 329Click Here
Everyday Vocabulary More Than 6100 WordsKumkum Gupta INR 75Click Here

So that was all about the vocabulary sheet for your SAT exam. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 


Q1. Is vocabulary still important for the SAT?

Ans: Yes, vocabulary is still important for the SAT, but it’s tested differently than in the past. While there are no longer dedicated vocabulary sections, strong vocabulary skills are crucial for understanding complex reading passages and expressing yourself clearly in the writing section. The SAT now focuses on how you use words in context.

Q2. How much vocabulary should I learn for the SAT?

Ans: There’s no magic number of words to memorise. Focus on learning commonly used words that appear across different subjects and contexts. Many resources offer lists of “high-value” SAT vocabulary words. 

Q3. What are some effective strategies for improving my SAT vocabulary?

Ans: Read challenging and diverse materials like news articles, novels, and academic journals. Pay attention to unfamiliar words and try to understand their meaning from the context. Create flashcards with new words, their definitions, and example sentences. Utilize spaced repetition apps to optimize your memorization process. By consistently employing these strategies, you can significantly enhance your SAT vocabulary and boost your overall score.

Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Reach out to Leverage Edu on 1800572000 and schedule a free session today.

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