
Opinion-Based Essays in IELTS: Format, Topics and Sample Questions with Answers

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Opinion-Based Essays in IELTS: Opinion essays are also known as ‘agree/disagree’/’argumentative’ essays. These essays typically require individuals to express their opinions or arguments on the given topic. Opinion essay questions are predominantly framed as: What is your opinion? Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree?  That being said, to learn more about opinion-based essays in IELTS, read the complete blog. 


Opinion-Based Essays in IELTS Format

Opinion-Based Essays in IELTS Format: Opinion-based essays in the IELTS exam carry a lot of weight in IELTS Writing Task 2. As they are frequently asked in IELTS writing and also at times pose a major challenge to students undertaking the exam, one must be well prepared to answer such questions. That being said, one way to ace such essays is to keep abreast of the essay format. Doing so will give you a solid idea about the types of questions that can be asked and how you should articulate and structure your answer in a comprehensible manner. 

Let’s have a look at the format of the Opinion-Based Essays in IELTS: 

  • Introduction –While writing the introduction to your IELTS Opinion Essay, make sure it is engaging and will entice readers to read the rest of the essay. It should be concise and to the point. This paragraph should not be longer than three or four lines. In your introduction, you should simply paraphrase the question and give your view or stand on the subject. Furthermore, you should establish the topic you intend to stick with throughout the essay and present two supporting grounds for your position.
  • Main Body Paragraph 1 – The first reason stated in the introduction should be included in the main body paragraph of your IELTS opinion essay. You should back up your viewpoint with justifications and explanations. At the end of your body paragraph 1, you must include appropriate examples to support your perspective. This will add more depth to your answer. 
  • Main Body Paragraph 2 –In this paragraph, you must state and explain your second argument. This paragraph follows the pattern of the previous paragraph. In other words, your essay’s main body paragraph 2 should include the second reason you provided in favour of your stance in the introduction. Support your claim using valid explanations and examples.
  • Conclusion – Summarise your opinions and important reasons in support of those opinions. 

Opinion Based Essay IELTS: Latest Topics

A few IELTS opinion essay topics are listed down below, which you can practice. These opinion essay questions may appear in the actual examination: 

5+ Tips to Ace Your IELTS Opinion Essay

Writing a coherent and comprehensible IELTS opinion essay can be a daunting task for first-timers. However, with prior practice and preparation, one can easily write solid answers. Here are some of the best tips that you can keep in mind to score better in your IELTS opinion essays. 

  • Understand the question thoroughly: Read it attentively two or three times to grasp its exact demand.
  • Brainstorm and refine your arguments: Before writing, spend a few minutes brainstorming relevant ideas. Assess their connection to your position and select the two most compelling ones to build your essay on.
  •  Prioritize impactful vocabulary: Pay close attention to using powerful and varied vocabulary throughout your essay.
  • Ensure coherence and cohesion: Maintaining a smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs is crucial for an opinion essay.
  •  Reiterate your stance: Consistently reinforce your own opinion throughout the essay, not just in the introduction and conclusion.
  • Manage word count effectively: Aim for a concise introduction within 55 words. Maintain body paragraphs of around 100 words each and conclude within a reasonable length to stay within the prescribed word limit.
  • Maintain a consistent viewpoint: Stick to the perspective you’ve chosen. Avoid switching or contradicting your ideas as this can disrupt coherence and potentially lower your score.
  • Keep your conclusion focused: Summarize your essay’s main points in a concise conclusion. Avoid introducing any new ideas in this final paragraph.

Opinion-Based Essays IELTS: Sample Questions with Answers 

Refer to the sample essays given below to get a solid understanding of the opinion-based essays in IELTS. Doing so will help you get a better picture of how to answer such questions in a coherent manner. 

Sample 1: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Ans: “ The advancements in technology have revolutionised the way people access information and engage with historical places and artworks. Some people argue that public museums and art galleries have become obsolete as they can be seen through computer screens. I strongly disagree with this, as I feel that physical museums and art galleries have a stronger purpose in life. 

The main reason for this is that art galleries and museums provide immersive experiences that can never be replaced with a computer screen. Staying in the presence of a historical artefact helps people time travel to different eras and cultures. The tangible experience that comes with having a direct connection with history and art in their direct scale and detail, is unbeatable. The ambience of these institutions fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage. For example, a history lesson becomes more interesting and engaging when students have direct contact with artefacts of that era. In addition to these, museums and art galleries are essential for education as they offer direct interaction with the subject matter. They also play an important role in preserving cultural heritage.

Moreover, many workshops, lectures and guided tours held in museums offer insights to the people from the perspective of experts, which further enhances the learning experience. They give platforms to artists and scholars to display their works and research. These places are also known to hold exhibitions, events, and community programs that build social interaction and community engagement. On the other hand, if one views art and historical objects through computer screens, it will devoid them of such things. Apart from that, not everyone has stable access to a computer or internet, especially in less developed regions. On-ground exposure to art and history ensures that everyone regardless of their social and economic status gets to share and learn about the cultural heritage. 

To conclude, although digital technology helps people view art and historical objects at their own convenience, they can never replace the hands-on experience that one gets by physically going there. These institutions enrich people’s understanding of the past, enhance the present learnings and inspire future developments. That’s why I do not support the idea that technology will replace museums and art galleries.” 

Sample 2: Many People Believe that playing games and watching TV programs is beneficial, but for others, it does not improve the mental ability of children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans: “ The expansion of technology has made games and television shows an unavoidable part of a child’s life. While some people believe that they are beneficial, I firmly believe that they do not enhance a child’s mental ability.

It is important to know that games and television programs do have some benefits. They provide entertainment and relaxation, and some educational programs or games do impart knowledge. For example shows like “Dora the Explorer” help in teaching children about numbers, letters and social skills. However, they should not be mistaken as sources for comprehensive mental ability improvement. These activities are passive in nature and require minimal mental engagement. Children are only absorbing the information that is served to them rather than actively engaging with it. While games may require strategic thinking, they often lack the depth and complexity needed to significantly improve cognitive abilities. 

Many games are formed to stimulate the brain and are addictive rather than educational. They focus on repetitive tasks and instant gratification. In addition to this, it only increases screen time leading to a sedentary lifestyle thereby impacting mental health. In fact, studies have shown that regular physical activities improve cognitive functions rather than playing games and watching television shows. Instead of spending time on these activities, children can do something meaningful such as reading, playing musical instruments or engaging in sports activities. These activities help not only stimulate the brain but also build social skills, discipline and perseverance in children. 

To conclude, while games and television can be a good source of entertainment, they do not help in improving the mental abilities of a child. Parents and teachers need to encourage a diverse range of activities that not only keep children entertained but also contribute to their holistic development, encompassing both mental and physical well-being.” 

So that was all about the opinion-based essays in IELTS. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

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Q1. What are the most common phrases for expressing personal opinions in IELTS? 

Ans: “In my opinion, I think I believe, I am in favour of, and I feel that” are some of the most common phrases for introductions in IELTS. 

Q2. How to get 8.0 in IELTS Writing?

Ans: Test takers can use a range of linkers, adverbial phrases, references, and punctuations to bolster their overall scores in IELTS writing. 

Q3.What is the duration of the IELTS Writing Task 2? 

Ans: The IELTS Writing Task 2 requires individuals to complete the task within 40 minutes. 

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