
30+ Best Inspiring Swami Vivekananda Quotes

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swami vivekananda quotes

Swami Vivekananda was one of the finest intellectuals of all time. Vivekananda was born in a well-known Kolkata family, In India and throughout the world, Swami Vivekananda made a lasting impression on people. He spoke with great insight and agelessness. He Was a champion of Hinduism on the world stage, and his powerful message of self-belief, service, and the potential within each of us continues to inspire millions. Swami Vivekananda, a renowned spiritual leader, once offered a powerful message that can help us overcome these challenges.


Swami Vivekananda’s Quotes On Motivation

Read best motivational quotes by Swami Vivekananda given below-

  1. Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached
  2. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself
  3. The greatest sin is to think yourself weak.
  4. Do one thing at a time, and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.
  5. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live;

Do not lower your goals to the level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of your goals.

Swami Vivekananda

6.You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
7.Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.
8.In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
9.Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it; do not become others.
10.Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true
11.Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Swami Vivekananda’s most popular quotes are given below, read to get motivated-

  1. Whatever you think that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you think yourself strong, you will be.
  2. In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
  3. Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it; do not become others.
  4. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.
  5. Meditation can turn fools into sages but unfortunately, fools never meditate.

Life is a continuous struggle between the forces of good and evil, and the victory goes to the one who perseveres with patience and faith.

Swami Vivekananda

6.Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way adsorb it; do not become others.
7.Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable.
8.Do one thing at a Time, and while doing it put your whole Soul into it to the exclusion of all else.
9.Anything that makes you weak – physically, intellectually and spiritually, reject it as poison.
10.Great work requires great and persistent effort for a long time. …Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes On Knowledge

Read the quotes by Swami Vivekananda to enhance knowledge-

  1. Knowledge is power. We all agree to that. Knowledge is the manifestation of power already in man.
  2. Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas.
  3. The only true teacher is he who can immediately come down to the level of the student, and transfer his soul to the student’s soul, and see through the student’s eyes and hear through his ears and understand through his mind.
  4. All the knowledge in the world is yours to take. You just have to reach out and grab it.
  5. Knowledge can only be got in one way, the way of experience; there is no other way to know.
  6. The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them.
  7. The only way to come up, is to come up fighting.
  8. In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
  9. The only way to do good work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.
  10. To be educated means to have a mind that can think, a heart that can feel, and a soul that can imagine.

Read 50 Thoughts for the Day to Inspire & Motivate Yourself 

Swami Vivekananda Quotes On Deep Wisdom

Read the best quotes by the Swami Vivekananda on Deep Wisdom-

  1. In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
  2. Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can, build your hope on none.
  3. You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
  4. Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If you cannot, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.
  5. Do one thing at a time, and while doing it put your whole soul into it to the exclusion of all else.

Watch people do their most common actions; these are indeed the things that will tell you the real character of a great person.

Swami Vivekananda

6.We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame, none has the praise.
7.If I love myself despite my infinite faults, how can I hate anyone at the glimpse of a few faults.8.Who is helping you, don’t forget them. Who is loving you, don’t hate them. Who is believing you, don’t cheat them.
9.Learn everything that is good from others but bring it in, and in your own way absorb it; do not become others.
10.It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.

Swami Vivekananda Quotes On Inspiration

Inspirational quotes by Swami Vivekananda are given below-

  1. Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is achieved.
  2. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it; think of it; live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.
  3. The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves.
  4. All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark.
  5. Stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny.
  6. In a day, when you don’t come across any problems – you can be sure that you are traveling in a wrong path.
  7. The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.
  8. We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.
  9. Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.

Swami Vivekananda’s Quotes On Leadership

Read the below given quotes on leadership by Swami Vivekananda-

  1. The leader is the one who awakens the leader within others.
  2. Never say ‘no,’ never say, ‘I cannot,’ for you are infinite. All the power is within you. You can do anything.
  3. The only true teacher is he who can immediately come down to the level of the student and transfer his soul to the student’s soul and see through the student’s eyes and hear through his ears and understand through his mind.
  4. Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life — think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is the way great spiritual giants are produced.

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.

Swami Vivekananda

5.In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
6.The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves!
7.Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can build your hope on none.
8.Strength is life, weakness is death. Expansion is life, contraction is death. Love is life, hatred is death.
9.You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
10.The greatest sin is to think that you are weak

20+ Thought of the Day in English: A Collection of Inspiration

Now you have read it! The  Best Swami Vivekananda Quotes. Write these quotes down or share them with anyone who needs an added dose of inspiration. You can also follow our page for more motivation.

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