This is a common question type in the listening section. You need to choose one correct answer out of three or four choices. You need to have skills such as understanding the specific points in detail and ability to grasp an overall idea of the main points in the given text to crack this question type.
Choose the correct letters A-C
Q21. Melanie says she has not started the assignment because …
A. she was doing work for another course
B. it was a really big assignment
C. she hasn’t spent time in the library
Q22. The lecturer says that reasonable excuses for extensions are …
A. planning problems
B. problems with assignment deadlines
C. personal illness or accident
Tips to Remember
- Read instructions carefully
- Mark keywords from the questions
- Think of possible synonyms
- Listen for the overall meaning of what the speaker is saying
- Listen actively as speaker may add more information or change the answer
- Eliminate irrelevant choices
- Make a guess if finding trouble with a question and move on to the next
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