
IELTS Essay Topic: Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people.

6 minute read
Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people.

Q- Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship between people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans- Honesty and truthfulness are essential values that form the foundation of any relationship between people. While some individuals argue that always telling the truth is the most important consideration, others contend that there may be exceptions where withholding the truth may be necessary. I partially agree with this and in this essay, I will discuss the importance of truthfulness in any relationship while exploring situations where it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth.


The primary reason why truthfulness is important in any relationship is that it establishes trust between individuals. When people are honest with each other, they can rely on each other’s words and actions, which strengthens their bond. For instance, in a romantic relationship, partners who are truthful with each other can trust each other with their vulnerabilities, which can deepen their intimacy and strengthen their connection. On the other hand, if individuals lie or withhold the truth, it can erode trust and damage the relationship over time. Furthermore, honesty promotes open communication, which is crucial for any relationship to thrive. When individuals are truthful with each other, they can communicate freely without fear of judgment or repercussion. This fosters a safe environment where both parties can express their opinions and feelings, which can help resolve conflicts and deepen their understanding of each other. In contrast, dishonesty can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and ultimately, the breakdown of the relationship.

However, there may be instances where telling the truth may cause harm or have negative consequences. In such cases, it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth. For example, if a person is undergoing a difficult time, revealing the truth may cause further distress. In such cases, it may be better to wait for an appropriate time to reveal the truth or to deliver it in a way that is gentle and compassionate. Moreover, in certain situations, the truth may be withheld to protect the safety or well-being of an individual or a group.

In conclusion, always telling the truth is crucial in any relationship as it establishes trust and promotes open communication. However, there may be situations where withholding or delaying the truth may be necessary. Therefore, individuals should prioritize honesty and truthfulness in their relationships, but also exercise discretion and compassion when dealing with delicate or sensitive issues. By doing so, individuals can build healthy and enduring relationships that are based on trust, respect, and understanding.


Outline statement:  Honesty and truthfulness are essential values that form the foundation of any relationship between people.

Paraphrased statement:  While some individuals argue that always telling the truth is the most important consideration, others contend that there may be exceptions where withholding the truth may be necessary.

Thesis statement:  I partially agree with this and in this essay, I will discuss the importance of truthfulness in any relationship while exploring situations where it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth.

Body paragraph 1-Topic sentence: The primary reason why truthfulness is important in any relationship is that it establishes trust between individuals.

Body paragraph 1- Supporting evidence:  When people are honest with each other, they can rely on each other’s words and actions, which strengthens their bond. For instance, in a romantic relationship, partners who are truthful with each other can trust each other with their vulnerabilities, which can deepen their intimacy and strengthen their connection. On the other hand, if individuals lie or withhold the truth, it can erode trust and damage the relationship over time.

Body paragraph 1- Analysis: Furthermore, honesty promotes open communication, which is crucial for any relationship to thrive. When individuals are truthful with each other, they can communicate freely without fear of judgment or repercussion. This fosters a safe environment where both parties can express their opinions and feelings, which can help resolve conflicts and deepen their understanding of each other. In contrast, dishonesty can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and ultimately, the breakdown of the relationship.

Body paragraph 2- Topic sentence: However, there may be instances where telling the truth may cause harm or have negative consequences.

Body paragraph 2- Supporting evidence: In such cases, it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth.

Body paragraph 2- Analysis:  For example, if a person is undergoing a difficult time, revealing the truth may cause further distress. In such cases, it may be better to wait for an appropriate time to reveal the truth or to deliver it in a way that is gentle and compassionate. Moreover, in certain situations, the truth may be withheld to protect the safety or well-being of an individual or a group.

Conclusion: In conclusion, always telling the truth is crucial in any relationship as it establishes trust and promotes open communication. However, there may be situations where withholding or delaying the truth may be necessary. Therefore, individuals should prioritize honesty and truthfulness in their relationships, but also exercise discretion and compassion when dealing with delicate or sensitive issues. By doing so, individuals can build healthy and enduring relationships that are based on trust, respect, and understanding.


Honesty and truthfulness are essential values that form the foundation of any relationship between people. While some individuals argue that always telling the truth is the most important consideration, others contend that there may be exceptions where withholding the truth may be necessary. I partially agree with this and in this essay, I will discuss the importance of truthfulness in any relationship while exploring situations where it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth.

The primary reason why truthfulness is important in any relationship is that it establishes trust between individuals. When people are honest with each other, they can rely on each other’s words and actions, which strengthens their bond. For instance, in a romantic relationship, partners who are truthful with each other can trust each other with their vulnerabilities, which can deepen their intimacy and strengthen their connection. On the other hand, if individuals lie or withhold the truth, it can erode trust and damage the relationship over time. Furthermore, honesty promotes open communication, which is crucial for any relationship to thrive. When individuals are truthful with each other, they can communicate freely without fear of judgment or repercussion. This fosters a safe environment where both parties can express their opinions and feelings, which can help resolve conflicts and deepen their understanding of each other. In contrast, dishonesty can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and ultimately, the breakdown of the relationship.

However, there may be instances where telling the truth may cause harm or have negative consequences. In such cases, it may be necessary to withhold or delay the truth. For example, if a person is undergoing a difficult time, revealing the truth may cause further distress. In such cases, it may be better to wait for an appropriate time to reveal the truth or to deliver it in a way that is gentle and compassionate. Moreover, in certain situations, the truth may be withheld to protect the safety or well-being of an individual or a group.

In conclusion, always telling the truth is crucial in any relationship as it establishes trust and promotes open communication. However, there may be situations where withholding or delaying the truth may be necessary. Therefore, individuals should prioritize honesty and truthfulness in their relationships, but also exercise discretion and compassion when dealing with delicate or sensitive issues. By doing so, individuals can build healthy and enduring relationships that are based on trust, respect, and understanding.

Linkers and Connectors Used in this Essay

Linkers and connectors used in this essay are:

  • While
  • However
  • Furthermore
  • For instance
  • On the other hand
  • In contrast
  • Moreover
  • In conclusion
  • Ultimately 

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