
IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Talk about a goal that you want to achieve in the future. It must Include:

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IELTS Daily Speaking Topic: Talk about a goal that you want to achieve in the future. It must Include:

a) What the goal is?

b) When did you think about it?

c) How you will accomplish it?

Brainstorming Ideas

a) The goal that I want to achieve is to be a successful entrepreneur, and the root of it came when I was in my second year and participated in a business plan competition.


b) Achieving this goal is not easy but I have a plan to make sure that I am not diverting from it. 

c) Firstly, I plan to gain some practical exposure by working with various startups, so that I can understand the nitty-gritty details of running a business.

d) Secondly, I plan to pursue an MBA degree specializing in entrepreneurship to understand the theoretical aspects of business.

e) Lastly, I believe networking is very important in any business field, it will help in opening doors to future collaborations and partnerships.

Q. Talk about a goal that you want to achieve in the future.

Ans: My future goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. This ambition started during my undergraduate studies when I was introduced to the world of startups and innovation. The idea of creating something from scratch, nurturing it, and watching it grow and impact society positively is appealing to me.

The idea struck me during my second year of university when I was part of a team that participated in a business plan competition. Although we did not win, the experience was exhilarating. I realized my passion for entrepreneurship and decided to make it my future goal. The entire journey, from brainstorming an idea to presenting it to a panel of judges, was transformative. It involved conducting market research, creating a business strategy, and more.

Achieving this goal will not be easy, and I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead. However, I have a comprehensive plan for the same to ensure that I am not diverting from the right path. Firstly, I intend to gain some practical exposure in this field by working with various startups, so that I can understand the intricacies of running a business. This will give me insights into the operational, financial, and strategic aspects of a company.

Secondly, I also plan to pursue an MBA degree specializing in entrepreneurship. This will help me gain the necessary skills and knowledge to start a business. I think that having formal education in this field will be beneficial for me to understand the theoretical aspects of entrepreneurship. It will give me a solid foundation in business management principles and practices, and strategic planning among many others. Finally, I believe networking is very important in any business field. Therefore, I am planning to attend various seminars, workshops, and business events so that I get to interact with like-minded people and experts in the industry. This will not only help me learn from their experience but will also open doors for potential partnerships and collaborations.

To conclude, being a successful entrepreneur is a challenging yet exciting journey. It requires a combination of practical experience, formal education, and a strong network. Despite the obstacles, I am determined to achieve the goal and contribute to society.


What is the goal: My future goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. This ambition started during my undergraduate studies when I was introduced to the world of startups and innovation. The idea of creating something from scratch, nurturing it, and watching it grow and impact society positively is appealing to me.

How did this thought come to your mind: The idea struck me during my second year of university when I was part of a team that participated in a business plan competition. Although we did not win, the experience was exhilarating. I realized my passion for entrepreneurship and decided to make it my future goal. The entire journey, from brainstorming an idea to presenting it to a panel of judges, was transformative. It involved conducting market research, creating a business strategy, and more.

Challenges and how will you overcome them: Achieving this goal will not be easy, and I am aware of the challenges that lie ahead. However, I have a comprehensive plan for the same to ensure that I am not diverting from the right path. Firstly, I intend to gain some practical exposure in this field by working with various startups, so that I can understand the intricacies of running a business. This will give me insights into the operational, financial, and strategic aspects of a company.

Secondly, I also plan to pursue an MBA degree specializing in entrepreneurship. This will help me gain the necessary skills and knowledge to start a business. I think that having a formal education in this field will be beneficial for me to understand the theoretical aspects of entrepreneurship. It will give me a solid foundation in business management principles and practices, and strategic planning among many others. Finally, I believe networking is very important in any business field. Therefore, I am planning to attend various seminars, workshops, and business events so that I get to interact with like-minded people and experts in the industry. This will not only help me learn from their experience but will also open doors for potential partnerships and collaborations.

Conclusion: To conclude, being a successful entrepreneur is a challenging yet exciting journey. It requires a combination of practical experience, formal education, and a strong network. Despite the obstacles, I am determined to achieve the goal and contribute to society.

Vocabulary in Use

Creating something from scratchMaking something using only basic or new ingredients or materials.
Exhilarating Something that makes you feel very excited and happy.
Comprehensive planAn ordered process that determines community goals and aspirations in terms of community development.
DivertingTo have in mind a purpose or goal.
IntendTo have in mind as a purpose or goal.
IntricaciesComplicated or detailed aspects of something.
InsightsA clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation.
PursueTo follow or chase with the intent to catch, overtake, or achieve something.
Solid foundationA strong or firm basis upon which something is built.
Like-minded peopleIndividuals who share similar opinions, ideas, attitudes, or interests.
Open doorsOpportunities or the removal of barriers that allows for progress or advancement.
ObstaclesThings that block one’s way or prevent or hinder progress.

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