
Study Abroad in France: French Government Releases Euro 500 Million for Student Scholarships

2 minute read
The minister, Sylvie Reailleau reiterated that the mission of French Higher Education should be to provide equal opportunities and education to join training courses through which they can succeed in careers and studies. 

The French government is investing more than Euro 500 million to make improvements to the system of higher education grants based on social criteria, access to accommodation and food services. Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education, presented the first of her reforms on student scholarships March 29, 2023. This will be implemented next september.


Also, the government has decided to increase the number of scholarship holders of an additional 35,000 students from the middle class. As of now, the number of scholarship holders is 7,20,000. Further, the government has also mentioned that it will increase payments to the scholarship holders by Euro 37 monthly or Euro 370 per year.

In a ten year period it would represent the most significant revalorization. Also the academic year in France lasts for 10 months. But these changes will apply to more domestic students with scholarships rather than international students.

But overseas students will benefit from a few new measures soon in the next academic year. This will lead to welcoming of international students to France and French higher education abroad. As per the survey conducted last year, the agency unveiled that 9 out of 10 overseas students recommend France as a study destination.

Also, this country has boosted the motivation of 88% of respondents to work at local companies. Moreover, the major economic impact of international students in France, who will also contribute Euro 5 billion to the economy. 

Measures that will be applicable from 2023/24 academic year include:

  • Exemption from university registration fees.
  • Freezing the price of meals.
  • Prioritizing access to housing in university park.

Moreover, amid the pandemic  the government created every social meal price of Euro 1 to reduce financial stress. 

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