
Formal Vocabulary for IELTS  

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formal vocabulary for ielts

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Formal Vocabulary for IELTS: Having a good hold on vocabulary can help individuals climb up ladders in the societal hierarchy. This is because, vocabulary being the backbone of any language, acts as a bridge between individuals. Without a solid command of vocabulary, one may find themselves at a loss when unable to explain or express themselves in the public domain.

As a result, communication gaps between people may persist, and one’s confidence in public speaking may suffer. Therefore,  not only is a solid command of the English language essential to express oneself to the rest of the world, but also to discern what others are attempting to convey. 

Also Read: How to Prepare for IELTS? 

List of Formal Vocabulary for IELTS  

Candidates appearing for the IELTS Exam must focus on their formal vocabulary to ace the writing section of the exam. This is because formal terminology is predominantly incorporated in the IELTS writing assessments.  Apart from IELTS, formal vocabulary may come in handy for individuals who intend to work in the corporate sector.  Being inept in vocabulary can not only impede one’s personal growth but also hamper one’s professional life as well. In this day and age, if you are a working professional in any sector, lacking decent vocabulary skills is a big no-no. 

Consider this – your manager summons you to a meeting where you must deliver an impressive presentation in front of clients. Even if you grasp the subject thoroughly, a lack of vocabulary will put you in the bad graces of your superiors. No matter how good your ideas are, if you cannot properly communicate them, all of your efforts will be in vain. To explain thoughts and concepts and facilitate formal board presentations in the professional sector, one must stay current on popular formal vocabulary. 

No matter how arduous or daunting learning new vocabulary may seem to some, it is not rocket science, indicating that the skill can be learned or honed by anyone. All that is required is patience and as much practice as possible.  Here is a curated list of formal vocabulary to help you ace your IELTS writing section. 

Informal (Avoid)Neutral (Speaking)Formal (Writing)
StuffThingsItems, Possessions
Kids (younger)Babies, ChildrenInfants, Offspring
Kids (older)TeenagersAdolescents, Youths
Old peopleElderly peopleSenior citizens, Retirees
Boss, ManagerSupervisor, Superior
CopsPoliceLaw enforcement
CrooksCriminalsOffenders, Lawbreakers
OK, AlrightFineAcceptable, Satisfactory
Great, AwesomeGoodPreferable, Desirable
Rubbish, UselessBad, PoorUnsatisfactory, Unacceptable
Nice, PoliteConsiderate, Agreeable
Kind, FriendlySociable, Neighbourly

Even if you are not a social butterfly, having a good hold on the vocabulary will ensure that you are able to mend your communication gaps with others. In such cases, a strong vocabulary can allow you to communicate fluently to express your feelings and perspective. 

What is IELTS? 

Those who wish to study or reside abroad are required to undertake the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). This English language test is intended to determine and assess a candidate’s overall language competency, notably in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. 

Importance of IELTS 

The ineptitude of vocabulary can stifle an individual’s advancement not only in social circles but also in professional settings. In other words, when a person lacks a proper vocabulary, their social development suffers. Consequentially, honing one’s vocabulary abilities is critical, as it is regarded as the most important component of learning a new language.  

You must have great vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation skills to ace the IELTS Exam. Candidates must be fluent in vocabulary because it accounts for a significant portion of the reading, listening, and writing parts. Many of you may find the exam difficult or burdensome, but with enough preparation and practice, you can qualify with flying colours. 

High IELTS scores may assist students in demonstrating their English language abilities to the admissions committee and visa authorities and highlighting the candidate’s ability and capacity to speak in front of a worldwide audience. 

Vocabulary, which is considered the essence of a language, can be a lifeline for students looking to study abroad. An individual who has a solid command of the language is likely to be able to talk and communicate more successfully. 

No matter how arduous or daunting learning new vocabulary may seem to some, it is not rocket science, indicating that the skill can be learned or honed by anyone. All that is required is patience and as much practice as possible.  Here is a curated list of formal vocabulary that can help you ace your IELTS writing section. 

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