
Cost of Living in Grenoble: Updated Prices, Other Cities Comparison

7 minute read

Grenoble is a beautiful region located in southeastern France at the foot of the French Alps. This city is renowned for its scientific research, prestigious universities, and stunning natural surroundings. If you’re considering pursuing higher education in Grenoble, it’s important to understand the monthly cost of living in Grenoble for a single person in the city.


Grenoble has top-tier universities that offer its students a safe and pleasant environment. If you’re planning to move to Grenoble for your higher studies, it’s essential to be aware of the latest information on the cost of living in Grenoble. This blog will cover the average monthly expenses in Grenoble, including other necessary costs. Let’s dive into the details of living expenses in Grenoble.

Cost of Living in Grenoble

The cost of living in Grenoble, including rent, averages around EUR 906 per month according to the numbeo. However, this expense amount can vary significantly depending on an individual’s preferences, lifestyle and budget.

The cost of living in Grenoble is affected by several key categories, accommodation, food and groceries, utilities, and public transportation. Understanding these expense categories is crucial to getting a clear picture of how much it costs to live in Grenoble:

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Costs of Accommodation in Grenoble

Renting a one-bedroom apartment in Grenoble’s city centre can cost you around EUR 612 per month. While, if you choose a one-bedroom apartment outside the city centre, the cost drops to about EUR 511 per month according to numbeo. The apartment’s location and size are key factors determining its cost.

Housing expenses make up a significant portion of the overall cost of living in Grenoble. By examining the table below, you can get a clear understanding of the average housing costs in Grenoble and their impact on the city’s total living expenses.

Apartment LocationMonthly Approx Cost
Single-Bedroom Apartment City CentreEUR 612
Three -bedrooms Apartment City CentreEUR 1125
Single-bedroom ApartmentOutside the CentreEUR 511
Three -bedrooms ApartmentOutside the CentreEUR 813
Source: numbeo

Cost of a Utility in Grenoble

When living in an apartment, things like electricity, water, heating, and garbage pickup are crucial. In Grenoble, folks typically spend around EUR 158 each month on these essentials. Below, we’ve listed some basic utility costs in Grenoble to help you plan your budget better. Take a look and adjust accordingly.

Utility TypeAverage Monthly Cost
Basic Utility for an apartment (Water, Electricity, Heating)EUR 158
Internet Plan (60 Mbps+, 1 month Unlimited Data)EUR 31.12
Mobile Phone Monthly Plan with Calls and 10GB+ DataEUR 29.62
Source: numbeo

Restaurant Food Costs in Grenoble 

Grenoble’s culinary scene is renowned for dishes like gratin dauphinois, along with a variety of French cuisine, fast food, and other delicious options. Whether you prefer dining at a restaurant or sampling street food, Grenoble caters to every food enthusiast. 

On average, a lunch menu at an affordable restaurant costs around EUR 15, while a meal for two at a mid-range restaurant is about EUR 50. A cup of cappuccino typically costs around EUR 3.10, making it an affordable treat for anyone.

Cost of Grocery in Grenoble

If you are a student, cooking at a residence in Grenoble is a smart choice as it can save you a significant amount of money. Eating out or ordering food online can be expensive and impact your budget, given the overall cost of living in Grenoble. 

Additionally, it is essential to account for a grocery budget as it is a fundamental component of the cost of living in Grenoble. For your convenience, the average cost of groceries in Grenoble is detailed in the table below:

Grocery ItemApprox Cost
Milk (regular), (1 litre)EUR 1.14
Oranges (1kg)EUR 2.67
Apples (1kg)EUR 2.56
Banana (1kg)EUR 1.57
Potato (1kg)EUR 2.33
Tomato (1kg)EUR 2.73
Water (1.5 liter bottle)EUR 1.02
Onion (1kg)EUR 2.00
Cheese (1kg)EUR 19.83
Rice (white), (1kg)EUR 2.54
Eggs (regular) (12)EUR 4.00
Fresh White Bread (500g)EUR 1.20
Source: numbeo

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Transportation Costs in Grenoble 

Grenoble provides a diverse range of transportation options including cars, buses, taxis, trams, and bicycles. Generally, a standard transportation ticket in Grenoble costs approximately EUR 1.80. However, the expenses associated with public transportation in Grenoble vary depending on the specific service utilised and the distance travelled.

Transportation costs constitute a notable component of the overall cost of living in Grenoble. To provide you with a better understanding, we have arranged the average transportation expenses in Grenoble below, offering an estimation to assist you in budgeting for your transportation needs.

Mode of TransportApprox Monthly Cost
Local Transport One-way TicketEUR 1.80
Monthly ticket for local transportEUR 63.70
Taxi ride for 1 kmEUR 1.86 (Normal Tariff)
GasolineEUR 1.75 per litre
Source: numbeo

Miscellaneous Cost in Grenoble

In addition to the outlined expense categories for the cost of living in Grenoble, there are additional miscellaneous costs worth considering before making the move. These expenses may become necessary during your time in Grenoble beyond your academic or professional pursuits. 

We have compiled data on various miscellaneous costs, including sports, entertainment, and clothing expenses, for your reference. Feel free to review the table below and factor them into your living expenses budget as well.

Miscellaneous CatagoryAverage Costs
Fitness Club, for a monthEUR 35.71
Doctor’s visitEUR 101
Cinema 1 personEUR 12.00
1 Pair of Branded JeansEUR 80
1 Pair of Nike Running ShoesEUR 84
Source: numbeo

Cost of Living in Grenoble Compared to Other Cities

When you compare the cost of living in Grenoble to nearby cities like Paris, France, and London, you’ll notice some differences. Generally, living in Grenoble tends to be more affordable than these major cities. For example, housing prices in Grenoble are typically lower than in Paris or London. Groceries and transportation costs are also often cheaper in Grenoble.

To help you understand better, we have compared the monthly cost of living in Grenoble with nearby cities like Paris, France, and London without including the rent  The below table will show you how affordable Grenoble is. Take a look and see how it affects your expenses.

Cost of living city-wiseApprox CostsComparison Cost of Living in Grenoble
Cost of Living in ParisEUR 1,107Higher than Grenoble
Cost of Living in FranceEUR 951Higher than Grenoble
Cost of Living in LondonEUR 1296Higher than in Grenoble
Source: numbeo

These figures indicate that Grenoble offers more economical living standards than its nearby cities, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordability without compromising on quality of life.

Average Cost of Tuition Fees in Grenoble

Apart from the affordable cost of living in Grenoble, its universities are famous worldwide, with many of them appearing in respected rankings like QS and THE. This makes Grenoble a top choice for students seeking higher education abroad. For international students who move to Grenoble, the main and essential expense is usually the tuition fees charged by the universities.

The tuition fees at Grenoble universities can vary based on the program and level of education you’re interested in. Finding the information about tuition fees can be overwhelming for students. That’s why we have compiled a table below, showing the average tuition fees at some Grenoble universities. Take a look!

Name of University in GrenobleApprox Tuition Fees per year
Grenoble INP – Grenoble Institute of TechnologyEUR 278350 to EUR 10020 
Grenoble Graduate School of BusinessEUR 11940 to EUR 37740
Grenoble Alpes UniversityEUR 5908
The University Of GrenobleEUR 3770
Source: usnews

Conclusion: Grenoble offers a good quality of life to international students at a lower price than many other nearby cities. Whether you’re attracted to its outdoor adventures, educational opportunities or cultural offerings, Grenoble offers a cost-effective alternative without compromising quality of life.

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FAQs on Cost of Living in Grenoble

Q.1 What is the Average Cost of Living in Grenoble?

Answer: The average cost of living in Grenoble is around EUR 906, If we exclude rent for a one room apartment. However, these living costs can vary depending on personal preferences and location within Grenoble.

Q.2 Is it expensive to live in Grenoble, France?

Answer: The average cost of living in Grenoble, France, including rent, is around EUR 906. This is relatively low compared to nearby cities. That’s why Grenoble is seen as an affordable and appealing choice for international students.

Q3. Is Grenoble expensive for students?

Ans: To live comfortably in Grenoble one person needs about EUR 906 excluding the rent. This shows that Grenoble is less expensive for students than other nearby cities.

Q 4. Is Grenoble cheaper than Paris?

Ans: Yes, Grenoble is cheaper than Paris because the average cost of living in Paris for one person in Grenoble is around 1,107 Euros without rent. Whereas, the average cost of living in Grenoble is around EUR 906 without considering rent.

So, this was all about the cost of living in Grenoble. Many Indian students dream of pursuing education in foreign nations due to the exposure and career growth they offer. Consider joining a free counselling session with Leverage Edu if you plan to study abroad.

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