
The Benefits of Working Abroad for Your Resume

4 minute read

There’s a reason why a handful of career-focused high schoolers choose to become exchange students for a year—it looks great on their resume! But have you ever wondered why that experience is a resume boon? Have you ever thought about tapping into similar benefits, no
matter where you are in your career?

Working abroad can enhance your resume and boost your career in unexpected ways. We will
consider these benefits below.

1. Honing In-Demand Soft Skills

Soft skills are more in demand than ever before. Employers aren’t just looking to hire human automatons that can perform a preset suite of duties. They want hires to be adaptable problem-solvers who are emotionally intelligent and work well under pressure.

Travel—especially living abroad—forces you to hone these skills. When your flight is cancelled or your plans fall through, you’re forced to problem-solve and think critically. You strengthen your emotional intelligence quotient (EQ) and gain better cultural awareness and empathy when you work closely with people from different backgrounds.

Highlighting soft skills also expands and enhances the meaning of your relevant experience. Soft skills are highly transferable. So even if you’re shifting between industries, you can emphasize how you handled a challenging situation or worked well with others. Experiences like
that are relevant in every workplace.

2. Language Proficiency

Immersion in a foreign culture can help you learn an entirely new language or sharpen your existing fluency. In today’s global economy, bilingual and multilingual candidates are always in high demand. Companies need interpreters, translators, and ambassadors. In fact, proficiency in a needed language could make you stand out among other candidates when all else is equal.

Language proficiency also goes hand-in-hand with the cross-cultural understanding discussed above. Language shapes how we see the world; when you speak someone’s language, you can
empathize with them on a deeper level. You’ll likely also be aware of cultural faux pas and expectations that can help business meetings and negotiations run smoothly.

3. Expanding Your Professional Network

According to statistics published by Employ, Inc., job seekers rely heavily on their networks to find job openings. Forty-six percent ask their friends; 39 percent turn to social media contacts, such as those on LinkedIn; and 25 percent seek guidance from professional connections.

The takeaway? Networking is important, and working abroad offers unique opportunities to expand your network. At work or in leisure time, you will be getting to know people you may never have met in your country of origin. Don’t forget to connect with them on LinkedIn or take
other reasonable steps to inculcate them into your network.

4. Increased Confidence

Fear of failure can make you risk averse, preventing you from taking on challenges or pursuing opportunities. It can also inhibit your creativity and lead to poor job performance.

Travel—especially the extended travel inherent in working abroad—is an antidote to such fear. New experiences boost neuroplasticity and cognitive flexibility—in other words, they help the
brain adapt to change.

Many travellers report that they feel less inhibited and more likely to take on challenges such as trying unfamiliar food or using a public transportation system for the first time. When such challenges are overcome, the result is a boost in confidence. This can carry over to the
workplace as well. As a confident employee, you may be more likely to share your ideas or volunteer for a project. Your initiative and abilities will then be more visible to important decision-makers.

5. Gaining a Global Perspective

As previously mentioned, we live and work amid a global economy. Communications technology has allowed connection and collaboration like never before. Because of this, companies need skilled individuals who can not only do their assigned tasks but understand how these fit in with and intersect other cultures, diverse markets, and cosmopolitan business practices.
A global perspective can lead to more innovative and creative solutions to problems. It is especially vital in roles where understanding cultural nuances is of the utmost importance, such as product development, marketing, advertising, and sales.

6. Better Opportunities and Salary

Everything discussed above—soft skills, learning a second language, expanding your professional network, boosting your confidence, and viewing markets from a global perspective—make you stand out as an appealing candidate. International experience speaks for itself in navigating uncertainty and thriving under pressure.

    Some people seek work in other countries because their role receives a higher salary abroad or the cost of living is lower outside their home country. But you may receive monetary benefits even if you choose to return home. One LinkedIn survey reported a 30 percent increase in
    hireability among candidates with international experience, especially as this type of experience is traditionally linked with an advanced skill set. With this increased demand may come opportunities for promotion or to negotiate higher salaries. No doubt you will reap many benefits when you experience working abroad. Why not start planning your travels abroad today?

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