9+ Proverbs about Patience that You Must Know!

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Proverbs about Patience

Proverbs about Patience: There is a famous quote about patience by Aristotle: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”  It suggests that while patience can be difficult to practice, especially during challenging times, the rewards that come from it are ultimately worthwhile and satisfying. If you want to read some more proverbs about patience, then this is the blog for you. In this post, you will find some of the well-known proverbs about patience along with their meaning which you can implement in your life. Let’s dive into the blog. 

Famous Proverbs about Patience For You!

Take a look at some of the famous proverbs about patience that will help you in the long run. We have also mentioned the meaning and examples of the same to get a better understanding. 

Patience is a Virtue

The phrase “Patience is a virtue” means that patience is a desirable quality or moral strength. It implies that being patient, or able to endure hardship or delay without becoming irritated, is a good thing.

Example: A child learning to ride a bike falls repeatedly, but with patience and perseverance, they eventually master the skill. That day he realised that ‘patience is a virtue’.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

“Good things come to those who wait” is a common saying that suggests that being patient and persistent will often lead to positive outcomes. It implies that if you are willing to wait for the right opportunity or the right moment, you are more likely to achieve success or happiness.

Example:  Alan had been working hard on the project and finally got a promotion. It is true that ‘good things come to those who wait.’

Haste Makes Waste

“Haste makes waste” means that doing things too quickly or carelessly often leads to mistakes or inefficiency. It’s a proverb that emphasises the importance of taking your time and being deliberate in your actions.

Example: If you rush through a task without paying attention to detail, you might make errors that could have been avoided if you had taken your time. This is where the saying goes ‘haste makes waste.’

A Watched Pot Never Boils

This proverb means that if you constantly watch something, especially something you’re waiting for, it seems to take longer to happen. It suggests that anxiety and impatience can slow down the process.

Example: If you’re waiting for a pot of water to boil, constantly watching it can make it feel like it’s taking forever. However, if you distract yourself or do something else while waiting, the time will pass as a ‘watched pot never boils’.

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

It means that great things take time to achieve. It’s a reminder that patience and perseverance are essential for success.

Example: Building the ancient city of Rome was a massive undertaking that required centuries of planning, labour, and resources. It couldn’t be completed overnight, which is why the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy

“All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy” is a proverb that suggests that achieving success or mastery in anything often requires overcoming initial challenges and obstacles. It implies that the path to success is rarely straightforward and may involve setbacks, learning curves, and periods of frustration.

Example: Learning to ride a new bike can seem difficult at first, but as the saying goes ‘all things are difficult before they are easy’ it is all worth it in the end.

Patience is the Best Remedy for Every Trouble

It suggests that patience is the most effective way to deal with difficulties and challenges. It implies that waiting calmly and persevering through tough times will often lead to better outcomes than impulsive reactions or giving up.

Example: Imagine you’re applying for a job and you’ve been waiting for weeks to hear back. You may feel anxious and frustrated, but ‘patience is the best remedy for every solution.’

Patience Surpasses Learning

The phrase “Patience Surpasses Learning” implies that while knowledge and education are valuable, the ability to be patient often outweighs them in terms of achieving success and overcoming challenges.

Example: The person with more patience is more likely to persevere through difficulties, maintain a positive attitude, and ultimately achieve the project’s goals. This proves that ‘patience surpasses learning.’

Patience, Persistence and Perspiration Make an Unbeatable Combination for Success

The quote “Patience, Persistence and Perspiration Make an Unbeatable Combination for Success” emphasises the importance of three key qualities in achieving one’s goals: Patience, Persistence and Perspiration. Together, these three qualities create an unbeatable combination for success. 

Example: A professional athlete who trains tirelessly, maintains a positive attitude, and remains committed to their goals, despite setbacks and injuries, is demonstrating ‘patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.’

Also Read: Ancient Chinese Proverb You Must Know!

7+ Quotes about Patience

Patience is often rewarded with greater satisfaction and fulfilment. To help you with this, we have compiled a few well-known quotes about patience that will help you master this skill and use it wisely in your day-to-day life. 

Patience is the key to happiness.The greatest test of patience is self-patience.
Patience is the ability to hold onto hope when things are tough.Patience is a necessary ingredient of success.
The art of patience is to do nothing but wait, and to do it with a good heart.Be still, and know that I am God.
Patience is the art of hope.Patience is the companion of wisdom.
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What are some of the famous proverbs about patience in English?

Some of the famous proverbs about patience include ‘Patience attracts happiness, it brings near that which is far,’ ‘Patience is a virtue,’ and ‘Patience can help us achieve goals’ among others. 

What is the definition of the word ‘patience’?

The word ‘patience’ refers to the ability to wait for a long period without getting annoyed or upset.

What are 3 examples of patience?

Some of the best examples of the word ‘patience’ are ‘practising patience by standing in a long queue’, ‘being patient when the food is getting delayed’ and ‘reading a book patiently.’ 

This was all about the “proverb about patience along with their meaning.” Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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