German/Deutsch Prepositions: Learn Usage with Examples

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Deutsch Preposition: The German language is known for its complexity and precision which relies heavily on prepositions to convey the relationships between elements in a sentence. Embracing the complexities and mastering the usage of German/Deutsch prepositions is a rewarding journey that opens doors to fluency and a deeper understanding of the language’s intricacies. In this exploration, we dive into the world of German prepositions, understanding their varied meanings, cases, and usage in different contexts.

What are Deutsch Prepositions?

German prepositions, like their English counterparts, are words that establish relationships between nouns, pronouns, or phrases within a sentence. However, what sets German prepositions apart is their use of cases, specifically four: nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive.

List of Common Deutsch Prepositions in German

 German/Deutsch Prepositions

What are Prepositions in English?

A preposition is a brief word or collection of words that connects a sentence’s noun phrase to its body. To be more precise, a preposition usually describes an object’s motion or direction, its location or position, or some other connection to the other sentences in the phrase. There are a lot of prepositions, and you use them frequently without realizing it.

List of Prepositions in English

Also Read: How to Use the Preposition of To? [Rules & Examples]

Importance of Knowing German Prepositions

There are many advantages of German prepositions, here are a few of them:

  1. Grammar Accuracy: Prepositions play a significant role in German grammar. They dictate the case of the noun or a pronoun following them. In German vocabulary, prepositions take the role of accusative, dative, or genitive case, depending on the context.
  2. Communication: Prepositions are essential for effective communication in German. Using the wrong preposition can lead to misunderstanding and confusion.
  3. Writing Skills: Proper use of prepositions enhances your writing skills in German. Whether you’re writing a formal letter, an academic paper, or a creative piece, using prepositions correctly demonstrates your command of the language

Nominative Preposition Usage with Examples

Nominative prepositions in the German language refer to the subject of the sentence. Here is the list of nominative prepositions for your reference in the table below.

German PrepositionEnglish TranslationExamples  in German and English
ausout ofEr kommt aus Berlin. (He comes from Berlin.)
beiat, withIch bin bei meiner Freundin. (I am with my friend.)
mitwithIch gehe mit meinem Bruder. (I am going with my brother.)
nachto, afterWir fliegen nach Paris. (We are flying to Paris.)
seitsinceIch lerne Deutsch seit einem Jahr. (I have been learning German for a year.)
vonfrom, ofDas ist das Buch von Peter. (That is Peter’s book.)
zutoIch gehe zu meinem Arzt. (I am going to my doctor.)
gegenüberacross from, oppositeDas Restaurant ist gegenüber dem Bahnhof. (The restaurant is across from the train station.)

Explore this blog Prepositions: Definition, Types, Examples, and Exercise

Accusative Preposition Usage with Examples

The accusative prepositions denote the direct object of the sentence. Here is the list of accusative prepositions in the German Language.

German PrepositionEnglish TranslationExamples  in German and English
durchthroughWir gehen durch den Park. (We walk through the park.)
fürforIch kaufe das Geschenk für meinen Bruder. (I am buying the gift for my brother.)
gegenagainstEr ist gegen die Wand gelaufen. (He walked against the wall.)
ohnewithoutSie geht ohne ihren Regenschirm aus. (She goes out without her umbrella.)
umaround, atWir laufen um den See. (We walk around the lake.)
entlangalongDer Weg führt entlang dem Fluss. (The path runs along the river.)

Also Read: Preposition and Prepositional Phrases: Meaning & Examples

Dative Preposition Usage with Examples

The dative preposition case denotes the indirect object of the sentence. Here is the list of dative prepositions in the German Language with examples.

German PrepositionEnglish TranslationExamples in German and English
ausout of, fromEr kommt aus dem Haus. (He comes from the house.)
beiat, near, withIch bin bei meiner Familie. (I am with my family.)
mitwithIch esse mit meinen Freunden. (I am eating with my friends.)
nachto, afterWir gehen nach Hause. (We are going home.)
seitsinceIch lerne Deutsch seit einem Monat. (I have been learning German for a month.)
vonfrom, ofDas ist das Auto von meinem Vater. (That is the car of my father.)
zutoIch gehe zu meinem Freund. (I am going to my friend.)
gegenüberacross from, oppositeDas Café ist gegenüber dem Park. (The café is across from the park.)

Also Read: Pictures for Preposition: Master the 4 Types through Visuals [PDF Available]

Genitive Preposition Usage with Examples

The genitive prepositions denote possession. Listed below are some common examples for your reference.

German PrepositionEnglish TranslationExamples in German and English
währendduringEr liest während des Films. (He reads during the movie.)
trotzdespite, in spite ofTrotz des Regens gehen wir spazieren. (Despite the rain, we are going for a walk.)
wegenbecause of, due toDer Flug wurde wegen des Sturms abgesagt. (The flight was canceled because of the storm.)
stattinstead of, in place ofIch trinke Tee statt Kaffee. (I am drinking tea instead of coffee.)
innerhalbwithinDie Antwort kam innerhalb einer Stunde. (The answer came within an hour.)
außerhalboutside ofDer Parkplatz ist außerhalb des Gebäudes. (The parking lot is outside of the building.)

Read this exciting blog on Nouns

Worksheet on German/Deutsch Prepositions (Download PDF)

Also Read: What are Prepositions? Definition, Types, Examples & Exercise

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What is dative in German?

The dative case is used to indicate the indirect object of a sentence. It answers the question: To or for whom?

How many types of prepositions are there in the German language?

There are specifically four types of Deutsch prepositions: nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive.

Give a few examples of Deutsch Prepositions.

aus (from): Ich komme aus Deutschland. (I come from Germany.)
bei (at, with): Ich bin bei meiner Freundin. (I am with my friend.)
mit (with): Ich gehe mit meinem Bruder. (I am going with my brother.)
nach (to): Wir fliegen nach Paris. (We are flying to Paris.)
seit (since): Ich lerne Deutsch seit einem Jahr. (I have been learning German for a year.)

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