How to Answer, “What Do You Do In Your Free Time” in an Interview?

6 minute read
What do you do in a free time

Being asked “What do you do in your free time?” elicits a range of responses from the candidates in an interview, including giving irrelevant details to the interviewer. So how does one answer this question without embarrassing themselves in front of the hiring panel? This blog will explore the reasons why interviewers raise this question in the interview, along with some tips and tricks, expert advice, and samples to answer it correctly and impress the interviewer. Read on to know more!

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Why do Interviewers ask “What do You do in Your Free Time”?

Interviewers ask “What do you do in your free time?” for several reasons:

1. Cultural Fit: They want to gauge whether your interests and lifestyle align with the company’s culture and values.

2. Work-Life Balance: It helps them understand how you manage your work-life balance and if you have healthy ways to recharge.

3. Soft Skills: Your hobbies and activities can reveal important soft skills, such as teamwork, creativity, or perseverance, that might be relevant to the job.

4. Personality Insight: It provides a glimpse into your personality and helps the interviewer see you as a well-rounded individual beyond your professional qualifications.

Now that you know the reason behind it, let’s take a look at some ways that will help you answer the query accurately.

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Tips and Tricks to Answer “What Do You Do in Your Free Time”

The question “What do you do in your free time” can be approached in multiple ways. You must give your response a great deal of thought and consideration, as replying in haste can cause it to backfire on you. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you answer this question effectively:

1. Keep it Honest, But Professional

The first thing to do would be to answer professionally. Respond honestly as the recruiters can spot lies and flatteries in an instant. While there are no right or wrong answers, trying to fake your interests can reduce your chances of being hired.

2. Talk About Your Passions and Interests

Discuss things that you’re passionate about and knowledgeable about. Choose to talk about hobbies and passions that you pursue from time to time instead of once in a blue moon, as you’re likely to be more confident in the former. Apart from showing the interviewer that you’re being genuine, it helps you answer other queries that may follow if the interviewer shares the same interests as you.

3. Connect It to The Role You’re Applying for

Tracing your hobbies and interests back to the position that you’re applying for will require creativity. Doing this leaves a lasting impression on the recruiters, helping them visualize you as the perfect fit for the role. For instance, telling the interviewer that your storytelling skills make you qualified to handle customers in a sales call. In short, show your recruiter how your interests can benefit your work as well.

4. Elaborate Your Answer

Last but not least, the question “What do you do in your free time” warrants a proper explanation to the interviewer. Give fewer details in your first reply and then answer the questions that follow, giving the recruiter room to ask questions in their own time. But do elaborate your response properly when asked to.

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Expert Advice

Despite the casual nature of this question, you can easily lose track of your answer. To prevent that from happening, go through the following tips to know what NOT to talk about when answering this question:

1. Avoid Talking About Unprofessional Hobbies

While this point has already been mentioned above, it needs to be paid extra attention. Don’t talk about any hobbies that could tarnish your image in the recruiter’s mind. For instance, don’t mention that go out to drink every night, making the interviewer think that you will not be able to manage the next day’s work after the night’s shenanigans.

2. Avoid Choosing a Lazy Hobby

Things like browsing social media, playing video games, and watching TV come under lazy hobbies. While there’s nothing wrong with spending your free time doing all this, listing these activities as hobbies might make you come across as unambitious. Try to mention a more mentally stimulating activity as a hobby, like playing chess.

3. Don’t Choose Activities That Interfere With Work

While answering “What do you do in your free time”, present your hobbies in such a way that they appear to be aiding your work rather than interfering with it. Choosing to highlight grand interests might indicate that you will prioritize them more instead of your work.

4. Avoid Cliche Answers

Lastly, avoid giving cliche answers. It will neither provide the employer with any information they want about you and your personality nor will it provide you with authenticity in their eyes.

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“What do You do In Your Free Time”: Samples Answers

Here are some sample answers that you can use to answer the question “What do you do in your free time”:

Sample answer 1: In my free time, I enjoy reading books of different genres and topics. I find reading to be a great way to relax, learn new things, and expand my horizons. Some of the books I have recently read are [mention some of the books you have recently]. Reading also helps me improve my vocabulary, writing, and critical thinking skills.

Sample answer 2: In my free time, I like to play chess online and with my friends. Chess is a game that challenges me to think strategically, creatively, and logically. I also like to watch chess videos and learn from the best players in the world. Playing chess helps me develop my concentration, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities.

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Q.1. What do you do in your free time answers?

Ans: Here are some pointers on how to answer the question “What do you do in your free time”:

-Using hobbies to highlight your skills.
-Carefully considering what to share.
-Connecting your hobbies and interests with the role you are applying for.
-Tell recruiters about your achievements.

Q.2. What should a student do in their free time?

Ans: If a student has free time on their hands, they can indulge in any of the following activities:

-Participate in physical activities, like dancing, exercising, swimming and so on.
-Read a novel, magazine, or comic.
-Write in a journal.
-Develop a new hobby or skill.
-Volunteer for community service.

Q.3. How do you spend your free time in IELTS?

Ans: Here are some of the free time activities that you can mention during an IELTS test:

-Enjoy some quality time with your parents or children by taking them for a walk outside.
-Have fun with indoor games such as chess, computer games, and so on.
-Stay fit and healthy by going out for a walk, a run, or any other exercise you like.
-Learn something new and exciting like singing, playing musical instruments, cooking, dancing, sports, art, and so on
-Catch up with your friends and share some laughs and stories with them.

Also Read: How to Answer, ‘Tell Me About a Time You Failed?’ 

We hope this blog was able to help you understand how to answer the question “What do you do in your free time”. For more information regarding interview preparation, stay tuned to Leverage Edu. Best of luck!

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