You Can Say That Again Meaning, Examples and Synonyms 

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You can say that again

The meaning of the idiom “you can say that again” is used to express complete agreement with something that is just said. 

When you use the idiom you can say that again it means that you have agreed with whatever discussion has taken place in the room.

It is frequently used on a day-to-day basis to express agreement on any topic or discussion. It is common to hear this idiom in regular conversations. 

Usage with Examples 

“You can say that again” can be used in various scenarios. It can be used with family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. 

However, when you are using this idiom in a formal setting make sure to keep a check on your tone so that people in disagreement are not offended. 

In reality, it is used to express strong agreement with a discussion or express accordance with another person’s point of view. 

Mentioned below are some examples where you can use the idiom you can say that again:

  • “The weather is very humid”, he said. I replied, “You can say that again”. 
  • “The girl’s dress is really cute”, said her friend. “You can say that again”, she replied. 
  • “I am glad that you survived the accident”. “You can say that again”, she replied. 

Also Read: Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences and Meanings

Synonyms and Similar Words to You Can Say That Again

Mentioned below are some synonyms and related words to ‘you can say that again’:

  • Repeat 
  • Recapitulate 
  • Reiterate 
  • You said it 
  • Tell me about it 
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You Can Say That Again Meaning Quiz 

“You can say that again”, said my boss in response to HR’s:

  • People who have achieved their target will get a hike in the next cycle.
  • People who have achieved their target will be demoted. 
  • People who have achieved their target will be fired.

Ans: People who have achieved their target will get a hike in the next cycle.

Also Read: Idioms for IELTS

This was all about the idiom you can say that again meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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