
Top 10 Idioms for Money You Should Know!

2 minute read

“Idioms” may spice up a sentence and simplify expressing one’s thoughts or sentiments. Learning idioms is also a crucial part of enhancing your English speaking skills. Idioms, however, might have different meanings and applications depending on the context, thus it’s crucial to comprehend the circumstance before utilising them. Here are the top 10 idioms related to money, along with their meanings and examples:

Break the Bank

Meaning: To spend a lot of money or exceed one’s budget.

Example: “I can’t afford that luxury vacation; it would break the bank.”

Rolling in Dough

Meaning: To be very wealthy or have a lot of money.

Example: “After his successful business venture, he’s been rolling in dough.”

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Meaning: Someone who is extremely frugal and careful with their money.

Example: “Even though he’s well-off, he’s a penny-pincher and rarely spends on anything unnecessary.”

Cash Cow

Meaning: A consistent and reliable source of income or profits.

Example: “Their new product became a cash cow, bringing in huge profits month after month.”

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Broke the Bank

Meaning: To deplete all available funds; to spend more than expected or affordable.

Example: “The unexpected medical bills broke the bank for the family.”

Cost an Arm and a Leg

Meaning: Something that is very expensive.

Example: “The designer dress she bought for the party cost her an arm and a leg.”

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In the Black

Meaning: To be financially successful; having a positive balance or making a profit.

Example: “Thanks to the recent sales surge, the company is finally back in the black.”

On a Shoestring Budget

Meaning: Operating with very limited funds or resources.

Example: “They managed to start their business on a shoestring budget, but it’s grown steadily.”

Also Read: Idioms for Beginners

Money Talks

Meaning: The power and influence that come with having a lot of money.

Example: “In politics, money talks; wealthy individuals often have a significant say.”

Rob Peter to Pay Paul

Meaning: To take from one source to pay off another, often resulting in a cycle of debt or financial instability.

Example: “She had to rob Peter to pay Paul, taking a loan to cover her credit card debt.”

Also Read: Idioms for Teachers

To read more about idioms you can check our page at Leverage Edu.

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