Idioms for Beginners: Top 10 Idioms for Beginners That You Should Know!

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Idioms are phrases used to describe a particular expression or feeling. There are a few typical idioms which can be used to describe beginners. Here are a few idioms listed for your easy reference in the blog below. Let’s discover their meanings with appropriate examples.  

Bite the Bullet

Meaning: To face a difficult situation bravely, even though it’s unpleasant.

Example: “I know studying for exams is tough, but you’ll have to bite the bullet and start preparing.”

Break a Leg

Meaning: A way to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or important event.

Example: “You’re going to do great in the school play tonight! Break a leg!”

Also Read: 150 Common: Difficult Idioms with Example

Piece of Cake

Meaning: Something that is very easy to do.

Example: “Don’t worry about that math problem; it’s a piece of cake!”

Cost an Arm and a Leg

Meaning: Something that is very expensive.

Example: “Buying that designer handbag would cost an arm and a leg.”

Also Read: Idioms for Surprise

Hit the Nail on the Head

Meaning: To describe something exactly right or to be accurate.

Example: “Your explanation about the issue hit the nail on the head.”

Cry Over Spilled Milk

Meaning: To worry about something that has already happened and can’t be changed.

Example: “I know you made a mistake, but there’s no use crying over spilled milk.”

A Piece of the Pie

Meaning: A share in something, often referring to a portion of profits or benefits.

Example: “If the business succeeds, everyone will get a piece of the pie.”

Also Read: Idioms for Studying Hard

Caught Red-Handed

Meaning: To be caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal.

Example: “The thief was caught red-handed stealing from the store.”

Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Meaning: There is something positive in every negative situation.

Example: “Losing my job was tough, but it gave me time to pursue my passion. Every cloud has a silver lining.”

Also Read: Idioms for health

This was all about idioms for beginners: Top 10 Idioms for Beginners That You Should Know! Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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