11 Best Hard Work Proverbs That Can Change Your Life

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Hard work proverbs: Did you know? The proverbs are short quotes that can change the lives of people for their betterment. They came into existence to give valuable lessons to mankind. These great lessons came into the lives of human beings after they came across different situations. So that, they can learn from their experiences and walk through various phases of life with courage. They are presented to society in such a way as to motivate people and bring them to the path of success and hard work. Hard work has high importance in the lives of people, as when the fruit of it comes, it just gives another feeling. So, let’s explore some of the best proverbs about hard work to find strength in your hard times. 

Must Read: 100+ Common Proverbs with Meaning and Examples

5 Commonly Used Hard Work Proverbs in English

Somebody, who constantly works hard knows how it can lead them to success. If you read the biographies of great people you will learn how they achieved such greatness. It will come out that hard work was an important factor in the lives of a great person due to which he achieved so much. Here, are the 5 most commonly used English proverbs on Hard work.

Common Proverbs on Hard WorkMeaning in English 
God helps those who help themselvesOne of the popular proverbs that gives a lesson is to keep working hard and never leave things to God. If you work harder for your dreams, then God will also help you achieve them.
If you work hard enough at it, you can grind even an iron rod down to a needle.The Chinese proverb explains the idea that everything is possible when you are willing to work hard on that thing every day with full enthusiasm.
Many hands make light workWorking together with unity can make the hardest task easier. You can complete the work in less time if you work in a group.
A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.A hard-working person is always better than a careless and lazy person. Hardworking can achieve huge success, while lazy people will only bring poverty.
The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labour.Diligent and hard-working people have the best chances of getting higher positions. However, the lazy person will be appointed to work on less desirable tasks under somebody else.
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5+ Inspirational Hard Work Proverbs for Youth

Hard Work Proverbs give an important message that inspires people. They get the motivation that they can achieve so many things with the help of hard work. Let’s discuss some of the Hard work proverbs with proper explanation.

1. Go To The Ant, O Sluggard; Consider Her Ways, And Be Wise. Without Having Any Chief, Officer, Or Ruler, She Prepares Her Bread In Summer And Gathers Her Food In Harvest.

Meaning: The proverb gives us a lesson about the importance of hard work and patience. It explains that a little sleep, a little laziness, and a little folding of hands to others will only bring poverty to you. Learn from an ant who without having any ruler prepares for his food the whole summer and gathers food for the winter.

2. The Plans Of The Diligent Lead Surely To Abundance, But Everyone Who Is Hasty Comes Only To Poverty.

Hard work proverbs

Meaning: The verse shows the conflict between careless choices and hasty decisions. It explains that the people who think well before acting will be able to get better results than the persons who act fast. The English proverb is a general statement that is not correct some chances that fast-acting people can suffer losses, and careless people can bring a barrier in the path of success. 

3. Love Not Sleep, Lest You Come To Poverty; Open Your Eyes, And You Will Have Plenty Of Bread.

Meaning: Another hard work proverb explains the importance of it in human life. It directly gives the message that if you love to sleep, it will bring poverty into your life. So, instead of giving so much importance to sleep, awaken and work hard to achieve plenty of things in life. There are times when we have to leave our comfort zone and push ourselves to work hard.

4. Wealth Gained Hastily Will Dwindle, But Whoever Gathers Little By Little Will Increase It.

Meaning: Work hard to slowly gain goods and materials that have a higher value. Achieving small goals will lead to achieving huge success by continuing to work hard. The people will learn to achieve small things with hard work. If you gain wealth fast in ways that are easy and wrong, then it will diminish fast.

5. The Sluggard Does Not Plow In The Autumn; He Will Seek Harvest And Have Nothing.

Hard work proverbs

Meaning: In the English hard work proverb Solomon, the biblical Israelite king criticises laziness. He explains that it is a sign of a lazy person who does not work when needed. When they are not able to do planting on time they regret later at the time of harvesting.

6. Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

proverbs about hard work

Meaning: The proverbs provide the idea of committing something completely to God. If we commit our works to God, then he will make the plans to get our work done. It does not tell you to completely leave work and only depend on God, but to pray to him every day when you start to work.


What do proverbs say about hard work verses?

Proverbs often emphasise that hard work leads to success and rewards, while laziness results in poverty and failure. For example, “Hard work pays off” and “No pain, no gain.”

What are 5 positive quotes on hard work?

The 5 most positive quotes on hard work are:-
1. “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” —Pelé
2. “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” —Colin Powell
3. “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” —John C. Maxwell
4. “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.” —Vidal Sassoon
5. “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” —Ann Landers

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This was all about the best hard-work proverbs that you can find motivation in. Hope you understand the concept and know how to proceed. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to grammar. 

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