Drop The Ball Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

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Drop The Ball

Drop the ball meaning is to make a mistake or be unable to handle a critical situation. This idiomatic expression is also used to signify a state of failure or mistake due to which one could not complete his/her responsibilities. It is used in an informal conversation to denote a negative consequence of one’s mistake. This phrase comes from the dropping ball scenario which is supposed to be caught or kept in motion when thrown. The given idiom suggests that someone has experienced failure as a result of discontinuity. 

Also read: On The Ball Idiom Meaning, Examples, and Synonyms

Usage with Examples

This idiom is used when a person stops a task before the task is accomplished. It is also used in case of encountering failure in a critical situation which could be handled cautiously. Here, the word ball is personified with a task or situation. Thus, it is used when a person drops/neglects any task or situation and fails to handle it. 

Given below are the example sentences of the given phrase:

  • The manager organized the annual meeting and scheduled it one month prior so that no one in the organization drops the ball for this annual meeting.
  • The project team dropped the ball as they could deliver the assigned task at the scheduled time.

Also read: Useful Idioms with Examples, Sentences, and Meaning

Synonyms and Similar Words to Drop The Ball Meaning

Mentioned below are the synonyms and similar words to the given idiom:

  • Fumble
  • Mess up
  • Let down
  • Err
  • Lose Track
  • Mishandle
  • Slip up
  • Go awry
  • Flub
  • Fall short
  • Blunder
  • Fail
  • Mismanage
  • Scew up
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Drop The Ball Meaning Quiz

She ____________ as she was unable to deliver the order of her customers on time. Fill the blank space with the appropriate idiom given below:

  1. Dropped the ball
  2. On the ball 
  3. The ball is in the court

Ans: a. Dropped the ball

This was all about the idiom ‘drop the ball’ meaning and examples. I hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow Leverage Edu.

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