Collective Noun Excercises: Download Worksheet

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Collective Noun Excercises

Grammar can be fun when you learn it the right way! Practice with the Collective Noun exercises and discover how words come together to describe groups of people, animals, or things. Ever wondered what to call a group of acrobats or a bunch of clowns? This exercise will help you master collective nouns with easy examples and engaging sentences. Strengthen your grammar skills while having fun with words. Let’s dive in and make learning collective nouns exciting!

What are Collective Nouns?

Collective nouns are words that represent a group of people, animals, or things as a single entity. Instead of saying “many birds,” we say “a flock of birds.” Instead of “several ships,” we use “a fleet of ships.” These nouns make sentences more concise and engaging while adding clarity to communication.

Read More:

What is Collective Nouns: Definition, Examples and Exercises
Collective Noun for Class 3: Definition, Exercise [PDF Available]

Collective Noun Examples

Let us understand some useful Collective Noun examples quickly and easily before we start solving collective noun exercises.

Collective NounExplanationExample Usage
Flock of birdsA group of birds flying or moving together.A flock of birds flew across the sky.
Herd of cowsA large group of grazing animals like cows or deer.The farmer owns a herd of cows.
Swarm of beesA large group of flying insects, especially bees.A swarm of bees gathered around the hive.
Pack of wolvesA group of wild animals, like wolves or dogs, that live and hunt together.A pack of wolves was spotted in the forest.
School of fishA group of fish swimming together in coordination.A school of fish swam near the coral reef.
Pride of lionsA family or social group of lions living together.The pride of lions rested under the tree.
Colony of antsA large organized group of ants living and working together.A colony of ants built a nest in the garden.
Gaggle of geeseA group of geese, especially when on land or in water.A gaggle of geese waddled near the pond.
Troop of monkeysA group of monkeys travelling and living together.A troop of monkeys played in the jungle.
Bouquet of flowersA collection of flowers arranged together.She received a bouquet of flowers for her birthday.

Collective Noun Excercise with Answers

To understand the topic more in-depth let us practice some Collective Noun exercises listed below.

Exercise 1: MCQs on Collective Noun

Instruction: Choose the correct collective noun for each sentence:

1. After a successful hunt, a ______ of lions rested lazily under the big shady tree.

a) Flock

b) Pride

c) Herd

d) Swarm

2. The fisherman was thrilled to see a massive ______ of fish swimming together in the river.

a) Pack

b) School

c) Bunch

d) Flock

3.  The ______ of judges carefully discussed before announcing the winner of the singing competition.

a) Jury

b) Team

c) Committee

d) Group

4. The farmer led his ______ of cattle across the field as the sun began to set.

a) Crowd

b) Herd

c) Swarm

d) Cluster

5. A buzzing ______ of bees surrounded the colourful flowers, collecting nectar.

a) Swarm

b) Pack

c) Fleet

d) Colony

6. The students gave a warm welcome as their ______ of teachers entered the school auditorium.

a) Crew

b) Faculty

c) Army

d) Troop

7. The audience clapped and cheered as the ______ of musicians played a beautiful melody.

a) Team

b) Choir

c) Orchestra

d) Pack

8. A ______ of ships set sail for a long journey across the deep blue ocean.

a) Fleet

b) Stack

c) Row

d) Cluster

9. The hikers were startled when they saw a ______ of wolves moving through the forest.

a) Flock

b) Troop

c) Pack

d) School

10.  The library shelves were neatly stacked with a ______ of books, ready for readers.

a) Bunch

b) Stack

c) Bundle

d) Pile

11. A loud ______ of geese flew across the sky in perfect formation.

a) Pack

b) Gaggle

c) Herd

d) Troop

12. The mountain climbers were surprised to see a ______ of eagles soaring above the peaks.

a) Fleet

b) Flock

c) Convocation

d) Cluster

13. A ______ of experts was called to discuss the environmental crisis.

a) Team

b) Panel

c) Assembly

d) Jury

14. The ship captain navigated carefully through a ______ of icebergs in the Arctic waters.

a) Stack

b) Field

c) Cluster

d) Group

15. The ancient temple was protected by a ______ of monks who dedicated their lives to prayer.

a) Brotherhood

b) Troop

c) Congregation

d) Order

16. A ______ of dancers performed a mesmerising routine at the cultural festival.

a) Crowd

b) Troupe

c) Assembly

d) Party

17. The president was welcomed by a ______ of journalists eager to ask questions.

a) Group

b) Press

c) Council

d) Panel

18. A ______ of mountains stretched across the horizon, covered in thick clouds.

a) Chain

b) Range

c) Cluster

d) Belt

19. The chef carefully selected a ______ of herbs to enhance the dish’s flavour.

a) Flock

b) Collection

c) Bouquet

d) Pack

20. A ______ of sailors worked tirelessly to prepare the ship for departure.

a) Pack

b) Crew

c) Gang

d) Regiment

1. Pride 
2. School 
3. Jury 
4. Herd 
5. Swarm 
6. Faculty 
7. Orchestra 
8. Fleet 
9. Pack 
10. Pile
11. Gaggle 
12. Convocation 
13. Panel 
14. Field 
15. Brotherhood 
16. Troupe 
17. Press 
18. Range 
19. Bouquet 
20. Crew

Exercise 2:  Complete the Story with Collective Nouns

Instruction: Complete the story with the correct collective noun from the given options.

Story 1: The Magical Garden

Lily and her friends visited a hidden garden said to have magical powers. As they stepped inside, they saw a (i)______ of peacocks spreading their beautiful feathers under the sunlight. Near the pond, a (ii)______ of frogs croaked in harmony, making the place feel even more magical.

Options for (i)

a) Ostentation

b) Swarm

c) Flock

d) Group

Options for (ii)

a) Troop

b) Army

c) Cluster

d) Pack

(i) a. Ostentation 
(ii) b. Army

Story 2: The Ancient Castle

Archaeologists discovered a long-lost castle buried under layers of history. Inside, they found a (i)______ of paintings hanging on the stone walls, each telling a different story of the past. In the grand hall, a (ii)______ of chandeliers still hung from the ceiling, covered in dust but still majestic.

Options for (i)

a) Gallery

b) Stack

c) Cluster

d) Collection

Options for (ii)

a) Row

b) Array

c) Chain

d) Glimmer

(i) a. Gallery 
(ii) d. Glimmer

Story 3: The Seaside Mystery

Detective Ray was called to a quiet seaside village to investigate a missing treasure. As he walked along the shore, he noticed a (i)______ of crabs moving sideways across the sand. Looking up, he saw a (ii)______ of seagulls circling above, as if guiding him towards a hidden clue.

Options for (i)

a) Cast

b) Group

c) Swarm

d) Cluster

Options for (ii)

a) Flock

b) Pack

c) Squadron

d) Flight

(i) a. Cast 
(ii) c. Squadron

Story 4: The Circus Show

The circus arrived in town, bringing joy to children and adults alike. A (i)______ of acrobats performed daring stunts high above the stage. Meanwhile, a (ii)______ of clowns entertained the crowd with their funny tricks and bright costumes.

Options for (i)

a) Troupe

b) Crew

c) Ensemble

d) Team

Options for (ii)

a) Bunch

b) Pack

c) Assembly

d) Band

(i) a. Troupe 
(ii) d. Band

Story 5: The Bakery Contest

At the annual baking contest, a (i)______ of chefs prepared their best recipes to impress the judges. On the display table, a (ii)______ of cupcakes, pastries, and cookies was arranged beautifully, making everyone’s mouth water.

Options for (i)

a) Brigade

b) Panel

c) Jury

d) Crew

Options for (ii)

a) Row

b) Stack

c) Spread

d) Bundle

(i) a. Brigade 
(ii) c. Spread

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with Collective Nouns

Instruction: Read each riddle carefully and guess the correct collective noun that fits the description.

Set 1

1. A group of elephants ___

2. A collection of grapes ___

3. A group of ships ___

4. A team of doctors ___

5. A group of stars ___

6. A row of houses ___

7. A group of thieves ___

8. A stack of papers ___


1. A Herd 
2. A Cluster 
3. A Fleet 
4. A Board 
5. A Constellation 
6. A Row 
7. A Gang 
8. A Ream 

Set 2

1. A collection of stamps ___

2. A group of geese ___

3. A group of musicians ___

4. A group of judges ___

5. A bundle of sticks ___

6. A group of dancers ___

7. A group of mountains ___

8. A collection of tools ___


1. An Album 
2. A Gaggle 
3. A Band 
4. A Bench 
5. A Faggot 
6. A Troupe 
7. A Range 
8. A Kit

Set 3

1. A group of cows ___

2. A set of drawers ___

3. A group of directors ___

4. A swarm of ants ___

5. A group of rabbits ___

6. A collection of poems ___

7. A group of puppies ___

8. A gathering of worshippers ___


1. A Drove 
2. A Chest 
3. A Board 
4. An Army 
5. A Warren
6. An Anthology 
7. A Litter  
8. A Congregation 

Exercise 5: Collective Noun Riddles

Instruction: Read each riddle carefully and guess the correct collective noun that fits the description.

Q1. I am a group of singers performing in harmony. You will often find me in a church or at concerts. What am I?

Answer: A Choir

Q2. I am a group of experts gathered to discuss and give advice on an important matter. People respect my decisions. What am I?

Answer: A Panel

Q3. I am a collection of maps bound together in a book. Travelers and explorers often use me. What am I?

Answer: An Atlas

Q4. I am a set of rules or laws used as a reference. Lawyers and judges frequently refer to me. What am I?

Answer: A Code

Q5. I am a group of stars that form a recognisable pattern in the night sky. People love to gaze at me. What am I?

Answer: A Constellation

Q6. I am a collection of weapons stored in one place, ready for use in defence or battle. What am I?

Answer: An Arsenal

Q7. I am a group of people watching a play, a movie, or a sports event. My reaction can make a performer feel great. What am I?

Answer: An Audience

Q8. I am a group of beautiful flowers tied together, often given as a gift. What am I?

Answer: A Bouquet

Q9. I am a group of actors performing in a play or a movie. We work together to tell a story. What am I?

Answer: A Cast

Q10. I am a collection of ships controlled by a navy or a commander. I sail across the ocean. What am I?

Answer: An Armada

Q11. I am a group of islands located close to each other. Tourists love to visit me. What am I?

Answer: An Archipelago

Q12. I am a group of robbers planning or committing a crime together. People fear my presence. What am I?

Answer: A Gang

Q13. I am a set of bells tuned to sound pleasant together. People love to hear my melodies. What am I?

Answer: A Carillon

Q14. I am a group of angels, often described in religious texts as messengers of peace and hope. What am I?

Answer: A Host

Q15. I am a collection of rare or valuable items displayed in a museum or for personal interest. What am I?

Answer: A Collection

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Collective Noun for SoldiersCollective Noun of Dolphins
Collective Noun of ElephantCollective Noun for Chickens
Collective Noun for CattleCollective Noun for Monkeys

Collective Noun Exercises: Download Worksheet

Here are some awesome Collective Noun exercises. If you are a parent or a teacher download this for your kids or students, respectively. If you are a student save this collective noun worksheet to practice questions.

Collective Noun Excercise Worksheet
Collective Noun Excercise Worksheet
Collective Noun Excercise Worksheet

Fun Facts

Collective nouns make the English language exciting and colourful. While we often use some common collective nouns suck as a herd of cattle or a pack of wolves, still there are many unique and interesting collective nouns that you might come across. 

ExamplesCollective NounFun Fact
Group of OwlsParliamentOwls are called a parliament because they symbolise wisdom in mythology, but in reality, they are mostly solitary.
Group of RhinosCrashRhinos can run up to 50 km/h, and their massive size makes Crash a perfect name for their group.
Group of CrowsMurderThe term murder comes from folklore, linking crows to mystery and death, but they are actually very intelligent birds.
Group of GeeseGaggleWhen on land, geese are a gaggle because of their noisy honking. In flight, they are a skein or wedge.
Group of MonkeysTroopMonkeys live in troops for protection, food gathering, and social bonding, with a dominant leader in charge.
Group of WhalesPodWhales communicate using songs that travel miles underwater, and some pod members stay together for life.
Group of CaterpillarsArmyBefore turning into butterflies, caterpillars move together in large groups or army for protection.
Clowder of  CatsClowderA group of cats is called a clowder, while a group of kittens is a kindle. Unlike dogs, cats prefer independence.
Group of BearsSleuthSleuth comes from an old word for detective, as bears are naturally curious and love to explore.
Group of CamelsCaravanCamels travel in caravans across deserts, surviving for days without water, making them the perfect transport animals.
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What are the 10 examples of Collective Nouns?

Ans. Here are 10 examples of Collective Nouns:
A flock of birds
A herd of cows
A swarm of bees
A pack of wolves
A school of fish
A pride of lions
A colony of ants
A gaggle of geese
A troop of monkeys
A bouquet of flowers

What is collective noun?

Ans. A collective noun is a word that represents a group of people, animals, or things as a single unit.

Can a collective noun be singular or plural?

Ans. Yes, a collective noun can be singular or plural. A collective noun is usually singular when referring to a group as one unit. Example: The team is winning). However, it can be plural if emphasises individuals within the group. Example: The team are arguing.

4. What are some advanced collective nouns and fun facts?

Ans. Some unique collective nouns include:
A murder of crows (used for a group of crows)
A parliament of owls (a group of owls)
A clowder of cats (a group of domestic cats)
A crash of rhinos (a group of rhinoceroses)

5. How can I improve my knowledge of collective nouns?

Ans. You can expand your vocabulary by reading, practising with a collective noun exercise, and exploring advanced collective nouns and fun facts. Using them in writing and conversations will help you remember them easily!

We hope this blog on Practice Grammar with Collective Noun Excercise was informative and helped you improve your English skills. You can also follow the Learn English page of Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs related to English grammar and the English language.

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