
7 Tips to Answer “What Makes You Unique?”

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What Makes You Unique

A lot of interviews contain a very popular question, ‘What makes you unique?’ This question can be a good opportunity for you to express your abilities, technical skills and attitude so that the interviewer can understand who you are and what benefits you can bring to their organization. By highlighting your insights through this question, you can stand out from other candidates and can challenge them for the position for which you are appearing. 

While answering the interview question, ‘What makes you unique?’ you need to focus on your individual qualities, experiences and characteristics that set you apart from other candidates. In this blog, we will provide you with some of the best tips to answer this question with sample answers.

Tips to Answer “What Makes You Unique?”

Sometimes answering simple questions like describing your qualities can make you sweat, especially during a job interview or a self-introduction, where the interviewer is ready to judge you based on your verbal skills and how you express yourself. The famous question ‘What makes you unique?’ can be answered very quickly if you follow the below-listed tips.

Self-Reflection And Authentic

Try to take some time to reflect on your personal qualities, skills, experiences and accomplishments. Consider what sets you apart from others and makes you stand out. Your answer should be genuine to who you are. Avoid exaggeration or trying to present yourself as someone you’re not.

Also read: Samples for Self-Introduction in Technical Interview

Focus on Strengths and Examples

Highlight your strengths and positive attributes. What are you good at? What do people often compliment you for? These are qualities that make you unique. Use concrete examples to illustrate your uniqueness. Share anecdotes or instances where your qualities or skills have made a difference.

Balance Humility and Confidence

It’s essential to be confident in your uniqueness, but avoid coming across as arrogant. Strike a balance by acknowledging your qualities without sounding boastful.

Inter-Personal and Problem-Solving Skills

Highlight your ability to work well with others, communicate effectively, and build relationships. Interpersonal skills are often highly valued. If applicable, mention how your approach to problem-solving or creativity sets you apart. Give examples of times when you’ve tackled challenges in innovative ways.

Also read: How to Ace Your Self Introduction in Interview?

Diversity of Experiences

If you’ve experienced different fields, such as studying abroad, volunteering, or working in different industries, talk about how these experiences have shaped your perspective and made you unique.

Impact and Future Aspirations

Discuss how your uniqueness led to a positive impact on your personal life, work, or the people around you. Connect your uniqueness to your future goals and aspirations. Explain how your qualities will continue to contribute to your growth and success.

Consciousness and Confidence in Diversity

While you want to provide enough detail, make sure your response is concise and engaging. Avoid rambling or going off on tangents. Embrace the idea that everyone is unique in their own way. Celebrate your individuality while respecting the uniqueness of others.

Also Read: Strength and Weakness in Job Interviews

Sample Answers for “What Makes You Unique?”

Individuals preparing for their next interview can consider the sample answer given below:

Sample 1

“Thanks for asking this question! What makes me unique and sets me apart from others is a combination of my experiences, passions and personal qualities. With a curiosity for exploring different cultures and understanding others’ perspectives, I’ve travelled to several countries, engaged with different cultures and had meaningful conversations. With these experiences, I’ve developed strong communication skills that have allowed me to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

There is one experience that I would like to share with you. I once volunteered for a local community program, where I used my content writing skills to create an attractive and quality article for the local newspaper.  This blend of creativity and social consciousness is something I’m proud of.

Moreover, I believe in my ability to bridge the gap between people’s understanding by volunteering myself. For me, this is a rewarding opportunity to know that I can make a difference using my skills and passions. I appreciate the journey of self-discovery and I am excited to see how my uniqueness will continue to shape my life and relationships.”

Also Read: How to Crack a Personal Interview?

Sample 2

Here is another sample to answer this interview question that you can consider.

“I am glad that you asked this question. My uniqueness relies on the fact that I have personal experience with good adaptability and a passion for continuous learning.

Firstly, I have a working experience of 3 years in Marketing, during which I’ve had the privilege to work on multiple projects. These experiences have equipped me with a deep understanding of writing blogs and articles and editing videos.

What truly sets me apart is my adaptability. I have a track record of thriving in dynamic environments and embracing challenges. In my previous role, I was entrusted by my senior manager. That experience demonstrated my ability to quickly grasp new concepts and contribute effectively.

Furthermore, I am passionate about continuous learning. I proactively seek opportunities to expand my skill set and stay updated with the latest industry trends. In addition to my professional attributes, I believe my creativity and punctuality in completing tasks on time have given me the recognition I wanted. Overall, my combination of experience, adaptability, passion for learning, and [personal trait] make me a unique candidate and I’m excited about contributing my skills to your organisation.”

Also Read: Handle Tough Interview Questions With Ease


Q.1. How to answer “What makes you unique?”

Ans. To highlight your uniqueness in an interview, you need to reflect on yourself and make sure that the information you are about to share is authentic and genuine, try to focus on your strengths and skills and how you used them in real life, share inter-personal and problem-solving skills, and talk about your future aspirations.

Q.2. How to make myself unique?

Ans. To make yourself unique, start with your looks and dressing style, and work on your intellectual skills, beliefs and attitude which sets you apart from others.

Q.3. How do I know that I’m unique from others?

Ans. Your uniqueness is reflected in your way of talking, how you dress for special occasions, how respectful you are to the people around you, what you do in your day-to-day activity, what a perfect day means to you, etc. It’s also reflected in how you deal with problems in your personal or professional life.

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For more such interesting content and some of the best tips on interview preparation, follow Leverage Edu.

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